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united with him in prayer at their meeting. The emperor remarked that he should never forget the opportunity, and as the deputation withdrew he took each of them by the hand, and said, "I part with you as a friend and a brother." Subsequently, during an interview with the late Thomas Clarkson, Esq., in Paris, the emperor very kindly inquired after Mr. Wilkinson and the two friends who formed the deputation to wait on him in London, and said the two hours' conversation that he had held with them were among the most agreeable hours he had spent in England, that the religious opportunity which he then had with them made a very serious impression on his mind, such a one indeed as he believed he should never forget, and he could not but have a high regard for the Society to which three such good men belonged.

In the year 1829 it pleased Almighty God to visit our dear friend with an overwhelming affliction, in the removal by death of an only, beloved, and most interesting child, at the age of thirteen years and eight months, which he bore with Christian fortitude and sweetest resignation to the Divine will.

"It may not be uninteresting to add," observes her bereaved parent, (and the digression, we feel assured, will be readily pardoned,)" that from a very early age she showed a remarkably kind, generous, and affectionate disposition; and although she had much susceptibility and quickness she took unwearied pains with herself, and was favoured to acquire a noble and forgiving temper. She was of a delicate constitution, but when in health she was full of vivacity and activity. She had an uncommonly penetrating mind and a very fine understand. ing. She possessed a remarkable facility in making herself acquainted with the marrow of a book, and when requested she could readily give an account of its contents. She made considerable progress in the acquisition of the English, Latin, and French languages, and shortly before her last illness she gave an elegant translation of part of the first book of the Æneid; but for some months before her death her mind was so much occupied with scriptural and devotional reading, that other studies were very little attended to. Amidst all her liveliness her sense of religion never seemed to be laid aside; the tenour of her conduct was such as to show that religion had become a living principle in her. From an early age she was in the practice of seeking some place of retirement for the purpose of pouring out her soul in prayer to that adorable Being who might truly be said to have been her morning light. That her humble and earnest supplications were graciously answered there can be no doubt, because the fruits of the Spirit were abundantly brought

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forth in her; and the Divine support she experienced in the extremity of her afflicting illness proved in the most convincing and sustaining manner to her bereaved relatives, that the Lord was her strength and song, and is become her salvation.' Everlasting praises be unto Him who feeds his flock like a shepherd, and who gathers the lambs with his arms and carries them in his bosom.'"


In the autumn of 1832 Mr. Wilkinson delivered four discourses in London, which were taken down in short hand, and published without his cognizance, as the editor very justly remarks, "for their intrinsic excellence." There were also two sermons delivered by him at the Friends' Meetinghouse in Manchester, and one at Liverpool, and published under similar circumstances, which alike breathe a spirit of deep-toned piety and ardent zeal for the conversion of his fellow-sinners.

In addition to Mr. Wilkinson's intimate acquaintance with the classics, few men were more conversant with theology, ancient and modern history, and general literature: he also possessed no mean knowledge of the arts and sciences. He was distinguished by a noble and generous spirit, an enlarged and benevolent heart; he was blest with a placidity of temper, of most gentlemanly and urbane manners, and endowed with a mind of a superior order, abounding in intellectual resources, delighting in the beauties of nature, but, above all, adorned with humility and that Christian love which hallowed all the other gifts and graces Providence had so liberally bestowed on him.

In the month of February, 1836, Mr. Wilkinson seceded from the Society of Friends, and published his "Quakerism Examined," in reply to a letter of Samuel Tuke, in which he displayed the powers of his well-cultivated and vigorous mind. Subsequently he became a member of the Established Church. He was no bigot, but revered good men of every denomination. He was a liberal supporter of all the various societies having for their object the spread of the gospel and the improvement of the moral and religious condition of his fellowcreatures. Love to all mankind was deeply engraven on his heart, and his charity towards every class was commensurate with the dictates of his liberal soul, which ever devised liberal things, so that it may justly be said of him as of the patriarch of old, "When the ear heard him, then it blessed him; and when the eye saw him it gave witness to him, because he delivered the poor that cried, and the fatherless, and him that had none to help him. The blessing of him that was ready to perish came down upon him, and he caused the widow's heart to sing for joy." That imperfections mingled in his character we cannot doubt, for he

was human; but surely of him it may with | blessing of the adorable Head of the church, truth be said,

