keep us, O Lord, from all habits of known evil, and from those bold presumptuous acts of sin, which chase away thy good spirit from us, that we may have humble confidence towards thee our God, that we are in thy favour; and that we shall in the end, and in thy good time, be in the number of those to whom thou hast promised life and happiness for ever more! Now unto thee, O Father, &c. The Lord bless us, &c. February 18, 1787. 2F2 SERMON SERMON XX. MARK xvi. 9. Now when Jesus was raised up from the dead early the first day of the week, be appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven demons. It was a very extraordinary favour that was shown to the person here mentioned, to be so much distinguished above others; and it seems to me, that it may be an useful employment of our time to consider her character, and the manner in which Jesus made himself known to her, and the conversation he had with her. Mary Magdalene, as she is called, to distinguish her from the other Maries mentioned in the New Testament, is presumed to have been so named from Magdala, a town of Galilee, where she lived, and where probably her property lay; for she appears to have been a person of some rank and fortune, being spoken of of as one of those women of distinction in company with some of Christ's kindred, who, when he was in Galilee and travelled about to preach the gospel, followed him (Luke viii. 2,3.) and ministered to him out of their substance; i. e. defrayed his expenses, and contributed to his support, as he had nothing of his own; an honourable office, and in which a good mind would be beyond measure happy. With regard to what is mentioned here of her being one out of whom Jesus had cast seven demons, this refers to the notion of the spirits of dead men being supposed to be concerned in inflicting certain diseases, which violently disturb the human frame, and dwelling in men's bodies; which was the popular belief of the Jews and other nations at that time, though there never was the least degree of foundation for it. The persons whom they supposed to bę thus possessed were such as were afflicted with those diseases which affect the understanding more or less, for a greater or shorter space; such as the epilepsy, deep melancholy, insanity, and the like. And when the disorder was very violent, they were wont to say that it was owing to seven, or many, demons. A heathen heathen writer, (Origen cont. Cels. 1. 2, § 55.) who lived near those times, having occasion to speak of Mary Magdalene, calls her a frantic woman. But the term demoniac, or being possessed with demons, was never used by the ancients to signify any thing vicious or immoral in the character, but only bodily defects and disease, or alienation and disorder of the mind. And we might wonder whence it should have happened, that, in these latter ages, the having seven demons should be construed as having been exceedingly wicked, and the most injurious aspersion should have been thrown on the character of this person, as if she had been a common woman, one of the most depraved of the human species; if we did not know that it had arisen from taking her to be the woman mentioned, (Luke vii.) who had unhappily been such, but was become entirely changed when she presented herself to our Lord at the Pharisee's house. 1 Thus, however, the character of a most virtuous woman has been, and continues to be, aspersed from age to age; for, so far was Mary Magdalene from being such a penitent as |