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to a second place in public estimation, and likewise in real efficiency. I bid him Godspeed in his enterprise. There are many men among our constituents to whom it would not be any great sacrifice to give in one donation all the money which is required for the object. May God put it into their hearts to consider the claim, and have their names inscribed in the most commanding roll of India's benefactors!

We have our College in China. If we have dropped, indeed, that more ambitious name, we yet have the substance, the reality, in the "Theological Seminary of the London Missionary Society's Missions in China." The same Institution existed formerly in Malacca, "The Anglo-Chinese College," originated by the venerated Founder of the Chinese Mission, Dr. Morrison. When arrangements were made in 1843 to re-organize it in Hong-Kong, the Brethren thought that something would be gained by the quieter title which has since been adopted. It would appear to the world that our labours are all for one end—our aim quite simple. We hope to come behind none of our compeers in the literary and scientific education which we impart, and the general development which is given to the faculties of our students; but it will be seen that the "one thing" which we "do," is to train up servants for the Church of Christ. Young men of promise, converts to the truth, are to be sent to it from the various stations,-to be taught English, and to be generally instructed through the medium of the Mandarin dialect of their own language. Subsidiary to it, there is a preparatory Boarding-school in Hong-Kong; and, ere long, as our labours become consolidated, I hope to see a similar Institution at every station. A theological class, properly so called, will be commenced with those three young men, immediately on my return. I confidently expect that at least three more will be prepared to join them from the school.

But how are the expenses of the Seminary to be met? An annual allowance is made by the Board of Directors of £150 to support the Boarding-school, which will barely suffice to give food and education to twenty boys. But the students will be young men. They will possess acquirements which would make them highly prized and liberally salaried, as interpreters, clerks, and in other services. They cannot and ought not to be treated on the same plan of rigid economy as mere boys. To insure the prosperity of the Institution, there ought to be an annual allowance of £25 each, to cover all necessary expenses, and support the young men in a manner respectable and befitting the position in life which they are intended to occupy. I would ask whether there are not many in our country, who will cheerfully devote such a sum annually for the training of a Chinese Evangelist? A few of the Directors might be associated as Trustees of a Fund for that object, and to guarantee the faithful application of the contributors' bounty.

I crave your indulgence for a few sentences more on the Library of our Seminary. It is large for that part of the world, but not select nor well proportioned. As to Religious Works, there is an abundance of such as were in print thirty or forty years ago, but few of a later date. As to works of History, Literature, and Science, the supply of them is very scanty; and what we have, are, with almost no exceptions, of an inferior order. I earnestly crave the help of our friends to supply this want. Donations of good books will be of the greatest assistance. The object is surely one well deserving the exercise of liberality. We long to see our Missions self-sustained and self-propagating; but to secure that we must commit the truths which we announce to "faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also." It is our plan to train such-to raise up pastors for our infant Churches, who shall be able ministers-men spiritually enlightened in the knowledge of Christ, and with their general character so strengthened and expanded that we can look to them with hope and admiration, earnestly and wisely to carry on the wide evangelization of their countrymen.

In this work we are prepared to spend and be spent. We hope that very many will cooperate with us in the ways which we have indicated.

I am, dear Brother, ever faithfully yours,

27, Montpelier Square, Brompton, Nov. 15, 1847.



In a recent communication, our brother, the Rev. C. Campbell of Mysore, makes an urgent appeal to the Directors to strengthen his hands by sending out another Missionary from England. In support of this request, with which it is the intention of the Directors to comply at the earliest practicable period, he adduces the facts comprised in the following statements; exhibiting on the one hand the extreme demoralisation and wretchedness of the people; and on the other, their growing conviction of the truth and excellence of Christianity, the candour and patience with which they generally listen to the voice of its messengers, and the unexampled facilities which exist for the spread of its doctrines and the enforcement of its claims. In directing our attention to these deeply interesting topics, our brother observes :

THE work at this station is still in an incipient state: we have been chiefly employed in breaking up the fallow ground; and the plan of our operations has been exceedingly simple, consisting chiefly in the direct preaching of the Gospel in the city of Mysore itself and the surrounding country. I look with the deepest interest on this field of labour, as a place where much precious seed has been sown in the exercise of faith and prayer, and feel assured that, in the Lord's own time and way, that seed will spring forth to the praise and glory of his grace. Yes, I feel confident, that come what will, the labour bestowed on this part of the vineyard cannot be entirely lost. In the eternal world it may be seen that our foolishness of preaching has led to the salvation of many a precious soul, and, in a variety of ways now untraceable by the eye of man, prepared for the glory of the latter days.