"E'en his failings lean'd to virtue's side." All who had the happiness to share his intimacy will readily unite in this testimony. His friendships were those of the heart. He has left behind him an example that may instruct and encourage others. His praise is in all the churches, and his memory will long be embalmed in the recollection of his many and sincerely attached friends. He died to live the life enjoyed in the paradise of heaven, and this life our departed friend has obtained. Let the assurance of it be the solace and joy of his surviving and highly-esteemed widow, family, and friends. To him to live was Christ; to die has been gain.

On the 2nd of January last the mortal remains of the dear departed were interred in a brick grave in the churchyard attached to the newly-erected church at Hazlemere, in the presence of a large assembly of his towns-people who had congregated to witness the mournful scene.

Mr. Wilkinson's will has been proved by his executors in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury under 18,000l., and which contains, subject to Mrs. Wilkinson's life interest, the following munificent bequests:

British and Foreign Bible Society

. £3,000

2,000 1,500

London Missionary Soc ety.

Church Missionary Society

Baptist Missionary Society


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Mr. Wilkinson, in making these bequests, observes: "Now, although to some persons it may appear that the proportion of my personal property which I have directed to be ultimately applied to uses connected with the propagation of the gospel is too large, I must offer as a reason for these bequests, that I view the great cause of the gospel as of paramount importance, since I daily and hourly feel that, were it not for the hope of the gospel, life would be little better than a burthen to me, notwithstanding that (entirely beyond my desert) I am surrounded with every outward comfort that a reasonable person could desire. I consider it therefore to be my present duty to endeavour to show my gratitude to God for his unmerited mercy to me in making me a partaker of the faith and hope of the gospel of his beloved Son, by giving both countenance and support to those institutions which I do in my heart believe have, by the

Jesus Christ, been made the means of bringing tens of thousands to an acquaintance with himself, who were (and for anything we can see or know to the contrary must otherwise have continued) in absolute and hopeless debasement and darkness; and as I cannot doubt the institutions I have named will continue to be made subservient in their various degrees to the same blessed purpose, I consider a contribution towards the support of them to be the best use to which the bulk of the property I am entrusted with can be applied, because I know of no persons who can fairly be said to have any natural claim upon me beyond what this my last will provides for."

"To do good and to communicate forget not; for with such sacrifices God is well pleased."


Died, at New York, U.S., February 1st, 1847, Charles Kennedy, Esq.

Of the early part of the life of this "man of God" there is nothing particularly to remark, excepting that having several times gone to New York on business, he had unhappily fallen into that kind of society which fastened infidel notions of religion in his mind, although without interfering with his accustomed moral conduct.

His scepticism, however, was a source of constant anxiety to the well-regulated family of which he was a member. But God had

designs of mercy towards him. He was a

chosen vessel made to honour, and to be fitted for the Master's use at an earlier period than his friends anticipated. About five years ago he was first introduced to Miss A. B., an intimate friend of his sister's. This acquaintance, after some lapse of time, becoming more intimate, at length, towards the beginning of last year, proposals of the most serious kind were made by Mr. K. to this young lady. Knowing, as she did, his infidel principles, she felt it necessary to be firm and explicit on so momentous a subject. Her reply, therefore, at once was, "I honour your talents as a man of education; I respect you as a member of a family with whom I have long been acquainted; and I also esteem you as a friend; yet if our friendship is to continue, let the subject of a nearer connection never be again named to me. I can never give my hand to a man who despises that which to me is an anchor of the soul, sure and stedfast.' The acquaintance was accordingly broken of; and Mr. K. made preparations for returning to America.

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The thoughts and ways of God essentially differ from those of men. Several well

educated and pious persons were destined to be Mr. K.'s companions during his voyage.

