feed of the woman fhall bruife the ferpent's head. Fear not men. Be not too much caft down at the deceitfulness of your hearts. Fear not devils; you fhall get the victory even over them. The LORD JESUS has engaged to make you more than conquerors over all. Plead with your Saviour, plead : plead the promise in the text. Wrestle, wrestle with GoD in prayer. If it has been given you to believe, fear not if it should also be given you to fuffer. Be not any wife terrified by your adverfaries; the king of the church has them all in a chain be kind to them, pray for them; but fear them not. The LORD will yet bring back his ark, though at present driven into the wilderness; and Satan like lightening shall fall from heaven. Are there any enemies of GOD here? The promise of the text encourages me to bid you defiance: the feed of the woman, the ever-bleffed JESUS, fhall bruife the ferpent's head. What fignifies all your malice? You are only raging waves of the fea, foaming out your own fhame. For you, without repentance, is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever. The LORD JESUS fits in heaven, ruling over all, and caufing all things to work for his childrens good: he laughs you to fcorn: he hath you in the utmoft derifion, and therefore fo will I. Who are you that perfecute the children of the everbleffed GOD? Though a poor ftripling, the LORD JESUS, the feed of the woman, will enable me to bruife your heads.. My brethren in CHRIST, I think I do not speak thus in my own ftrength, but in the ftrength of my Redeemer. I know in whom I have believed; I am perfuaded he will keep that fafe, which I have committed unto him. He is faithful who hath promised, that the feed of the woman fhall bruife the ferpent's head. May we all experience a daily completion of this promife, both in the church and in our hearts, till we come to the church of the firft-born, the fpirits of just men made perfect, in the prefence and actual fruition of the great GOD our heavenly Father! To whom, with the Son, and the Holy Ghoft, be ascribed all honour, power, might, majesty, and dominion, now and for evermore. Amen. SERMON SERMON II. Walking with GOD. GENESIS v. 24. And Enoch walked with GOD, and he was not, for GOD took him. ARIOUS are the pleas and arguments, which men of VAR corrupt minds frequently urge against yielding obedience to the juft and holy commands of GOD. But, perhaps, one of the most common objections that they make is this, that our LORD's commands are not practicable, because contrary to flesh and blood; and confequently, that he is "an hard master, reaping where he has not fown, and gathering where he has not ftrewed." These we find were the fentiments entertained by that wicked and flothful fervant mentioned in the xxvth of St. Matthew; and are undoubtedly the fame with many which are maintained in the prefent wicked and adulterous generation. The Holy Ghoft foreseeing this, hath taken care to inspire holy men of old, to record the examples of many holy men and women; who, even under the Old Teftament dispensation, were enabled chearfully to take CHRIST'S yoke upon them, and counted his fervice perfect freedom. The large catalogue of faints, confeffors, and mar-, tyrs, drawn up in the xith chapter to the Hebrews, abundantly evidences the truth of this obfervation. What a great cloud of witnesses have we there presented to our view? All eminent for their faith, but fome fhining with a greater degree of luftre than do others. The proto-martyr Abel, leads the van. And next to him, we find Enoch mentioned, not only because he was next in order of time, but also on account of his exalted piety. He is fpoken of in the words. of the text in a very extraordinary manner. We have here B 3 a fhort .. a fhort but very full and glorious account, both of his behaviour in this world, and the triumphant manner of his entering into the next. The former is contained in these words, "And Enoch walked with GOD." The latter in thefe, and "he was not: for GOD took him." He was not; i. e. He was not found, he was not taken away in the common manner, he did not fee death; for Heb. xi. 5. GOD had tranflated him. Who this Enoch was, does not appear fo plainly. To me, he seems to have been a perfon of public character. I fuppofe, like Noah, a preacher of righteousness. And, if we may credit the Apostle Jude, he was a flaming preacher. For he quotes one of his prophecies, wherein he faith, "Behold, the LORD cometh with ten thousand of his faints, to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them, of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard fpeeches, which ungodly finners have spoken against him." But whether a public or private perfon, he has a noble teftimony given him in the lively oracles. The author of the epiftle to the Hebrews faith, that before his tranflation he had this teftimony," that he pleased GOD;" and his being tranflated, was a proof of it beyond all doubt. And I would obferve, that it was wonderful wifdom in GoD to tranflate Enoch and Elijah under the Old Teftament difpenfation, that hereafter when it fhould be afferted, that the LORD JESUS was carried into heaven, it might not feem a thing altogether incredible to the Jews; fince