Imágenes de páginas

4. Give the rules for the Subjunctive after ut, utinam, cum, dum, and quod (because). What is the meaning of quominus, and after what expressions is it used? When may an Infinitive with its Subject Accusative stand independent in a sentence? When may the Subject of an Infinitive be in the Nominative ?


1. Decline deus, alius, tu, siquis, and audax, marking the quantity of penultimate and final syllables. Compare audax, multus, and nequam. Compare adverbs formed from audax, bonus, miser, and honorificus. Give the rules for the gender of formido, caput, pax, fas, and Tiberis.

2. Inflect the Future Indicative and Present Subjunctive of teneo, gero, sto, and fio, marking the quantity of all the syllables. Give the Infinitives of tollo and scribo. Give all the Participles of haurio and orior. Give the principal parts of uro, vendo, paro, pario, pareo, memini, and nanciscor.

3. What case or cases follow fido, jubeo, memini, præsum, existimo, pœnitet, contra, clam, and the interjection O? By what two cases may price or value be expressed, and when is one used and when the other? What case follows the comparative when quam is omitted? When is it necessary that quam be expressed? Give five important rules for the Ablative without a preposition after verbs.

4. When is ut omitted before the Subjunctive? Give the rules for the Subjunctive in Relative Clauses. Translate into Latin, "The plan of setting the city on fire," using first the Gerund and then the Gerundive. Plan, consilium. To set on fire, inflammare.


Also decline in the

1. Decline together frater meus. singular, with the proper gender of the adjective annexed, nox (unus), fides (Punicus), mare (uterque), Orion (nimbosus), marking the quantity of penultimate and final syllables. Decline in the plural, marking the quantities in the same way, ensis (pugnax), portus (tutus), finis (extremus), mos (vetus). Give the rule for the gender of each of the above What is an Epicene Noun ? Give the significance of the terminations -ax in (pugnax), -osus in (nimbosus), also of urio in (esurio), and -sco in (rubesco). Form an abstract noun from solus. Compare pugnax, extremus, vetus. Compare adverbs formed from carus, malus, similis.


2. Give the principal parts of reperio, ordior, cupio, circumdo, aufero, tango, arcesso, marking the quantity of the penult. Inflect (marking the quantity of the penult) the Future Active Singular of maneo and venio; and the plural of the Present Subjunctive Passive of facio and peto. Give all the Infinitives and Participles of purgo, pergo, morior; and inflect the Imperative Active of dico.

3. What case or cases follow ob, occurro, moneo, gaudeo, irascor, sub, pudet, pro, præditus? Give the rules for verbs which govern two Accusatives. In what ways may the agent be expressed? State in what ways the construction of names of towns differs from that of other names of places. Give all the rules for the Subjunctive, denoting either purpose or result; after quasi and priusquam; in the Indirect Discourse.


1. Decline together in the singular Marcus Tullius Cicero In the same way decline (both in singular and


plural) with the adjective annexed in the proper gender, dies (fastus), flumen (aureus); in the plural: arma (victrix), dea (immortalis). Mark the quantity of all the vowels in the above nouns and adjectives. State the significance of the terminations -men in (Aumen), -eus in (aureus), trix in (victrix.) What classes of words of the third declension form the Ablative in -i only?

2. Give the principal parts of adjuvo, nolo, venio, paciscor, sperno, foveo, mordeo, scindo, marking the quantity of the penultimate vowel. Give the synopsis of mordeo and paciscor; give all the Infinitives and Participles; and inflect the Imperatives.

3. Give all the rules you remember for verbs that govern the Dative. State the case or cases by which the price, the source, time when, and place where (including names of towns), are expressed, and give the rules. Give the rule for the Subjunctive in the following sentences: Quid enim, Catilina, est quod te jam in hac urbe delectare possit? Nunc ego mea video quid intersit. Supplicatio decreta est his verbis quod urbem incendiis liberassem. C. Sulpicium misi qui ex ædibus Cethegi, si quid telorum esset, efferret. O fortunate adolescens qui Homerum præconem inveneris.


1. Decline in the singular: facies, idem, ovile, sidus, filius. Decline in the plural: portus, dea, navis. Write the gender over the nouns (rules not required), and mark the quantity of all penultimate and final syllables. 1. Give the significance of the terminations -ile in ovile; -men in gestamen. 2. Form an abstract noun from felix; from teger. 3. Form a noun denoting the masculine agent from adjuvo, and a frequentative verb from cieo, and account for

the quantity of their penultimate vowels. 4. Compare humilis, juvenis, and adverbs formed from felix and æger.

2. 1. Give the principal parts of cado, cado, tono, reperio, curro, pasco, paciscor, marking the quantity of the penult. 2. Give all the Infinitives and Participles of abeo, ulciscor; the Present Indicative of fio; the Future Indicative Active and the Present Subjunctive Passive of munio, with the quantity of all the penults.

3. 1. What case or cases follow super, tenus, recordor, fruor, similis? 2. Give the principal parts of parco and confido, and the case that follows each. 3. Give the rules for the two cases after pudet, do, doceo, moneo. 4. Give the Latin for "at home," "at Carthage," "from Carthage," "from Italy," "to Athens." Tu discessu ceterorum nostra tamen, qui remansissemus cæde te contentum esse dicebas. 5. Give the rules for discessu and cæde. What is the antecedent of qui?

4. 1. Give the rules for the Subjunctive after dum, cum, quominus. 2. Would ne or ut non follow restat and moneo, respectively? Why? Statuisti quo quemque proficisci placeret, . . dixisti paululum tibi esse etiam nunc moræ, quod ego viverem. Reperti sunt duo equites Romani qui te ista cura liberarent. Idoneus est qui impetret quem legatum velit. Exclusi eos quos tu ad me salutatum miseras. 3. Explain the Subjunctives in the above sentences; the tense of impetret. 4. Give the rule for salu



Give the

1. Decline soror, vir, vis, vulnus, animal. gender of each of these nouns, with the rule. Mark the quantity of all the penultimate and final syllables you write in this section. Give the Genitive plural of gens and hostis, with the rules.

2. Decline sacer, acer, alius. Compare similis, superus, parvus, juvenis. Form and compare adverbs from acer, altus. Decline idem, tu, and aliquis. Give the Latin numerals for sixty, seventy, eighty, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred.

3. Give the principal parts of vinco, vincio, spondeo, domo, lacesso, cædo, audeo. All the Participles and Infinitives of adipiscor and fero. The Second Person Singular of the Future Indicative and of the Imperfect Subjunctive of audeo, audio, fugio, eo, possum, volo. Mark all penultimate and final syllables you write in this section.

4. How is price or value expressed in Latin? time in which? place where? What case or cases follow the verbs miseret, obliviscor, ignosco, fungor, rogo, respectively?

5. What is a Spondee? an Iambus? What is an Heroic Hexameter ?


1. Decline mare, pignus, cor, fructus. Give the gender of these nouns, with the rules. Mark the quantity of any increments that occur in their declension.

2. Compare humilis, niger, malus. Give the synopsis of morior and gaudeo. Give the Second Person of the Future Indicative, and of the Present, Imperfect, and Perfect Subjunctive of spero, fero, volo, in the Active Voice. The same of facio and audio in the Passive. Give the principal parts of fateor, tono, peto, vincio, colo, tango.

3. Compare diu. Form and compare an adverb from brevis. What are the meanings of the terminations of copiosus, civilis, audacia, victrix? What cases follow infero, pænitet, parco, careo, fruor, tenax, fretus, in, ante, super?

4. How is the place to which, the price, the agent of a Passive verb expressed in Latin?

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