The leisure and necessary intercourse of cabin passengers frequently brought them together; and religion on these occasions was the prevailing topic of conversation. To perceive the mind of an estimable young man alienated from God, and without the comforts of religion, sat heavily on the minds of Mr. K.'s new friends. The evidences of religion became the reiterated subject of their conferences. Books, and especially the Holy Scriptures, were referred to; and many a petition was put up to "the God of all grace." The mind of Mr. K. received a favourable impression. That hand which opened the heart of Lydia, Paul's hearer, was pleased to open his. Mr. K. was brought to see himself a sinner. He was likewise a suppliant at the feet of that gracious Saviour whom he had so long despised and rejected. His soul was in bitterness, but the pardoning word at length came, "I am thy salvation," and he rejoiced in God his Saviour. On his arrival at New York he was introduced by one of his fellow-travellers to the minister of a church in that city, and of which he soon became a member.

His heart thus delivered from the thraldom of Satan, he again turned his thoughts towards his beloved A. B., in England. The acquaintance was renewed, and such proofs were given of Mr. K.'s sincerity that not a doubt could remain of his conversion to God. The family of each party acquiesced in what was proposed to be done. The day for the intended union was fixed, and active preparations made for the expected marriage. Mr. K.'s arrangements being completed in the United States, according to letters received from him, he was fully expected in England not later than the first week in March of the present year. The arrival of this period was anticipated with some solicitude. The time stated having arrived, every coming hour was looked forward to as that, when expectation should be turned into reality. God, however, had determined otherwise. In the midst of this anxiety a letter was received from an intimate friend of Mr. K.'s giving information of his death; and hereby overwhelming the family most interested in the expected event, together with a numerous circle of friends, in the deepest sorrow. Yet this severe visitation was mingled with great consolation, arising from the testimony of this dying Christian. A short extract from the letter itself will suffice. "It is with inexpressible pain," says the writer, "that I am under the necessity of reporting mournful tidings. On the 6th of January Mr. K. was attacked with scarlet fever, which, after an illness of nearly a month, (which he bore with Christian patience,) |

terminated in his death. He expired last Monday, the 1st of February, leaving behind him satisfactory assurance that 'though absent from the body he is present with the Lord.' No one who witnessed his calm and peaceful exit from this world of sin and sorrow, could wish to recall his spirit back; and when

'We think that all his pains are fled,
His toils and sorrows closed for ever;
While He whose blood for man was shed
Has placed upon his servant's head
A crown that fadeth never!'

Perhaps few things are more calculated to
interest our warmest affections, or excite
the tear of sympathy, than the early death
of an amiable young man, whose affable,
gentle manners and highly cultivated un-
derstanding have endeared him to all with
whom he was acquainted."

the beginning of my dear friend's illness, he apprehended a speedy dissolution, though he made no direct allusion to it till after the receipt of Miss A. B.'s letters. was deeply affected by their contents; and turning to me soon after reading them said,



-, man proposes, but God disposes.' He then adverted to the probability of his death with a calmness and composure which indicated that all was right within. He spoke of Miss A. B. in most endearing terms, and extorted a promise from me that I would write and offer her consolation, should he not recover. The few last weeks of his life were very bright and luminous; they shone resplendent with heavenly light and love. The things of the kingdom of heaven appeared to him infinitely glorious; and even when delirium prostrated his mind his heart overflowed with happiness, and his lips were tuned with praise.'

Readers, especially among the young, how many important lessons does this short narrative teach us! Is it true that man proposes, but that God disposes? Then, indeed, are our lives in his hand; and it becomes us so "to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom!" ΔΙΑΚΟΝΟΣ,


On Wednesday, January 25th, were interred in the burial ground adjoining the chapel, amidst unusual demonstrations of esteem and friendship, shown by the members of his church and congregation, by his brethren the ministers of the county, and also by some of the most influential of his fellow-townsmen, the mortal remains of the late Rev. David Smith, minister of the Independent chapel, Brentwood, Essex.

