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3. In latitude 33°, the departure made was 130m.: required the difference of longitude by parallel sailing.

4. March 20, 1854; long. 168° 45'W.; the observed meridian altitude 62° 10′ 40′′; sun S. of observer; index error -1′ 50′′; eye 18 feet required the latitude.

Additional for Only Mate.

5. Compute the course and distance by Mercator's sailing, from Cape Voltas, lat. 28° 44'S., long. 16° 32'E.; to Charleston, lat. 32° 41'N. long. 79° 53'W.

6. Jan. 6, 1854; at 6h 25m 32 A.M. apparent time at ship; lat. 15° 30'N.; long. 107° 37 W.; the sun's rising amplitude was observed by compass to be E. 18° 20'S.; required the variation.

7. Jan. 6, 1854; required the A.M. and P.M. tides at Shields.

Additional for Chief Mate.

8. Jan. 6, 1854, at 3h 40m 16" P.M. mean time at ship: lat. 52° 45'S.; long. 66° 56'W.; the observed altitude 38° 31' 40"; eye, 20 feet; sun's bearing by azimuth compass, S. 82° 50'W.; required the variation.

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9. Jan. 6, 1854, P.M. at ship; lat. 4° 30'N.; the observed altitude 30° 10′ 45′′; index error -1′9′′; eye, 21 feet; time by chronometer, 5d 18h 59m 59s, which had been found 7m 52s fast on mean time at Greenwich, Oct. 17, 1853, and losing 4* daily; determine the longitude.

10. Jan. 6, 1854, P.M. at ship; lat. by account 61° 45'S.; long. 138° 8 E.; the observed altitude near the meridian, 50° 4′ 40′′; observer S. of the sun; eye, 19 feet; time by watch, 5d 23h 59m 50s which had been found 38m 46" slow on apparent time at ship; but the ship had made 16' diff. long. to W. since the error for apparent time had been ascertained; required the true latitude.

Additional for Master Ordinary.

11. Correct the following courses for the local attraction, as given at page 35, N.E.-E. by S.-S.S.W.-N. by W.-E.N.E.

12. Jan. 14, 1854; long. 20°W.; the observed meridian altitude of Sirius, (a Canis majoris,) being 37° 50′ 20′′; observer N. of the star; index error, +1' 4"; eye 19 feet; required the latitude.

Paper II.

For Second Mate.

1. Multiply 109 by 47 by logarithms.
2. Divide 786 by 393 by logarithms.

3. In latitude 44°, the departure made was 95m.; required the difference of longitude by parallel sailing.

4. March 20, 1854: long. 155°W.: the observed meridian altitude 50° 10′ 40′′: sun N. of observer; index error -1′ 19′′; eye, 18 feet: determine the latitude.

Additional for Only Mate.

5. Compute by Mercator's sailing, the course and distance from Point de Galle, lat. 6° 1′N,: long. 80° 14′E.: to Zanzibar S. Point, lat. 6° 10'S.: long. 39° 15′E.

6. March 31, 1854, at 6h 2m P.M. apparent time at ship: lat. 6° 25 N. long. 156 E.: the sun's setting amplitude was observed by compass W. 3° 40'S.: determine the variation.

7. Required the A.M. and P.M. tides at the Nore Light, on March 6, 1854.

Additional for Chief Mate.

8. March 26, 1854, at 9h Om A.M. mean time at ship, lat. 43° 10′N.: long 52° 30′W.: the observed altitude © 32° 36′ 45′′, bearing by azimuth compass S. 40° 30′E.: eyc, 18 feet: required the variation.

9. March 28, 1854, P.M. at ship: lat. 20° 9'S.: observed altitude 30° 10′ 20′′: eye, 26 feet: time by chronometer, 28d Oh 4m 50%, which had been found 46m 46% fast on mean time at Greenwich, Nov. 29, 1853, and losing 45 daily required the longitude.

10. March 5, 1854, A.M. at ship; lat. by account 33° 40′N.: long. 20° 1'W.: observed altitude near the meridian 49° 50′: observer N. of sun: eye 22 feet: time by watch 5d 1h 0m 30s: the watch had been found 1h 21m 14s fast on apparent time at ship, but, the ship had made 10' diff. long. to E. since the error for apparent time had been determined: required the true latitude.

Additional for Master Ordinary.

11. Correct the following courses for local attraction, as given at page 35, East.-E.S.E.-N.N.W.-W.S.W.

12. July 1, 1854: long. 87°E.: the observed meridian altitude of Antares, (a Scorpii) being 68° 45' 30": star N. of observer: eye 21 feet required the latitude.

Paper III.

For Second Mate.

1. Multiply 3009 by 4 by logarithms.
2. Divide 9460 by 86 by logarithms.

3. In latitude 50°, the departure made was 63m.: required the difference of longitude by parallel sailing.

4. April 6, 1854: long. 78°45'E.: the observed meridian altitude 47° 50′ 15′′: observer S. of the sun index error -1′ 20′′: eye 19 feet required the latitude.

Additional for Only Mate.

5. Compute by Mercator's sailing, the course and distance from Angra Pequena, lat. 26° 38'S.: long. 15° 8 ́E.: to Cape St. Roque, lat. 5° 28'S. long. 35° 17'W.

6. April 29, 1854, at 5h 32m A.M. apparent time at ship: lat. 25° 11'N. long. 136 W.: the sun's rising amplitude was observed to be E. 24° 15'N.: required the variation.

7. April 4, 1854: required the A.M. and P.M. tides at Torbay.

Additional for Chief Mate.

8. April 25, 1854, at 2" 42m 10 P.M. mean time at ship: lat. 48° 42'S. long. 50° 40′E.: the observed altitude 18° 21' bearing by compass N. 7° 10'W.: eye 19 feet: required the variation.

