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only about three in a hundred who have taught over 30 years. The inquiry for a typical length would, of course, be absurd. The median is probably 8 years. That is, as many public high-school men have taught over 9 years as have taught 7 years or less. Figure 5 gives the facts as reported concerning the amount of experience of the men

0-19 per cent


FIG. 5.-Relative frequencies of different amounts of experience in teaching of men teachers in public high schools (as reported). The horizontal line is a scale of length of experience (in years) from 0 up. The total area equals 100 per cent. The area inclosed between perpendiculars erected at any two points on the horizontal scale gives the approximate per cent of teachers reported with experience of the amounts included between those two points.




FIG. 6.-Same as figure 5, but corrected for overreports of 5 and 10 years and for the rough grouping above 10 years.

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FIG. 7.-Same as figure 6, but corrected also for reports of experience in present position only and for the tendency to include the year for which the salary reported was received.

teachers and principals. Figure 6 gives the same facts corrected for the tendency to rough report and to overreport round numbers. Figure 7 gives an estimate corrected also for the tendency to report the length of experience in the present position, to report cases of

0 years inaccurately, and to include the year for which the salary reported was received.

The length of experience ranges, for women, from 0 years to beyond 50, with about two in a hundred who have taught over 30 years. The median is probably 6 years. That is, probably as many public

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FIG. 8.-Relative frequencies of different amounts of experience in teaching of women teachers in public high schools (as reported). For explanation of the diagram see the legend of figure 5.






FIG. 9.-Same as figure 8, but corrected for overreports of 5 and 10 years and for the rough grouping above 10 years.

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FIG. 10.-Same as figure 9, but corrected also for reports of experience in present position only and for the tendency to include the year for which the salary reported was received.

high-school women have taught 7 years or more as have taught 5 years or less. Figure 8 gives the facts as reported. Figures 9 and 10 correspond to figures 6 and 7, giving for women the same information that figures 6 and 7 give for men.



Salaries. The salaries of men engaged in private secondaryschool work range from less than $300 (no provision of board or lodging being made by the school) to an unknown upper limit which

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FIG. 11.-Relative frequencies of different annual salaries of men teachers in private secondary schools. For explanation of the diagram see the legend of figure 1.

is at least $7,000. Making an allowance, in those cases where board and lodging are provided as a part of the compensation, of from $100 to $500 according to the general probability of their value, the median salary is

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· 2000

FIG. 12. Relative frequencies of different annual salaries of women teachers in private secondary schools. For explanation of the diagram, see the legend of figure 1.

The salaries of women engaged in private secondary-school work range from less than $200 to an unknown upper limit which is at least $3,500. Making an allowance for the provision of board and lodging of from $100 to $500 according to their probable values, the median salary is $600, or a trifle less.

a Teachers who are the owners of private schools in some of the large cities may in some cases exceed this figure by a considerable amount, but their income is then to be considered as a salary for educational services plus a profit from business sagacity and enterprise and risk.

One of the private schools is reported as having 14 secondary and 38 elementary pupils with only one teacher, "but she teaches 12 hours out of every 24," teaching everything from "the fifth grade to Cicero." She is reported as having studied 3 years in a high school and 4 years beyond the high school, and as receiving no salary except board and lodging.

Of a hundred women 35 or 36 receive less than $500, 52 from $500 up to $1,000, 9 or 10 from $1,000 up to $1,500, and 3 $1,500 or over. Figure 12 shows the general facts of their financial status.

The teacher's education. The length of education beyond the elementary school ranges in the case of private high-school men from 0



FIG. 13.-Relative frequencies of different amounts of education of men teachers in private secondary schools. For explanation of the diagram, see the legend of figure 3.

to 13 years or more; the typical length reported is 8 years, and the number reported with 8 years or more equals the number reported with 7 years or less. Of a hundred men, as reported, 7 or 8 have had less than 4 years, 24 have had from 4 up to 8 years, 37 or 38 have had 8 years, and 31 have had 9 years or more. Figure 13 shows the facts.

The length of education beyond the elementary school in the case of private high-school women ranges from 0 to 13 years. There is no clearly typical condi

[blocks in formation]

FIG. 14.-Relative frequencies of different amounts of education of women teachers in private secondary schools. For explanation of

the diagram see the legend of figure 3.

tion, 8 years being the most frequent, but 7 years being the median length. There are somewhat more women who have had 7 years or more than have had 6 years or less. Of a hundred women, 14

or 15 have had less than 4 years, 46 have had from 4 up to 8 years, 24 have had 8 years, and 15 or 16, 9 years or more. The facts are shown in figure 14.

Experience in teaching. Of the private 4 per cent have taught 30 years or more.

high-school men, about Probably as many have

taught 9 years or more as have taught less than 9 years. Figure 15 gives the facts as reported.

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FIG. 15.-Relative frequencies of different amounts of experience in teaching of men teachers in private secondary schools. For explanation of the diagram see the legend of figure 5.


FIG. 16.-Relative frequencies of different amounts of experience in teaching of women teachers in private secondary schools. For explanation of the diagram see the legend of figure 5.

Of the private high-school women, only 2 per cent have taught 30 years or more. Probably as many have taught 7 years or more as have taught less than 7 years. Figure 16 gives the facts as reported.


Figures 17, 18, and 19 show the differences between men and women engaged in public secondary education with respect to salaries, amount of education, and amount of experience, as reported. That men are paid more is of course a familiar fact, but that they have less education as a preparation has been unnoticed, and that they remain in teaching so little longer than women is a fact which flatly contradicts common opinion. It is also to be noted that there is not so much difference in the pay for the same (or ostensibly the same) work as the average salaries usually quoted mislead one into believing. The average salaries are compounded in part of, and overinfluenced by, the few large salaries paid to heads of departments, principals, and those whom we may call "managing teachers," who, without official recognition in title, are expected to do the lion's share in the organization and control of the school. All these are

• The influence of the sources of error described in Section I is so nearly the same for men and for women that the comparison may be made from the data as reported without risk of any error worth considering.

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