For nearly half a century, in this town, he “served God in the gospel of his Son."

By the amiableness of his disposition; by his unimpeachable fidelity in the proclamation of the truth; by his exemplary deportment, and uniform exemplification of the moral excellence of the gospel; and by his unsectarian spirit, which, overlooking party distinctions, delighted in the fellowship of all who "hold the Head," and embrace the essentials of our common Christianity,-he acquired for himself, from all classes of the community, the renown of being "a good man," and received from all the religious parties to whom he was known, the most cordial expressions of Christian regard.

Having in the face of many difficulties, involving serious self-denial, founded a

Christian church in this town; having preserved in it, during a long series of years, unbroken peace and harmony; having raised it to such a state of vigour and influence as to render indispensable the erection of a new place of worship; and having, by "works of faith and labours of love," for the generål as well as for the local good, "served his generation according to the will of God,"on Monday, January 18th, "he fell asleep, and was gathered to his fathers," having been seized by a violent inflammation of the bronchial tubes, which, in a few hours, terminated his mortal career, and introduced his sainted spirit into the presence of his Lord.


Home Chronicle.


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"Brief!" Yes, five and a half more columns of newspaper scandal! “Final!” Well, there is some comfort in that word. But what can honest Christian men think of the "Appeal?" One writes to us, "Can Dr. Reed be in his sober senses?" Another, "Has he not some secret reason?" A third, "What a sad figure he cuts himself, and makes others cut with him!" A fourth, "The poison of asps is under his lips, and his mouth is full of cursing and bitterness." A fifth, "How sad that a Christian man should so abuse his powers!" And multitudes of the most venerable and experienced of our brethren, in town and country, express their strong conviction that the author of the "Appeal must repent bitterly of his sin, before he can die in peace. It is certainly a gross libel on men whose reputation, individually considered, is quite equal to his own, and who, in their aggregate and associated capacity, must be as fifty to one. And who is Dr. Reed, after all, that he should thus deal with his brethren and with the cause of Christ? Does he centre, in his own person, all the wisdom and all the virtue of the Congregational body in London? We protest, that we have seen no one, in or out of the Direction, of our own denomination or of any other, who thinks that, at the present moment, Dr. Reed occupies either an honourable or an enviable position.

If, indeed, extreme self-complacency could be substituted for matured wisdom, and if newspaper assaults on his brethren could supply the place of hard labour in the duties connected with the Mission House, then Dr. Reed would be a man of first-rate qualifications. But as such miraculous sub

stitutions cannot be effected even by the author of the "Appeal" himself, we are disposed to press the question, Who is Dr. Reed that he should take upon himself the task of treating the Board of London Directors as if they were either knaves or fools? We could name many on that Board, always at their post, whose age, experience, educational advantages, piety, practical wisdom, and punctual attendance to duties which Dr. Reed has totally neglected, entitle them to a standing in our Society which he has never reached, and which he was never so far from reaching as at the present moment. The author of the "Appeal" is obviously inflated with a feeling of his extraordinary discernment and penetration. No one has such a sound judgment as his. All must be wrong who cannot indorse his extreme opinions. The Directors are all, and have been, asleep at their posts. Their action is weakness and feebleness itself. Nothing can restore them to right reason but submission -absolute submission-to the counsels of their gifted brother.

Now, to this tyranny of individual opinion and will, we never intend to yield ourselves. Dr. Reed must first convince us that he is right, and that we are wrong; he must do this, as a Christian brother, with a little less assumption, and a little more charity; he must come on board the missionary ship, and lay his hands about him like the rest of the crew; he must keep his watch, and stand at the helm, and unfurl the sail, and endure fatigue, as many good sailors have been doing on board this noble vessel for the last thirty years, and then may he hope to acquire influence, and that his counsels will have weight, when his motives and conduct are entirely freed from all suspicion.