Our claim for more help in this part of the Mission-field, is not because we have a large and interesting church that requires to be edified, instructed, and comforted, or that we have many flourishing schools demanding vigilant superintendence; but it is because the number of those who are perishing in heathenism, and to whom we have daily access, is very great. Darkness covers the earth, and gross darkness the people; and their case is all the more wretched and awful, because they love the darkness and refuse to open their eyes to receive the light. And the whole country is before us: Mysore itself, with its 60,000 or 65,000 inhabitants; the populous towns of Seringapatam, Ganjam, and Nunjengode; and many, very many, larger and smaller villages and towns a little more remote, but still within a reasonable distance from this station. In all these places there are multitudes of men, women, and children, with immortal spirits, exposed to the wrath of Almighty God on account of their rebellion against him. There are multitudes of them daily passing for ever beyond our reach. But, alas! how seldom are we able to go to each place to make known the salvation of the Gospel! and how many places are never visited at all! We wish you could send an

other herald of mercy to these poor outcasts. I know that the same may be said of many other parts of the world; but into this part of the field you have already sent us, and we have found it everywhere open to our labours. We have also, in some measure, destroyed their confidence in their refuges of lies, and disturbed their peace in the way of sin; and you must help us to lead them to the sure refuge, and so direct them to the proper source of abundant and lasting peace. You have also greatly increased the responsibilities of this people by affording them some opportunities of hearing the Word of God proclaimed; you must, therefore, send more labourers, that we may give them no rest till they close with the offers of mercy; lest, being allowed to let slip the things they have already heard, they should receive the grace of God in vain, and go down to the grave with an accumulated load of guilt upon their heads.

The general state of the Mission is much the same as when the last report was written. The boys in the day-schools are making good progress in the simple branches of education which are likely to be useful to them in their rank of life, and many of them have as much scriptural knowledge as would not only save their souls, but make them very useful members of the church of Christ, if the Lord were pleased to convert them from the error of their ways.

Mrs. Campbell has had four girls lately added to her school. She feels grateful for even this small increase, and somewhat encouraged by it. She earnestly desires to see greater things, but rejoices to have an opportunity of regularly instructing even a few in the knowledge of Christ. Some of the dear little girls give her much satisfaction, both in their attention to their lessons and in the general temper and spirit which they exhibit.

Our street-preaching in Mysore is often rather discouraging. A great many of the people have heard the Gospel so frequently preached, that they cannot fail to know it in its leading features. But, alas! they seem to be in a very hardened state, wedded to their idols, and either awfully indifferent or

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violently opposed to the saving truths of Christianity. I can see no disposition on the part of any of them at present to unite themselves to the people of God, though I have no doubt many of them have convictions which they find it not easy to resist.


1 feel very deeply impressed with the importance of going out frequently into the country, in obedience to our Lord's com mand, "Preach the Gospel to every creature," to gather into the fold of Christ those whom God has chosen, and who may now be scattered about in various places far removed from the ordinary scene of our labours. we do not know where it may be said, "The Lord has many people in this place," it is desirable to lift up the standard of the Cross in as many places as we can, that the people made willing by the Redeemer's power may speedily gather round it. The multiplicity of duties connected with our central station, and various other circumstances, prevent us from itinerating as often as we could wish; but in the month of June I was able to make two short tours in different directions, both which were exceedingly interesting. On the first occasion I was accompanied by our assistant Mr. Jelly, whose help in preaching and talking with the people was very valuable; and on the other by Mrs. Campbell, whose state of health was not a little benefited by the change. The principal places visited on these two occasions were, Tyaar, Narsipora, Maogoar, Comatoor, Nunjengode, Yedatorah, Cutty, Palhully, Seringapatam, and Ganjam.

In all these and other places there were many people ready to give, at least, a patient hearing to the Gospel-message. Mr. Jelly and I had thought it better not to enter much into discussion; but we had many long and interesting conversations with the people, and enjoyed a few delightful opportunities of setting forth the leading facts and principles of the Divine Word. Some days we were almost constantly engaged from morning till evening, instructing and exhorting, hearing and an

