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fuch earths must have been compofed ere only one fun came of them? It is true, fix large planets, among which our Tellus, though fo many cubic miles in bulk, is only a middle brother, revolve about the fun; ten known, and, it may be, feveral others unknown to us, leffer orbs, again revolve round these larger, all full of creatures, all replete with miracles of nature. Aftonifhing circuit of these single solar systems! And yet, if I ftood in the place of the nearest fixed ftar, what should I perceive of it all?---A ftar, perhaps, of the fecond magnitude. What is now this nearest fixt star?--- Again such a world.---And the next to it? Again fuch a world.---And the thoufandth? Again fuch a world.---And the milky way? Innumerable multitudes of such worlds.---And be ond the milky way, farther on, where I no longer defcry our fun and fixt ftars? I know not---only this I know, that our great world, as we imagine it, finks into nothing before these so much greater, and that an eternity would be fcarcely fufficient for tudying, for comprehending, and for getting fome accurate notion of what this univerfal whole contains. Duft to duft! Presumptuous mortal! who fo frequently magnifieft thyself in thine own imagination! compare now thy grandeur with this, and then lay not this mirror out of thy hand without humility and adoration!




OUR worthy correfpondent W. Burton, having charged Dr. Edwards and J. H. Prince with an error in their judgment concerning the Author of the Whole Duty of Man, he fays, (p. 23. of your laft) "I think had they read the work they quote from," &c. Now, Sir, in my turn, give me leaveto fay, had he read the Hebrew and Latin Pfalter of Pagninus, he would have found (inftead of " Qui ufque in feculum non videbunt lumen,") his Latin verfion to be " ufque eternum non videbunt lumen." And in Pfalm x. 16. inftead of

אבדו גוים מארצו he would have found it to be אבוד גוים מארצו

---I would recommend, for the future, a more careful infpection of the proof fheets. I am, Sir, yours,

A Lover of the Lex Talionis.




RAPID my days and months run on,
How foon another year is gone!
How fwift my golden moments roll,
How much neglected by my foul!
Let me begin with holy fear
This new, this fleeting, flying year.
Too many unimprov'd have pafs'd--
This year, perhaps, may be my last.

Give me, great God, an heart to pray,
Let all old things be done away;
Give me new strength to conquer fin,
And plant new holiness within.

I afk new wisdom for this year,
New fitness for my trials here,
Of ev'ry grace a richer ftore,
My God to love and honour more.

This year, O fheath war's direful fword,

Let ev'ry nation ferve the Lord;
Vifit thy church, and may fhe bear
Much glorious fruit this bleffed
God will reftore--what mercy here!
Jefus the fame from year to year;
From age to age enduring ftill,
The fame in goodness, pow'r, and

No time can alter his decrees,
These are his precious promises.
His word fhall ftand through endless

When heav'n and earth are pafs'd away.

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'Twas glory to Jehovah's name, Peace and good will on earth.


Immanuel thus from realms above, Replete with truth and grace, Came to make known his Father's love

To Adam's fallen race.


To do whofe will was his delight,
A will poor man to fave;
For which he veil'd his glory bright,
And flumber'd in the grave.


Yet, dying, he the victor prov'd,
Oe'rpow'ring ev'ry foe,

And thereby fhew'd how much he lov'd

His brethren funk in woe.


E'er to his Father's throne he went,
He iflued his command,

To his difciples, whom he fent
To preach in ev'ry land--

"For thus Jehovah hath decreed,

All men fhall be reftor'd,
And ev'ry fuff'ring mortal freed
From fin's deftructive fword.


Go forth, my friends, your brethren teach,

Salvation fhall be fure; This doctrine you must fully preach Till all obtain a cure.


For ev'ry knee to me must bow,

Me ev'ry tongue confefs, However backward they are now, Or far from righteousness.





THROUGH endless space Jehovah reigns,

Heaves the deep waters, opes the copious fountain,

The mighty univerfe fuftains,

Shines in the fun, and thunders on the mountain.

O'er earth abundant harvests rise,

Wak'd into being by their great Creator;

Rains pour; then fmile the genial skies;

In rich profufion glow the fweets of nature.

But not a flow'r could blush in air,

Nor ray of light could cheer the vaft creation,

Without his will; without his care,

Chaos would wreft whole worlds from their foundation.

Mortals! bow down to God on high,

With humble heart and bended knee before him;

Join the glad mufic of the fky,

In fweetelt fongs and pray'r, praise and adore him.

[blocks in formation]

of Lord Nelson's victory has deprived the King of the Two Sicilies of one half of his dominions, his fleet will no doubt protect the other.

29. Intelligence has been received, that the French, by extraordinary exertions, had equipped at Breit a fquadron of 15 fail of the line, which had dropped into the outer road, and were in readiness for fea.

30. Accounts have been received through various mediums, that a Spanifh fquadron, confifting of two fail of the line and five frigates, together with a French frigate, availing themfelves of the abfence of the British Fleet, which had been driven into the Gut of Gibraltar by a gale of wind, had failed from Cadiz. The circumitance was deemed improbable, but its authenticity has been established by the gallant attention of Captain Moore, who, in the Transfer of 14 guns, hung on the hoftile fquadron, ll he not only afcertained their force by obfervation, but took a tranfport, one of their convoy, worth at leaft 20,000l. and which reports that the and the reft were deftined for the Weft Indies.

31. In confequence of letters written by Mr. Secretary Dundas, feveral regiments of Militia have offered to extend their fervices to Ireland.

