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C. M.-No. 2.

MY God, I love Thee, not because

I hope for heav'n thereby;
Nor yet because who love Thee not
Must burn eternally.

2 Thou, O my Jesus, Thou didst me
Upon the cross embrace;

For me didst bear the nails and spear,
And manifold disgrace,

3 And griefs and torments numberless,
And sweat of agony,

Yea, death itself; and all for one
That was Thine enemy.

4 Then why, O blessed Savior, Christ,
Should I not love Thee well?

Not for the hope of winning heav'n,
Nor of escaping hell;

5 Not with the hope of gaining aught,
Not seeking a reward;

But solely for Thy love to me,
O ever-loving Lord?

6 E'en so I love Thee, and will love,
And in Thy praise will sing,
Alone because Thou art my God,
And my eternal King.


JESUS, be our Guide,

As through life we glide;
Faithfully in our behavior

May we follow Thee, dear Savior,

No. 68.

Lead us by Thy hand
Through to fatherland.

2 When the world is cold,
Let us to Thee hold;

When the cup of sorrow draining,
May we do so uncomplaining;
For through trials we

Find our way to Thee.

3 When affliction's smart
Anguishes the heart-

Though our life be woe and weakness
Help us bear our cross in meekness;
May we keep in mind,

God's a Father kind.

4 Order Thou our ways,


Lord, through all our days;

Though our path be dark and cheerless,
Jesus with us, we'll be fearless;

Open, when life's o'er,

Lord, to us Thy door!

No. 22.

HEAVENWARD doth our journey tend,

Here on earth we are but strangers,
Towards our promised Land we wend,
Through a wilderness of dangers;
Here we roam a pilgrim-band,

Yonder is our native land.

2 Heavenward stretch, my soul, thy wings,
Thou canst claim a heavenly nature;
Cleave not to these earthly things,
Thou canst rest not in the creature.

Ev'ry soul that God inspires,
Back to Him, its Source, aspires.

3 Heavenward! doth His Spirit cry,
Oft as in His Word I hear him;
Pointing to the rest on high,

Where I shall be ever near Him. When His Word fills all my thought, Oft to heaven my soul is caught.

4 Heavenward still I long to haste,

When Thy Supper, Lord, is given;
Heavenly strength on earth I taste,
Feeding on the Bread of Heaven;
Such is e'en on earth our fare,
When Thy marriage feast we share.

5 Heavenward! to that blessed home
Death at last will surely lead me;
All my trials overcome,

Christ with life and joy will feed me;
Who Himself hath gone before,
That we too might heavenward soar.

6 Heavenward! This shall be my cry,
While a pilgrim here I wander,
Passing earth's allurements by
For the love of what is yonder;
Heavenward all my being tends,
Till in heaven my journey ends.




No. 75.

́HAT God does, ever well is done!
His will is just and holy;

As He directs my sands to run,

My spirit shall keep lowly.

He is my God; || Though sore the rod,
His care doth e'er enfold me:

Then may He guide and hold me.

2 What God does, ever well is done!
In need He will not quit me.
In rightful path He still leads on;
To Him then I submit me.

I'll walk His ways, || And trust His grace
To lift what doth oppress me:

It rests with Him to bless me.

3 What God does, ever well is done!
He thinks but to befriend me;
As Healer mine, and Wondrous One,
He will not poison send me

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4 What God does, ever well is done!

And though the cup selected,
Seem to my mind too bitter drawn,
Yet will I not reject it.

God loveth me! || I yet shall see
Sweet comfort for my grieving;
So I keep on believing.

5 What God does, ever well is done!
Of this shall none deprive me;


And though on pathway rough and lone,
Need, death, and misʼry drive me,
God's arms will bear || Me with fond care,
Till all my sorrow ceaseth;

Then do He, as He pleaseth.

No. 20.

LORD, as Thou wilt deal Thou with me,

-No other wish I cherish;

In life and death I cling to Thee,

O Lord, let me not perish!

Let but Thy grace ne'er from me part,
Else as Thou wilt, grant patient heart:
Thy will the best is ever.

2 Grant honor, truth, and self-control,
And love the Word to ponder;
From doctrines false preserve my soul:
And grant both here and yonder
What will conduce to blessed days;
Keep far all wrong and crooked ways
From all my life and doings.

3 When I, according to Thy will,

Shall leave this vale of sadness,
O let Thy grace my bosom fill,

That I may go with gladness;
My spirit I commend to Thee,
O Lord, a blessed end give me
Through Jesus Christ! Yea, Amen.

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