Hitherto, Dr. R. has been acting the part | of an aristocrat, looking down upon his working brethren in the Direction, as from some imaginary height; but never stooping to mingle with them, to identify himself with them, to exchange thoughts with them, to take part in their toils and anxieties, to subject himself to the censures of discontented, bilious, and self-seeking men. He has been, at best, but a sort of amateur Director of the Society, looking in to the Board once or twice in a year; and then we have always perceived that, when he has deigned to utter anything in the presence of his brethren, it has been with an air of oracular dignity which could not fail to impress them with a feeling of the vast importance which he attached to these his angel-visits. Now, against the dictation of all aristocratic and amateur Directors of our several societies, we enter our loud and earnest protest; we neither want aristocrats nor amateurs, but hard working men, who will come and do their duty, attend to the order and succession of mission business, labour, instead of criticise,-and by such men we will consent to be taught, and, if need be, to be corrected and reproved, provided they do not forget the Christian and the gentleman, and rebuke us, first of all, in the pages of a public print.

We have glanced at Dr. Reed's "Final Appeal" with exquisite and unutterable pain, and deem it a hopeless thing to prolong a controversy with an antagonist who overlooks all the facts and all the arguments adduced by those whom he has publicly accused, and who introduces new matter of complaint, at every stage of the unhappy contest, to give plausibility to his original unprovoked and gratuitous attack. We may now defy any man to conquer Dr. Reed in an argument. He will take care that no logical arrow shall get between the joints of his armour. He writes for effect; and adverse facts and posing statements are nothing to him. He gives the go-by to them all, without seeming to think that he has done any thing strange. He has not, in this particular, the perceptions of ordinary minds, but is, in all respects, a law unto himself. He appeals to the prejudiced and the discontented, and he well knows how to do it with effect. But, after all, will he like his new company? And, should he succeed in forming a party against our noble Society, will this prove a comfort to him in a dying hour? He has wounded and grieved fourfifths of his ministerial brethren, in town and country, and for what? Why, for the sake of telling the world, in rather a forbidding way, that he is a wiser and better man than any of them.

Truly this whole matter is a very afflictive We urge no plea of perfection on


behalf of the Missionary Board. It is composed of imperfect and erring men; and, had Dr. Reed made his appearance in it, it would only have been a little more imperfect than it is. But, upon a most deliberate and solemn review of all the matters in which the Directors have been accused, in this controversy, from a thorough knowledge of the entire case, we give it as our settled conviction, a conviction which death itself will not, cannot disturb, that their consciences may be calm and unruffled, though their hearts may be sad.

No man will ever be able to deprive them of the conviction, that, as a Board of Direction, they did all for Tahiti that the course of events enabled them to do; and it is for a lamentation that any man, calling himself a brother in Christ, should attempt to force an opposite conclusion upon the public mind, at this late period, merely because he thinks that, by certain methods of his, he could have saved our missions in that island. It may be so, but he can never prove it; and if it be really a fact that he did nothing worth naming, at the time, to realize his own fond conception, how sad is it now to come forward as the accuser of his brethren, who laboured, with the utmost earnestness, to discharge a difficult, anxious, and almost overwhelming duty?

The Jubilee, too, is gone, and cannot be recalled. But those of us,-and they were many, who worked hard for many months, late and early, far and near, to make it productive, need be but little troubled by a charge of failure from Dr. Reed, who did nothing literally to make it what he complains it was not. It surely required a considerable measure of that coolness and selfpossession, for which our brother is so remarkable, in his circumstances, to prefer such a charge.

And, China! blessed be God, without any material change in the course of the Directors, begins to look up. The public mind is stirred, and in the right quarters too. Young men of great promise are coming forward to offer themselves to the work. It required a season to spread intelligence, to impress the rising ministry with the new and imposing claims of the Chinese mission, and we are now looking forward with more than ordinary prayer and hope. We shall soon look to Dr. Reed for his 3001. per annum for China, for the amount which he intended to have raised when China was opened, and for the arrears kept back by him for the last two or three years. Less than 10007. will not relieve his conscience.

As to the Secretariat of the Society, in its present most efficient condition, it can afford to be calm under all the provocation to which it has been subjected for many

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