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even as we must hate the garment spotted by the flesh, Jude, 23, because I look upon it as the work of hell, the avowed enemy of the Lord my GOD!

And if I have pourtrayed your forms in a disgusting light, it is that you may see, and be ASHAMED of all their BESTIALITY; for, well am I assured, did half your numerous body dream of the insults that they heap upon their GOD, they'd shrink within themselves, and tremble with a terrible alarm, lest God should cut them off ere faith in Him produced repentance.

Some will say, "you ought to respect our prejudices; nay, they must and shall be respected!" Ye impotent fools! the men of GoD respect the work of Satan! Never! "I never will conceal contempt of that which makes my GoD an idol;" and, had I but the power, 'twould be my business to show the hideous damning mumming in such a form, that those should be ASHAMED who followed it, and thus be pulled from out the burning flames. Jude, 2, 4.

Oh no, my friends, my charity is such, that if I see a fellow creature drowning by attempted self-destruction, however much he struggled hard against me, I'd drag him forth from danger by friendly force, and even risk, it might be, my own life. So is it now with you. Fain would I haul you out of the deceitful gulf in which your reckless obstinacy hourly sinks you deeper; and if, in drawing the rope a little tight around your waist, with which I've noosed you fairly, to bring you forth alive, I've turned the skin and hurt your feelings sore, it may be you'll turn round to beat your benefactor, even to loss of life. Even so, my friends, I can

and will forgive you, for, I thank my God, I trust I ever shall be happy to be called upon by Him, whenever it shall be His will to take me!

In conclusion, I think, may now be held, without much fear of contradiction, what was before asserted, viz., that Romanists, whilst professing the Nicene creed, show, by their subsequent declaration, ratified by oath, they do not believe one word of what they previously pretended to.

For, did they, surely never would they dare run counter to the Mighty God, by setting His commands so perfectly at nought.

Did they believe in the Saviour-in the sufficiency of His atonement, would they think of instituting another sacrifice to help out His?

Did they believe in the sanctifying influence of the Spirit to guide us to true knowledge, would they assume the right to hold the key of Scripture? Thus do they wish to have it assumed, that they identify themselves with the Spirit of Truth (even the Holy Ghost), which, in the Romish tract before alluded to, they do not scruple to declare. John, xvi. 13; xiv. 16, 17. Would their hellish priests pretend that they can help man into heaven, setting at nought the actual necessity of every one applying to God for sanctifying knowledge? Would they, above all, teach, that man can work his own way to GOD's salvation by merit, mass, and money?! Can these look for the resurrection of the dead, who sin determinedly against the Holy Spirit?

Can laymen look for resurrection who declare that they must all be plunged in supernatural fire? where

themselves admit they must remain till prayers of the living, oh miserabile dictu! redeem their souls to God. Verily will they wait there till eternity, if this be what they wait for. So truly shall the words of God be in them fulfilled, for out of their own mouths shall they be condemned. Job, xv. 6; Luke, xix. 22; and thus shall they find that God will be justified in His judg ment. Ps. li. 4; Rom. iii. 4.

GOD has declared that all that die in Him shall be in peace. Is. lvii. 1, 2; Rev. xiv. 13; Phil. i. 21. 23. 2 Cor. v. 8, 9. But these Romanists will tell Him, even HIM! and us, that they shall not be in peace! for that all who die in Him, must go to purgatory. Even so, let them! Even so, out of their own mouths will they condemn themselves! even so shall God be justified!!

Then, as to the life of the world to come, they are so utterly indifferent, that they have not the least scruple in doing that which will exclude them from it for ever! In their disobedience and disbelief of God's word, which they have left, to take up with "profane and old wives fables, and commandments of men, which turn from the truth." 1 Tim. iv. 7; Tit. i. 14. In which endless additions to the words of His mandate and His prophecy, they are as surely debarred from the blessings of the world to come, as there is truth in Scripture. Rev. xxii. 18, 19; Ex. xxxii. 33, &c. So that it is impossible to consider the absolute ruin which awaits them, without shuddering for their lost and inevitable condition, if they will not, whilst an hour is left them, turn to their all-merciful God, even unto

Him, who hourly and momentarily is crying unto the devout amongst them, saying, "Come out of her, my people-come out of her, that ye be not partakers in her sins, that ye receive not of her plagues." Rev. xviii. 4. "Depart ye, depart ye, go out from her, touch no unclean thing; go ye out of the midst of her: be ye clean, ye that bear the vessels of the Lord!"

Wherefore, my deceived countrymen of this communion, ye who really wish to serve the LORD, I pray ye to come out and be separate, and no longer touch the unclean thing, that the LORD may receive you, that he may be a father unto you, and that ye may be His sons and his daughters (2 Cor. vi. 17), as saith the LORD, the Mighty God, our everlasting Father, by the mouths of all His prophets, For what can it boot ye, "to partake of other mens' sins," but destruction? 1 Tim. v. 22. "Keep yourselves pure!"

And, my friends, be not deceived! Some of you are waiting, or are at least pretending, that you are only awaiting this "Emancipation," to throw up your support and countenance of this unparalleled assemblage of blasphemies. I tell you again, be not deceived! You are deceiving, not us, you cannot deceive GOD, you are only deceiving yourselves! Will any man tell me, who professes to believe that there is a GOD, such things, in the face of Scriptures such as these?

Be ye not unequally yoked with unbelievers! for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? what communion hath light with darkness? and what concord hath Christ with Belial? or, what

part he that believeth, with an infidel? 2 Cor. vi. 14, 15.

"It shall come to pass that every soul which will not hear that prophet (even Christ) shall be destroyed among the people." Acts, iii. 23.

"But we do believe this prophet," you'll reply, "we are only waiting until the disabilities are removed, under which our body labour, and then will we throw off the yoke of the priests, and the errors of our faith ; but we cannot before, because it would be unhandsome to leave them at this moment."


And what manner of answer wilt thou have to make to thy LoRD as touching this matter? "I did but wait, O LORD, for this one thing, to come to pass, because I was afraid lest men should say, I had deserted them."

"Afraid of man, thy fellow worm, and not afraid of me, thy God?!!

Did I not tell thee, when I was on earth, saying, "Whosoever shall confess me before man, him will I confess also before my Father which is in Heaven : but whosoever will deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in Heaven?" Mat. x. 32. Luke, xii. 8.

And how will it be with you, ye wretched barterers 'twixt GoD and Belial. "Is not HE faithful who has promised? Has He said it, and will He not surely do it? Is GoD a man that he should lie ?"

Has He said that He will deny you, and think you

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