The William Tyndale New, 2007 M03 1 - 352 páginas The William Tyndale translation of the New Testament was the first English language Bible to be printed and distributed to the people. Translated in 1526 against the express orders of the Catholic Church, it became contraband and illegal to own. Anyone caught with it was severely punished or executed for supporting heresey. William Tyndale's love for the word of God makes this a groundbreaking translation that served as the basis for English Bibles over the next 100 years. Tyndale himself lost his life because of this work, but as a result gave the world the opportunity to read God's word for themselves and to better understand His will. |
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angel apostles art thou baptised begat behold believe brethren brother called Capernaum cast Chapter Christ Iesu circumcision cometh commanded congregation dead death devil disciples earth evil faith father fear flesh Galile gave gentiles give given unto glory goeth gospell grace hand hath hear heard hearts heaven Herod high priests holy ghost Ierusalem Iesus answered Iesus said unto Ihon Israhel Iudas jewes judgement king kingdom kingdom of God kingdom of heaven lest Lord Iesus Christ master minister Moses Paul peace Peter pharises Pilate pray preached prophets received rejoice righteousness saboth day saith say unto scribes sent servant shew similitude Simon Peter sins spake speak spirit suffer synagogue temple thine things thorow thou art thou hast thou shalt thyself took unto thee Verily I say voice Wherefore whosoever William Tyndale witness word ye know yourselves