Feb. 1. The laft Dublin mails, contrary to expectation, brought advice of the defeat of the Union, in the Houfe of Commons by a majority of five. The divifion took place about 6 o'clock on Friday morning laft, on the propriety of allowing that part of the addrefs to ftand which indirectly recommends the measure; the ayes were 104, the noes 109. This triumph to the anti-unionifts excited the most lively joy in Dublin; the town was moft elegantly illuminated on Friday evening, and tumultuous exultation prevailed, which we are forry was productive of riot and bloodshed. The windows of the Poft-Office, and of molt of the members who fupported the Union were broken, and it was even neceffary to recur to arms for the protection of the public peace.

4. Every thing indicates that the Ottoman empire is verging rapidly

towards its ruin. Paffwan Oglu now occupies the whole of Wallachia, after having defeated all the forces the Turkish government have been able to fend against him.

7. By the East India fleet, now fafely arrived in the Downs, intelligence has been received of the lofs of the Garland frigate--fhe was wrecked on the coast of Madagascar, but all the crew were faved.

11. Accounts have been received, ftating the capture of the fortrels Ehrenbreitstein, by the French. It was the only place in which hoftilities continued to be carried on be→ tween that power and Germany, and has fuftained a feige of two years.The garrifon has fuffered most dreadfully the laft few months by famine, the only means by which the place could be reduced-it being confidered impregnable. It will be of great fervice to the French, inafinuch as it will, in cafe of a rupture with the Emperor, open them a paffage into the very heart of that monarch's dominions.

12. Letters from the Cape of Good Hope fay, the Dutch are very much diflatisfied with their English conquerors. The markets are very badly fupplied, the people being very unwilling to bring their stock from the country.

13. Letters from India by the last fhips ftate, that Tippoo Saib is affuming a warlike attitude; and it is fufpected, that he holds a communication with General Buonaparte.Little apprehenfion of danger can, however, be entertained at prefent: government has, notwithstanding, taken the precaution to augment our military force in India--A detachment of 2000 men, from the Cape, embarked in the beginning of November for the different Prefidencies, under convoy of the Sceptre and Raifonable men of war.

15. A leter from Madrid fays, "We are affured, that our court at laft confents to the expedition which the French government have for a long time wifhed to undertake against Portugal; and that it has expreffed a defire that the French army deftined for this expedition fhould be com


manded by General Perignon, who refided here two years, as ambaffador from France, and for whom our court has preferved a particular efteem." This letter is dated Jan. 22. 18. The following letter has been received from Algiers, dated Jan. 18. "On the 9th of this month war was declared here against France by feizing and putting in chains the French Conful, and all the Frenchmen here, who are now actually flaves. The order with respect to the declaration of war was brought from Conftantinople by a CapigiBachi. On the 14th, at the folicitation of the Bracris, (Jewish merchants here) the French who had been chained and compelled to work, were released, and permitted to enjoy their property. Six Algerine corfairs failed on a cruife for the coafts of France, to capture the French veffels they may fall in with, and make the crews flaves. They have been alfo ordered to treat all manner of veffels in the fame manner, of whatever nation they may be, fhould they be on their way to France. Couriers have been dispatched by the Dey of Algiers to Morocco, Tunis, and Tripoli, that they may adopt a fimilar conduct in pursuance of the Grand Signior's orders. Orders were alfo difpatched to Cale and Bonne, places dependant on this government, to fend to Algiers all the French who may have been eftablithed in them by the African Company at Marfeilles. Letters have been received here from Morocco, which ftate that the Emperor had fent forward several bodies of cavalry to Cairo, for the purpose of reinforcing the troops which the Mahommetan powers employed againft Buonaparte for the recovery of Egypt." It is ardently to be hoped, by every friend of humanity, that the French may be enabled to deftroy the power of thefe African itates, who have fo long been a terror and difgrace to the European powers.

19. After the celebration of the 21st of January at Turin, the titles of the nobility of Piedmont were publicly burnt at the foot of the tree of liberty, in the prefence of the French Commiffioner, the Provincial Government, and the Municipal Administration.

20. Numerous and diforderly meetings have taken place at Mofcow, in confequence of which the Chancellor of the Empire has been obliged to go thither from Petersburg.

20. An offenfive and defenfive alliance is faid to be negotiating between France and the Landgrave of Heffe-Caffel.

21. All the accounts from Egypt received this month represent Buonaparte and his army, as being very healthy, and in the most profperous fituation.

22. The Proferpine frigate, which was conveying Mr. Thomas Grenville to the continent, the object of whose miffion was to raise a new coalition against France, has foundered at fea, and it is generally believed that every perfon on board perished.

Yesterday the trial of Mr. Wakefield came on for republifhing his Anfwer to the Bishop of Landaff.-After it had been proved that he was the author of the book, Mr. Wakefield addrefled the jury (which was fpecial;) when, after being very fe vere upon the Attorney-General, Mr. Pitt, &c. he was found guilty, and was obliged to give bail---himfelf in 1000l. and two fureties in 500l. each.

23. There has been an earthquake in the Isle of Wight. The convulfion took place on the fouth fide of the Ifland, near St. Catharine's. The quantity of land that has been scattered is upwards of 130 acres. Several people loft, their lives, and the country about there is in much confufion.


Received-J. H. P. on the Miffionaries, and his Ode.
Queftions on Impofition of Hands, by S. B.
Queftion on Acts, ii. 3.

Queftion, by a Stripling in the Gospel, on Heb. x. 26. ttt Answers to Mathematical Questions in our next.

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