Imágenes de páginas

bower of Adam and Eve there,
iv. 690. the parade, watches,
&c. of the guardian angels in
Paradise, iv. 778, 782, 861,
977. the hill there, from
whence Michael discovers to
Adam in vision what should
happen to the time of the
flood, xi. 377. Adam and Eve's
expulsion from Paradise de-
scribed, xii. 625. the flaming
sword, &c. guarding the east
gate of it, 632. the seat of it
destroyed by Noah's flood, xi.
829. (Vide Similies.)
Passions inordinate, an effect of
Adam's fall, ix. 1120.
Patriarchal government, from
the flood to Nimrod's tyranny,
xii. 13.
Patriarchs, (Abraham's, &c.) their
story related, xii. 113.
Peace, the corruptions of it equal

to the wastes of war, xi. 783.
Peor or Chemos, (a fallen angel,)
i. 412.

Persecution in matters spiritual,

the rise of it, xii. 508-533.
its effects, 533.
Phlegethon, (a river of hell,) ii.


Plagues of Egypt described, xii.

Planets and moon, their noxious

motions, aspects, &c. an effect
of Adam's fall, x. 656.
Pleasures sensual censured, xi.

Poles, north and south, perpetual
day under both, but for Adam's
fall, x. 668, 680.

Prayer, the efficacy of its spirit,

xi. 5, 14, 146. unavailable
against God's absolute decrees,

Predestination defined, iii. 111.
Priests occasion the first dissen-

sion in the Jewish church and
state, xii. 353.

Prosopopæia, on Eve's cating

the forbidden fruit, ix. 782. on
Adam's, 1000.


Rainbow, its first appearance
after Noah's flood, xi. 865.
sign of God's covenant to
destroy the world no more by
water, 895.

Ramiel, Ariel, and Arioc, (fallen
angels,) vanquished, vi. 369.
Raphael (the Archangel), his
descent to Paradise to warn
Adam against his fall, v. 247.
his person described, 276. an-
swer to Adam's invitation to
his bower, and entertainment
there, 371, 404. salutation of
Eve, 388. discourse with Adam
on various subjects, v. 468. to
viii. 651. on the perfection, va-
riety, and gradual economy of
the creation, v. 468–543. on
obedience, as a duty of choice,
not necessity, 520-543. on the
revolt and defeat of the fallen
angels,577-897. thence warns
him against Satan's tempta-
tions, vi. 893. vanquishes As-
madai, and puts him to flight,
363. on the creation, &c. vii.
111-640. on the motion, ap-
pearances, and influences of
the celestial and terrestrial
bodies, viii. 15-178. reply to
Adam's account of himself
on his creation, &c. 560. re-
ply to his question concerning
love, and the expression of it
in spirits celestial, 620. advice
to Adam at parting, and re-
ascent to heaven, 630. (Vide

Reason, and free-will, the same,
iv. 95, 108. ix. 350. the chief
faculty of the soul, v. 100. the
being of the soul, discursive
of men, intuitive of angels,

486. in animal creatures, viii.
369. the law of nature, ix. 653.
correlative with liberty, xii. 83.
with virtue, 97.
Redemption of man, proposed
by God the Father, iii. 203.
undertaken by God the Son,

Repentance, the grace of God, iii.

185. sincere endeavours to-
wards it acceptable, 191. an
act of it, x. 1086. its efficacy,
xi. 22.
Reprobation, the state of it, iii.

Reptiles, part of the sixth day's

creation, described, vii. 475.
Revolt, and defeat of the fallen
angels, v. 577. to vi. 892.
Rimmon, (a fallen angel,) i. 467.


Sabbath, its institution, the
seventh, after the six days'
creation, vii. 581.the solemnity
of it described, 594.
Salvation, not only to the sons
of Abraham's loins, but his
faith, xii. 449.

Satan, (the prince of the fallen
angels,) his fall from heaven,
i. 34. why so called, i. 81. v.
657. speech to Beelzebub, after
their fall, i. 84. reply to Beelze-
bub's answer, 157. ascent from
hell, 192. his stature, looks, &c.
described, 193. iv. 985. v. 706.
speech to Beelzebub thereon, i.
242. his shield described, 284.
his spear, 292. speech to the
other fallen angels, 315. his
standard described, 531. speech
to the fallen angels reimbattled,
622. calls a council, 752. speech
to them in council, ii. 11. un-
dertakes an attempt on the
world, (the result of it,) 430,
465. ascent to the gates of hell,