9. April 15, 1854, A.M. at ship: lat: 41° 1′N.: observed altitude 35° 40': eye 20 feet: time by chronometer 15d 6h 0TM 403, which had been found 2m 1·4s fast on mean time at Greenwich, Jan. 25, and losing 5·5° daily : required the longitude.

10. April 21 1854, A.M. at ship: lat. by account 39° 53′N. : long. 6° 5 E.: the observed altitude near the meridian 61° 27′ 35′′: sun S. of observer: eye 18 feet: time by watch 21d 0h 1m 50s. which was found 20m 50s fast on apparent time at ship, but the ship had made 5 di. long. to E. since the error for apparent time had been determined: required the true latitude.

Additional for Master Ordinary.

11. Correct the following courses for local attraction, as given at page 35, S.W.-N.W.-W.N.W.-South.

12. Dec. 3, 1854: long. 175°E.: the observed meridian altitude of a Arietis being 46° 20' star N. of observer: eye 20 feet: required the latitude.


Paper IV.

For Second Mate.

1. Multiply 2006 by 7 by logarithms.

2. Divide 16.04 by 4.4 by logarithms.

3. In latitude 57°, the departure made was 91m.: required the difference of longitude by parallel sailing.

4. Sept. 23, 1854: long. 166° 30′E.: the observed meridian altitude 41° 30': sun N. of observer: index error +1′ 19′′: eye 17 feet required the latitude.

Additional for Only Mate.

5. Required the course and distance by Mercator's sailing, from Port Jackson, lat. 33° 51'S: long. 151° 18'E.: to Acapulco, lat. 16° 51′N.: long. 99° 52′W.

6. July 28, 1854, at 7h 27m 30s A.M. apparent time at ship: lat. 47° 8'S. long. 84° 15'W.: the sun's rising amplitude was observed by compass E. 42° 40'N.: required the variation.

7. Required the A.M. and P.M. tides, July 21, at Whitby.
Additional for Chief Mate.

8 July 31, 1854, at 8h 46m 30s A.M. mean time at ship: lat. 38° 18′N.: long. 65°W.: the observed altitude 43° 26′ 10′′: bearing S. 78° 20′E.: index error -1′ 12′′: eye 19 feet required the variation.


9. July 29, 1854, A.M. at ship: lat. 40° 10'S.: the observed altitude 17° 10′ 40′′: eye 24 feet: time by chronometer 284 22h 10m 408, which was 9m 45.5 fast on mean time at Greenwich, June 8, and losing 65 daily required the longitude.

10. July 10, 1854, A.M. at ship: lat. by account 51° 43′N.: long. 30° 10 W.: observed altitude near the meridian 59° 47': observer N. of the sun index error -1' 13": eye 18 feet: time by watch 10d 2h 10m, which had been found 2h 40m fast on apparent time at ship, but the ship had made 10' diff. long. to W. since the error for apparent time had been ascertained: required the true latitude.

Additional for Master Ordinary.

11. Correct the following courses for local attraction, as given at page 35, West.-N.E. by E.-S.W. by W.-E.N.E.

12. July 21, 1854: long. 18° 45'E.: the observed meridian altitude of the planet Jupiter being 69° 40′ 10′′ observer S. of the planet: eye 21 feet: required the latitude.



Paper V.

For Second Mate.

1. Multiply 7.64 by 1.6 by logarithms.
2. Divide 34.76 by 1-2 by logarithms.

3. In latitude 40°, the departure made was 108m.: required the difference of longitude by parallel sailing.

4. Sept. 23, 1854; long. 90° 45'E.: the observed meridian alti83° 40' 30": observer N. of the sun eye 18 feet: required the latitude.


Additional for Only Mate.

5. Required the course and distance by Mercator's sailing, from Cape Hatteras, lat. 35° 14′N.: long. 75° 30′W.: to Cape Frio, lat. 18° 23'S.: long. 12° 2′E.

Oct. 1, 1854, at 6h 13" A.M. apparent time at ship: latitude 47° 10 N. long. 15° 30'W.: the sun's amplitude at rising was observed E. 31°S.: required the variation.

7. Sept. 16, 1854: required the A.M. and P.M. tides at Brest Harbour.

Additional for Chief Mate.

8. Sept. 2, 1854, at 3h P.M. mean time at ship: lat. 39° 30'S. : long. 37° 30′E.: the observed altitude 26° 40′ 35′′: eye 18 feet: sun's bearing by azimuth compass N. 21° 10'W.: required the variation.

9. Sept. 1, 1854, P.M. at ship: lat. 2° 10'N.: the observed altitude O 28° 40': index error -47": eye 22 feet: time by chronometer August 31d 23h 58m 49s, which had been found 15m 26s slow on mean time at Greenwich June 23rd, and losing 4'5 daily : required the longitude.

10. Sept. 16, 1854, A.M. at ship: lat. by account 42° 36'S. : long 137° 10′E.: the observed altitude near the meridian 44° 10′ 30′′: sun N. of observer : index error -2′ 20′′: eye 19 feet: time by watch 16d 0 2 46', which had been determined 23" 10' fast on apparent time at ship, but the ship had made 14' diff. long. to W. since the error for apparent time had been ascertained; required the true latitude.

Additional for Master Ordinary.

11. Correct the following courses for local attraction, as given at page 35, W. by S.-S. by W.-E. by S. § S.-N.W. W.

12. August 1, 1854: long. 36° 15'W.: the observed meridian. altitude of the planet Jupiter being 60° 30′ 40′′: planet S. of observer: index error +1° 11": eye 18 feet; find the latitude.


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