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tops. When they had mounted their mules, Ludovico, undertaking to be their guide, led them by an easier path, than that by which they had formerly afcended, into the glen. We must avoid that valley to the eaft, my Lord," faid he," or we may meet the banditti; they went out that way in the morning.


The travellers, foon after, quitted this glen, and found themselves in a narrow valley that ftretched towards the north-west. morning light upon the mountains now ftrengthened faft, and gradually difcovered the green hillocks, that fkirted the winding feet of the cliffs, tufted with cork tree, and ever-green oak. The thunder-clouds being dispersed, had left the sky perfectly ferene, and Blanche was revived by the fresh breeze, and by the view of verdure, which the late rain had brightened. Soon after, the fun arofe, when the dripping rocks, with the fhrubs that fringed their fummits, and many a turfy flope below, fparkled in his rays. A wreath of mift was feen, float

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ing along the extremity of the valley, but the gale bore it before the travellers, and the fun-beams gradually drew it up towards the fummit of the mountains. They had proceeded about a league, when, St. Foix having complained of extreme faintness, they stopped to give him refreshment, and, that the men, who bore him, might reft. Ludovico had brought from the fort some flafks of rich Spanish wine, which now proved a reviving cordial not only to St. Foix but to the whole party, though to him


gave only temporary relief, for it fed the fever, that burned in his veins, and he could neither disguise in his countenance the anguish he suffered, or fupprefs the wish, that he was arrived at the inn, where they had defigned to pass the preceding night.

While they thus repofed themselves under the shade of the dark green pines, the Count defired Ludovico to explain fhortly, by what means he had difappeared from the north apartment, how he came into the hands of the banditti, and how he had contributed

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fo effentially to serve him and his family, for to him he justly attributed their prefent deliverance. Ludovico was going to obey him, when fuddenly they heard the echo of a pistol-shot, from the way they had paffed, and they rofe in alarm, haftily to pursue their route.



"Ah why did Fate his fteps decoy
In ftormy paths to roam,

Remote from all congenial joy !".



mean while, was ftill fuffering anxiety as to the fate of Valancourt; but Therefa, having, at length, found a person, whom she could entrust on her errand to the fteward, informed her, that the meffenger would return on the following day; and Emily promised to be at the cottage, Therefa being too lame to attend her.

In the evening, therefore, Emily fet out alone for the cottage, with a melancholy foreboding, concerning Valançourt, while, perhaps, the gloom of the hour might contribute to depress her fpirits. It was a gray autumnal evening towards the close of the season; heavy mifts partially obfcured the mountains, and a chilling breeze, that fighed



among the beech woods, ftrewed her path with fome of their last yellow leaves. Thefe, circling in the blaft and foretelling the death of the year, gave an image of defolation to her mind, and, in her fancy, seemed to announce the death of Valancourt. this fhe had, indeed, more than once fo ftrong a prefentiment, that fhe was on the point of returning home, feeling herself unequal to an encounter with the certainty the anticipated, but, contending with her emotions, she so far commanded them, as to be able to proceed.

While she walked mournfully on, gazing on the long volumes of vapour, that poured upon the sky, and watching the fwallows, toffed along the wind, now difappearing among tempeftuous clouds, and then emerging, for a moment, in circles upon the calmer air, the afflictions and viciffitudes of her late life feemed pourtrayed in these flecting images ;-thus had he been toffed upon the stormy fea of misfortune for the last year, with but fhort intervals of peace,


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