629. speech to Death there,681.
the father of Sin, and Death,
727. answer to Sin's speech,
737. to her reply, 817. flight
into Chaos, 917. arrival at the
court of Chaos, 951. speech
there, 968. brought in and
Death first into the world,
1024. ascent to light, &c. 1034.
alights on the convex of the
world's outermost orb, iii. 418.
view of the world from the first
step to heaven gate, 540. de-
scent to it described, 561. stops
at the sun,588. discovers Uriel,
the angel of it, there, 621.
transforms himself to a cherub,
634. speech to Uriel, 654.
deceives him, 681. is directed
by him to the world, 724. and
Paradise, 733. alights on
mount Niphates, 739. solilo-
quy, contemplating the sun,
iv. 32. the first hypocrite, 121.
arrives at Paradise, 131. sits
on the tree of life, 194. solilo-
quy on view of Adam and Eve
in Paradise, 358. descends
from the tree of life, and as-
sumes several animal shapes,
395. listens to Adam's dis-
course with Eve, on God's
prohibition of the tree of
knowledge, 408. soliloquy on
the subject of it, 505. resolves
thence to tempt them to dis-
obedience, 512. first attempt
in the assumed shape of a toad,
on Eve asleep, 799. answer to
Ithuriel and Zephon, repre-
hending him thereon, 827.
reply to their answer, 854.
answer to Gabriel, 886. reply
to his answer, 925. to another,
968. the inauguration of God
the Son, the occasion of his
revolt, v. 657. speech to the
next subordinate angel of his
party thereon, 673. the seat of
his hierarchy before his fall,

described, 756. speech to the
angels of his hierarchy thereon,
772. reply to Abdiel's answer,
on his speech to the hierarchs
of his party, 853. his army de-
scribed, vi. 79. his port, and
post there, 99. answer to Ab-
diel's reply, 150. battle be-
tween his and the celestial
army, described, 205-385. his
prowess in the battle, 246.
encounters Michael, 253. an-
swer to Michael's speech there-
on, 281. the combat described,
296. wounded by him, 320.
carried off, 335. his army de-
feated, 386. retreats, and calls
a council, 414. speech in
council, 418. reply to Nisroch
there, 469. gives the word for
renewing the battle, 458. re-
newed by his army, and the
second battle described, 569,
670. speech on the celestial
army's retreat, 608. his army's
entire defeat and expulsion
from heaven described, 831-
877. returns from compassing
the earth to Paradise by night,
in a mist, in order to his tempt-
ation, ix. 53. his circuit, &c.
described, 62. soliloquy there-
on, 99. enters the serpent,
182. view (in that shape) of
Eve, 424. soliloquy thereon,
473. behaviour to her, 523.
speech to her, 532. reply to her
answer, 567. the discourse (his
temptation of Eve to eat the
forbidden fruit) continued,732.
leaves her after eating it, 784.
his sentence thereon (virtually)
pronounced by God the Son,
x. 171. returns to hell to avoid
his presence in Paradise, 337.
meets Sin and Death upon
their journey to the world on
Adam's, &c. fall, 345. answer
to Sin's speech, 383. parts with
them, 410. ascends his throne

at Pandemonium, 443. speech
to the fallen angels assembled
there, 459. applauded with a
hiss, 504. he and they trans-
formed to serpents, 510. far-
ther punished with an illusion
of the forbidden fruit, 549. both
annually continued, 575. him-
self (the serpent) dragged in
chains at the ascension of the
Messiah, xii. 453. dissolution
(with the world) at his coming
to judgment, 545. (Vide Si-

Saturn, (a fallen angel,) i. 512.
Scriptures how to be understood,
xii. 511.

Seasons, their changes, respect-
ing each clime, an effect of
Adam's fall, x. 677.
Serpent described, ix. 182. after
entered by Satan, 495. his
sentence(formally) pronounced
by God the Son, as the as-
sumed tempter of Eve, x. 163,
175. (Vide Similies.)
Sidereal blasts, &c. an effect of
Adam's fall, x. 692.


Adam and Eve, after their fall—
to the Americans, at first seen
by Columbus, ix. 1115. their
repentance-to Deucalion and
Pyrrha's address to restore
human race after their flood,
xi. 8.

Adam caressing Eve-to Jupiter

with Juno (May-showers,) iv.
499. his address to her sleep-
ing-to Zephyrus breathing on
Flora, v. 15. bower-to Po-
mona's arbour, 377. desires to
know the story of the creation,
prior to his own to thirst
unallayed, increasing, vii. 66.
awaked after carnal fruition,
the first effect of his fall-to
Samson shorn by Dalilah, ix.

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1059. sorrow on the vision of
Noah's flood-to a father's
mourning his children all de-
stroyed in his view at once, xi.
Angels celestial, the spears (of
the guardians of Paradise)—to
ears of corn ripe for reaping,
iv. 980. their march against
Satan's army-to that of the
birds in Paradise to receive
their names from Adam, vi.
72. their hallelujahs-to the
sound of seas, x. 642. (ap-
pointed to expel Adam, &c.
from Paradise)-their faces to
a double Janus (four,) xi. 128.
their eyes—to those of Argus,
129. their appearance there-
to the angels appearing to
Jacob in Mahanaim, 213. to
those in Dothan against the
king of Assyria, 216. their
motion to an evening mist,
xii. 628.
Angels fallen (or infernal)—to

autumnal leaves, i. 802. to
floating sea-sedge after a storm,
304. rousing at Satan's com-
mand-to centinels waking
from sleep on duty, 331. im-
battling against the angels ce-
lestial to the Egyptian plague
of locusts, 338. to the irrup-
tions of the northern bar-
barians, 351. their disposition
to engage to that of the
heroes of antiquity, 549. with
them the greatest armies in
all ages since the creation-
pigmies, 573. themselves-to
oaks or pines blasted, 612. their
searching, &c. for the materials
of Pandemonium-to pioneers
intrenching, &c. 675. their
manner of raising it-to the
wind of an organ, 705. as-
sembling thereat--to bees,768.
to pigmies, 780. to fairies,

