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9q zid bezimorq bed brod odt dɔidw t291 9dT tedt og LORD'S SP PP DR.dɔidw tedt ton oais doidw tot ai ti-e dots 1979 leda you The Lord's Supper a 9vo B229ve ordinauce 9385Biros" faith in the atonement-A co feast-A profession, of confidence in the Divine promises-A profession of faith in the second coming of Christ General remarks Con

› 8 doua 2992 of 90019 976 9W 2019п adt MY DEAR FRIENoua blow as ytetsa wo to noitso


obus vibog tedt tud tsmot dad dɔidw 1891 I SHALL NOW, aggreeably to your request, write you a few thoughts on the Lord's Supper. The nature, design, and subject of this ordinance, may easily be learned from the words of its institution, and from the direct references to it in the apostolic writings.We are there taught, that it is a commemorative appointment. "Do this in remembrance of me is the language of our Lord, language, which refers to the natural depravity, weakness, and instability of our hearts, through which we are prone to forget him, and which teaches us that this institution is appointed for the purpose of counteracting these evils, and keeping him in our constant, grateful, and affectionate remembrance. Here our faith and love are assisted by our senses, for, in various respects it, is an emblematical ordinance, in subserviency to its commemorative design. .291utsere mort dɔum OOJ The bread is an emblem of the body of Christ, and the wine is, a sign of his blood, The breaking of the bread is a significant action, being emblematical of the body of our Lord as crucified, and so a representation of his sufferings when his body was bruised and broken for us. "This is my body broken for you," was the pathetic declaration of the Saviour, in which he exhibited


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himself as the substitute for dinners; "his death as a sacrifice for sin, and the benevolent design of his undertaking? Which was to redeem his people from guilt and from Tuin dephe wine, as a figure of the blood of Christ, is a sign of that if the sacrifice which made the atone Sigh

ment. This, the talles duiderht; was the blood


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3d 18 of the Victim for, said God," The life of the flesh is in the Blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar, to make an atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that KaketH® átonellient for the Soft JĽOV!VIRTIN The blood of the Redeemer was his life, which he gave up in sacrifice as a ransom for the souls of men.qorrendé Kaggad pubwa Ke' 18' said to have poured out his soul unto death, and to have made His sour an offering for Sin. In allusidir to this, he says, that the witte in the cup represents his bloot as shed, or poured our of which the pouring out of the blood of the ancient sacrifices was a figure. Thagi his typical rite in the services of the Levitical sanétuary was no doubt in his eye, and He here représéiits Himself as the great antitype of the figures of the law. He appears also to Rave had ifi view the drink-offerings which accompanied the Mosaic sacrifices, and" which were poured out unto God; Num. xxvifi: 7. as when he speaks of his body as broken, he seems to refer to dertail of the meat-offerings, Leva 3,864, which were offered on expiatory occasions. The latter, when connected with blood-offerings, were expical of his oblation, and in an extreme case, 'even When offered with out theroertefi4. P1,rrggib ods 19dusman of tdgre The distinction which he makes between His body and his blood is not to lead us to separate the two," but to present to us the same grand subject of the atonėl ment in different lights, the breaking of his body being designed to signify his whole sufferings in our nature, and the pouring out of his blood being meant to denote their tremendous issue in his death, their


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Here, of


propitiatory nature, and their blissful result; even the "remission of the sins of mans". For him a body, was prepared, Heh. Muñagor in other words, he became a partaker of our whole nature, including flesh and blood, strictly so called, a his obediwalional soul. by ence to the will of God, which called him to give himself in sacrifice, for, sin, we are said to be separated to God, namely, through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ, once for all, Heb. course more is meant than his body literally, even the whole offering of himself. Heb. ix, 16 Accordingly, the propitiatory nature of his sufferings, and their By effect in taking away sin, are elsewhere distinctly set before us in reference to his blood as shed for the ffrono remission of sins, and for the the same purpose presented in the heavenly sanctuary, Heb ix, 14, 15, 22, 23, and 19 or 29oittoons tropis out to boold out to t Such, then, is the emblematical nature of this institution, which, as I have said, is in subserviency to its commemorative design. Our faith and our affection are aided by our senses as we contemplate these external symbols, our weakness is kindly met and provided against. This is one of the many instances of the Divine condescension, with which we are graciously favoured, and is a striking proof of the care and affection of our High Priest. 990 710iqz9 10 6919 9197 In celebrating this ordinance, we ought, then, to keep up a constant remembrance of the Saviour. We ought to remember the dignity of his person as God in our nature, what he hath done for us in coming from heaven to earth, in veiling his glory, becoming, though rich, poor for our sakes, and cheerfully stooping to be a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. We ought to dwell particularly on the rich, the generous, and the amazing love which moved him for us to become obedient unto death, and to encounter and sustain all