swering questions regarding the things of God. In some of the villages I felt peculiar delight and satisfaction in detailing the miracles and sufferings of our Divine Saviour, and dwelling on the circumstances of his death and resurrection; and was not a little pleased and encouraged with the favourable impression which these great facts seemed to produce on the minds of the hearers. I wish I could say that we witnessed any indications of the hearts of a few being disposed to turn to God. But this, alas! I am unable to do. It is very apparent, however, that there is in many minds a great dissatisfaction with Hindooism as a system of religion, combined with a desire for something better to form a ground of hope for eternity. The superiority of the Gospel, in every respect, is also readily acknowledged by many; and I feel persuaded that nothing but the fear of persecution prevents a large and increasing class from making an open profession of the faith of Christ. This halting between two opinions is a very critical and perilous state. They know enough of the Gospel to render it impossible for them to derive any comfort from the absurd rites and wicked practices of heathenism, and yet they have not received grace to enable them in the face of danger and opposition to betake them to Jesus, the only refuge from the wrath to come. Oh! that Christians were stirred up to pray more earnestly for the heathen in this condition? They have a strong claim on our sympathies and intercessions; for their trials and temptations are greater than it is easy to estimate, and the Spirit of God alone can give them strength to overcome them. It is greatly to be feared, that at the present time many who have often heard the Gospel preached, and felt some of its power, are striving hard to stifle their convictions, and are preparing themselves for a dreadful end; not, indeed, so dreadful as that of many who have been born in a Christian land, but far more so than that of their heathen neighbours who have been less enlightened.

(To be continued.)


THE state and prospects of our Mission in this island are clearly exhibited in the subjoined communication received from one of our Missionary brethren under date of June last. The prejudicial influence of French authority and interference on the aspect and operations of the Mission is painfully apparent from these statements, but it will also be seen that the zealous and persevering endcavours of our brethren to re-organise the stations, and recover the ground which had been lost, have, through the Divine favour, been partially successful; and, amid many discouragements and obstacles, there is reason to hope that the work of God will be gradually restored to order and efficiency. In referring to the

present circumstances and anticipated improvement of the respective stations, our brother writes as follows:

Ar every place there are two parties,-one consisting of those who had formerly joined the French; and the other of those who came out of the camps at the time of the betrayal.

Nearly all of the old native governors have been laid aside by the French, and new ones created from among the young chiefs, who never made any profession of religion. This has greatly discouraged the people. Many of the old chiefs were consistent members of our churches; but those now in office would, it is believed, turn to Popery, or anything else, if the French Governor should express a wish or issue a command to that effect. "The Lord reigneth, let the earth rejoice.' We live in the hope of better times yet for Tahiti.

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Point Venus.-I have visited this station several times, and on each occasion found it in a discouraging state: it is a military station, and many of the French troops are posted there. The young chief of the district has been one of the most zealous on the French side all through the contest. Governor Bruat has taken him, with five or six other youths, to France. There is a chapel, which was built before the camps submitted; but not one-third of the people of the district come to worship in it. They hold prayer meetings at different places under trees, or anywhere as it may suit them. We have not been able to re-establish the church, as yet, at this place; but we hope, by continuing to visit them, an improvement will be manifested ere long.

Papaoa. This station is still in a very unsettled state. Prayer meetings are held at various places in the district; and, when we visit them, the people assemble on the spot where the former chapel stood, and we preach to them under the trees. The French interest is very strong over the district. A new native governor, not agreeable to the wishes of the people, has been appointed; and all are obliged to submit to whatever the French require of them. There are very few at Papaoa station who were of the French party previous to the time they were brought to submit. The church has not yet been re-organised at this station. The house formerly occupied by Mr. Moore was destroyed by the French whilst the people were in the camps. We have no Mission House in this district, nor at Point Venus, at present-all have been entirely destroyed.

Papeete.-The church at this station has been kept up during nearly all the time of our troubles; but although it may be termed the central station, yet the attendance at chapel, and the other means of grace, is not by any means numerous. It is true many

from all parts of the island collect at Papeete, but the greater part of the people resort thither for worldly and vicious purposes.

Bunaania.-The French destroyed all the bread-fruit trees and many of the cocoa-nut for miles on each side of the Point, at the time the first attack was made upon the camps it was said that the object was to prevent the Tahitians from collecting again as an army at this place. And now, having made it a military station, they have succeeded in driving nearly all the people away: only a very few families remaining as residents in the neighbourhood. Utami, our old and tried chief, has also been deprived of his office as governor, because he did not come out of the valley and join the French. He had held this office more than thirty years: it has been given by the French to a young person of another family. There is a pretty good congregation on the Sabbath forenoon. Paaea, our out-station, is visited in the afternoon : we have succeeded in erecting a new chapel; the old one having been burnt down by the French. We have also a chapel at Atuie, a mile and a half towards Papeete, where prayer meetings are held. There has been an addition of five new members to the church since the people came out of the valley to reside at the sea-side.