781. their applause of Mam-
mon's speech in council-to
the hollow wind after a storm,
ii. 285. their rising from coun-
cil-to thunder afar off, 476.
their pleasure on the result-
to the evening sun after a foul
day, 488. their after various
pursuits, passions, &c.—to the
Olympic, or Pythian games,
530. to the phænomena of
armies in the clouds, 533. to
Hercules on Eta, 543. their
numbers composing Satan's
army against the celestials-to
the stars, v. 745. to the dew
drops, 746. their applause of
Satan's reply to Abdiel—to the
sound of deep waters, 872.
thronged together after their
entire defeat by God the Son-
to a herd of goats, vi. 856. their
retreat to Pandemonium from
the frontiers of hell, during
Satan's expedition to the world
-to the Tartars' flight before
the Russ-and the Persian
from the Turk-wasting the
intermediate country, x. 431.
transformation to serpents-to
those sprung from the gorgon's
blood, &c. 526. their appear-
ance on the tree illusive of the
forbidden fruit-to the snaky
hair of Megara (one of the
furies,) 558. the fruit-to the
apples of Sodom, 561.
Chaos. Atoms, their motion-to
the Libyan quicksands, ii. 900.
confusion there-to storming
a town, 920. to heaven and
earth (supposed) falling, &c.

Death, and Sin, their making a

bridge over Chaos to the world
-to polar winds, driving the
ice together in the (supposed)
north-east passage, x. 289. the
work-to Neptune's fixing the

isle of Delos, 293. to Xerxes
making a bridge over the
Hellespont, 306.

Death's instinct of Adam's fall-

to the flight of birds of prey to
a field of battle, x. 273. his and
Satan's frowns on each other
-to two thunder clouds meet-
ing, ii. 714.

Eve her hair-to the vine's
tendrils, iv. 305. her looks-to
the first blush of morning, v.
122. herself to Pandora, iv.
713. to a wood-nymph, or
Venus, v. 379. to a Dryad,
or Delia (Diana,) ix. 387. to
Pales or Pomona, 393. to Ceres,
395. her temptation by Satan
-alluded to by the story of
Ophion and Eurynome, x. 578.
Flaming sword in Paradise, on
Adam's and Eve's expulsion
thence to a comet, xii. 632.
its heat, &c.-to the Libyan
air, 634.
Hell-to mount Etna (in Sicily,)

i. 230. to the bog or lake
Serbonis (in Palestine,) ii. 592.
Knowledge, the desires of it-to

a thirst unallayed, increasing,
vii. 66.

Michael, his combat with Satan
-to two planets (the frame
of nature, supposed, dissolved)
rushing in opposition to each
other, vi. 310. appearance to
expel Adam, &c. from Paradise

to a man in a military vest,
&c. xi. 239.
Pandemonium (or the court of
hell) its sudden rise to an
exhalation, i. 710
Paradise, the air of it-to the

effluvia from Arabia Felix, at
sea, iv. 159. itself to the
field of Enna (in Sicily,) 268.
to the grove of Daphne, &c.
(in Thessaly,) 272. to the isle
of Nysa, (where Bacchus was

brought up,) 275. to mount
Amara (in Ethiopia), 280. to
the gardens of Adonis, ix. 439.
of Alcinous, 440. of Solomon,
Raphael, his view of the world in
his descent from heaven to
Paradise-to that of the moon
through an optic glass, v. 261.
of Delos or Samos from the
Cyclades (isles), v. 264. himself
--to a phoenix, 271. to Mer-
cury, 285.
Satan-to Briareus, Typhon, and
the Leviathan, i. 199, 201. to
the sun rising in a mist, 594.
in eclipse, 596. to the longest
train of a comet, ii. 707. to
mount Teneriff or Atlas, iv.
985. his shield-to the moon,
i. 284. his spear-to a mast,
292. his standard-to a meteor,
337. the phænomenon of his
ascent to hell-gates-to a fleet
in the offing, ii. 636. his, and
Death's frowns on each other
-to two thunder-clouds meet-
ing, 714. flight to the court of
Chaos to a griffin's in the
wilderness, 943. towards hea-
ven-to (the ship) Argo
through the Thracian Bos-
phorus, i. 1016. to Ulysses's
voyage between Scylla and
Charybdis, ii. 1019. arrival at
light, &c.-to a weather-
beaten vessel towards port,
1043. on the convex of the
world's outermost orb-to a
vulture seeking his prey, iii.
431. first view of the world—
to a scout's casual prospect
(after a dangerous journey) of
a new country or city, 543.
of the stars' orbs-to the
Hesperian gardens, &c. 568.
appearance in the sun's orb
-to a spot in it differing
from all astronomical observ-

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