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the horrors of the curse.


15.01011019 ought to remember the blissful issue and consequences of his propitiatory sabetsiametro ved crifice; his present

dog dog and constant ministrations for us in the heavenly temple the perpetuity of his attachnogu dirot go ment, and the sweet, tenderness of his regards; now that he is alive in the world of light, and there invested


with universal government With deep interest we mot noitamaba ought to keep in memory the many and invaluable blessings which he hath freely procured for us. The 1812 919 10, 2012 9 language of our hearts ought ever to he or How Betique

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bns betart theiipmy sold forget to mislanO f easie -do 9d3 The riend who all thy misery barkttoos bogat etortte did, toodet to controqmi sdt bпs. This institution, is appointed keep up the rememRoe ti ba A brance in particular of the death of Christ

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is so, because of the unutterable importance of this event. 89 190 It was the death of the Prince of Life, the Son of God, the Lord of Glory. It was most voluntary on the part of the wondrous sufferer, while it

e at the same time the effect of the most excruciating anguish, Never 25 of 9yol moroas was there an act of worship like to devotedness to go

Here love, and devotedness to God were displayed in their highest to-bapist & to 1920 91

glory; here his claims were manifested and answered 4to and here there was the

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of the perfections of his character. The most important 49 of 189229 8 there was the brightest exhibi consequences have followed in in securing the honours of the Divine law; vindicating the rights of the Divine government, and opening the kingdom of heaven to all Believers. Here a perfect expiation is found, and an a 19919 Squest Late to modt nishef that wondrous which is ever pleaded by the Saviour, and is most prevalently inter2 91 90 1 ondrous work eyed new t to start of me cessory. This is the centre

Godidit to lood on age of the ineffable delight of It is the source of peace an and hope and jon; it leads back to rod with the sweetest and most attrac tive power; it forms our character upon his; and it will be the subject of universal love, admiration, and wines our Ponohis

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song, in the heavenly and eternal world. Into this the "angels desire to look superge bite su Long had they contemplated the progress of events leading to it, and when it took place it was keeps or bursting forth upon theth, and heaven was med biteswe browni ovile ei od t boff the fiere spectators of this feel thus, how ought we to feel who are indebted to it for redemption from feat aidevis valid the enjoyment of all good? Where shall dt en doidw.compag the affections be engaged if not at the cross of Christ ? What can fire the sour 40 331390 10 10 9 if this is contemplated with coldness? Ought not our hearts to be animated and engaged according to the worth and glory of the object, and the importance of the subject which attracts them, and the degree of our interest in it? And if so, mast they not here be elevated indeed? Surely then, the importance of the Saviour's death is a proper rea sowy it has been appointed to be thus devoutly re 34 10 d membered: Ystaulov feom asw 1 VOTO TO DO S But the 26thmandment to commemorate the death ti glidw 1919 anoтbдow sdt to of the Redeemer gnition 2003 to 1991 springs, also, from love to us. It is tissues a mere test of obedience, or merely as a of oil qudarow to fos as gigde display of authorityft is the counsel of a friend-of abBrothers burst row

loved us, and is desirous of our Hearts in return, because this spirit, is essential to our agy 91901.9190 be happiness. It was followed by the declaration, that he followed to ano would not drink the fruit of the vine till he drank it drinking bewollof en paitegib the new with them in his Father's kingdon

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