Papara.-I have been several times at this station since peace was established. Very few of the people who were in the camps have taken up their residence at Papara, although many of them belong to the place. I have visited them once, and intend in a short time to go again, and form into a church those members who have stood fast in the faith and profession of the Gospel. The last time I was at Papeuriri, the station formerly occupied by Mr. Joseph, I was well received. There is a considerable school for children kept up at this station: the congregation is good, though not so large as in former years. The same obstacles exist here as everywhere else. Fareahu, the chief, who has long stood as a good man and a deacon of the church, has been laid aside by the French, and a young man of no character put in his place as governor of the district. The people in general feel this more than anything else that has been done to them. Fareshu resides at a place between Papara and Papeuriri, called Atimaono; and he has erected a small chapel there. Here we call, on our way from Papeuriri to Papara, and preach. Tahiti, at present, appears like the troubled sea. But the Lord is at the helm of affairs; and in Him alone we trust for all that will be most for His own glory, and the good of the people.


THE following statements from our devoted brother Mr. Murray, of the Samoan Mission, will revive in the minds of our readers the painful but tender reflections associated with the history of our Mission to the New Hebrides. Since the death of our lamented brother, JOHN WILLIAMS, at Erromanga, several devoted Native Evangelists have also fallen sacrifice to their godly zeal, in attempting to plant the Gospel among these barbarous islanders. The testimony which Mr. Murray bears to the Christian character and labours of these native brethren is equally gratifying and affecting, while it inspires the hope that many others of like mind may speedily be raised up in the Samoan Mission, to enter the field which their memory has rendered sacred, and to improve the opening now presented for enlightening it with the knowledge of salvation. Mr. Murray, writing in February last, observes:

Or these belonging to the church who have finished their course during the past year, three died on the Missionary field. Two, Vasa, and the wife of Petelu, died on Tanna; and the wife of Vasa on Nina. You will have learned the tragical circumstances relative to the death of Vasa before this reaches England. It occurred in August, 1846. He was a sincere and devoted Christian, as was also his wife. The career of both was very short; and they were able to accomplish but little in that work to which they had devoted their lives still, with regard to themselves, as we have reason to believe, the great end of life was secured; and their desire to glorify their Saviour among the heathen has doubtless been approved, and is being gloriously rewarded. There is something tenderly interesting in the fact, that, when Vasa was met by the assassin's club, he was just returning from the bush, where he had retired to seek communion with God. How suitable an employment to form the concluding act of his life, and immediately to precede the painful and affecting event which ushered him into the presence of God, and united him, as we trust, to the glorious company of saints and martyrs before the throne.

We cannot but drop a tear over our devoted Evangelists who fall a sacrifice to the savage prey of the deluded men, whom they seek to save; as well as over those whose lives are cut short by disease, induced by uncongenial climates, want of proper food, medicine, &c.

Still we are not discouraged,


nor do we mourn as those that have no hope. On the contrary, we look with more earnest desire toward those regions of the shadow of death that are being thus, as it were, consecrated by the blood of the saints. manga has the blood of our beloved Williams; Tanna has that of poor Vasa; Fotuna has that of Samuela and Apela. And, besides these, how many have fallen by the stroke of disease, and now sleep on the different islands awaiting the resurrection of the just! Surely these tender considerations should powerfully affect our hearts; surely they should give additional fervour and earnestness to our prayers; and lead us to more determined efforts for the evangelization of these degraded and miserable tribes of our fellow men.

Let no one be discouraged at the disastrous circumstances that have attended our first efforts. No strange thing has happened to us-nothing but what has been common from the beginning. Let us but have faith in God and go forward, and ultimate success is sure. If a footing cannot be obtained on one island, it may on another, The great thing wanted is suitably qualified men in sufficient numbers.

From all that appears at present, the finger of Providence seems to be pointing our way to Sandwich Island as a centre of operations. But I need not further enlarge. You are acquainted with the state and claims of these interesting islands, and doubtless will do what you can to furnish us with the means of meeting these claims.


A FEW days before the MISSIONARY SHIP set sail for England, an interesting circumstance occurred at the Island of Upolu, where the vessel was then at anchor under preparation for her voyage to this country. The incident is stated in a recent letter from the Rev. William Harbutt, who expresses his belief that it will prove the means, through the Divine favour, of introducing the Gospel to a group of islands as yet comparatively unknown to the friends of Missions. They are recognised by navigators under the designation of the UNION GROUP, and their position in the Pacific is North of the Samoas, about midway between that group and the Equator.

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