they themselves confeffed, that two of their own prophets had been tranflated several hundred years before. But it is not my defign to detain you any longer, by enlarging, or making observations on Enoch's fhort, but comprehensive character. The thing I have in view, being to give a difcourfe, as the LORD fhall enable, upon a weighty and a very important fubject; I mean, walking with God. "And Enoch walked with GOD." If fo much as this can be truly faid of you and me after our decease, we fhall not have any reafon to complain, that we have lived in vain. In handling my intended fubject, I shall, Firft, Endeavour to fhew, what is implied in these words, walked with GOD. Secondly, Secondly, I fhall prescribe some means, upon the due obfervance of which, believers may keep up and maintain their walk with GOD. And, Thirdly, Offer fome motives to ftir us up, if we never walked with GOD before, to come and walk with GoD now. The whole shall be closed with a word or two of application. Firft, I am to fhew what is implied in these words, "walked with GOD;" or in other words, what we are to understand by walking with GOD. And First, Walking with God, implies, that the prevailing power of the enmity of a perfon's heart, be taken away by the bleffed Spirit of GOD. Perhaps it may seem a hard faying to fome, but our own experience daily proves, what the fcripture in many places affert, that the carnal mind, the mind of the unconverted, natural man, nay, the mind of the regenerate, fo far as any part of him remains unrenewed, is enmity, not only an enemy, but " enmity itself against God; "so that it is not subject to the law of GOD, neither indeed can it be." Indeed one may well wonder that any creature, especially that lovely creature man, made after his Maker's own image, should ever have any enmity, much less a prevailing enmity againft that very GOD in whom he lives, and moves, and hath his being. But alas! fo it is. Our firft parents contracted it when they fell from God by eating the forbidden fruit, and the bitter and malignant contagion of it, hath descended to, and quite overspread their whole posterity. This enmity discovered itself, in Adam's endeavouring to hide himself in the trees of the garden. When he heard the voice of the LORD GOD, instead of running with an open heart, faying, Here am I; alas! he now wanted no communion with GOD; and still more difcovered his lately contracted enmity, by the excufe he made to the Moft High. "The woman, "or this woman, thou gavest to be with me, fhe gave me of "the tree, and I did eat." By faying thus, he in effect lays all the fault upon Gop; as though he had faid, if thou hadst not given me this woman, I had not finned against thee, fo thou mayft thank thyfelf for my tranfgreffion. In the fame manner this enmity works in the hearts of Adam's children. They now and again find fomething rifing against Gon, and 1 faying even unto God, what doest thou?" It fcorns any 64 meaner competitor (fays the learned Doctor Owen in his : excellent treatife on indwelling fin) than God himself." Its command is like that of the Affyrians in refpect to Ahab, Shoot only at the King. And it strikes against every thing that has the appearance of real piety, as the Affyrians hot at: Jehofaphat in Ahab's cloathes. But the oppofition ceases when it finds that it is only an appearance, as the Affyrians left off hooting at Jehofaphat, when they perceived it was not Ahab they were shooting at. This enmity difcovered itself in ac-: curfed Cain; he hated and flew his brother Abel, because Abel loved, and was peculiarly favoured by his Gon. And this fame enmity rules and prevails in every man that is naturally engendered of the offspring of Adam. Hence that averfenefs to prayer and holy duties, which we find in children, and very often in grown perfons, who have notwithstanding been blessed with a religious education. And all that open fin and wickedness, which like a deluge has overflowed the world, are only fo many ftreams running from this dreadful, contagious fountain; I mean the enmity of man's defperately wicked and deceitful heart. He that cannot fet his feal to this, knows nothing yet, in a faving manner, of the holy fcriptures, or of the power of Gon. And all that do know this, will readily acknowledge, that before a perfon can be faid to walk with GOD, the prevailing power of this heart-enmity must be destroyed. For perfons do not ufe to walk and keep company together, who entertain an irreconcilable enmity and hatred against one another. Obferve me, I fay, the prevailing power of this enmity must be taken away. For the inbeing of it will never be totally removed, till we bow down our heads and give up the ghost. The apostle Paul, no doubt, fpeaks of himself, and that too not when he was a pharifee, but a real chriftian; when he complains, "that when he would do good, evil was prefent with him;" not having dominion over him, but oppofing and refifting his good intentions and actions, so thạt he could not do the things which he would," in that perfection which the new man defired. This is what he calls fin dwelling in him. "And this is that pornua sapnos, which, φρόνημα (to ufe the words of the ninth article of our church,) |