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from which the English have happily cleared their ifland. Colbert, the minifter, who knew the neceffity we were in of the commodities of Japan, that wants nothing from us, laboured in vain to fettle a trade with that empire; he found those people inflexible.

Thus then every thing on our Continent fhows us, that we ought neither to preach up, nor to exercise non-toleration.

Let us now caft our eyes on the other hemiffphere. Behold Carolina! whofe laws were framed by the wife Lock; there every mafter of a family, who has only feven fouls under hist roof, may establish what religion he pleases, provided all thofe feven perfons concur with him therein; and yet this great indulgence has not, hitherto, been the occafion of any disorders. God forbid, that I fhould mention this as an example to every master of a family to set up a particular worship in his house: I have only introduced it to fhew, that the utmost lengths to which toleration can be carried, have never yet given rife even to the flightest diffentions.

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And what fhall we fay of thofe pacific primitive Chriftians, who have, by way of derifion, been called Quakers; and who, though fome of their cuftoms may perhaps be ridiculous, are yet remarkable for the virtue and sobriety of their lives, and for having in vain endeavoured to preach peace and good-will to the rest of mankind? There are at leaft an hundred thoufand of them in Pensylvania; discord and controversy are unknown in that happy spot where they have fettled: the very name of their prinipal city, Philadelphia, is a continual memento to them, that all men are brethren, and is at once an example and reproach to thofe nations who have not yet adopted toleration.

To conclude, toleration has never yet excited civil wars; whereas its oppofite has filled the earth with flaughter and defolation. Let any one then judge, which of the two is most entitled to our esteem, or which we should applaud, the mother who would deliver her fon into the hand of the executioner, or she who would refign all right to him to fave his life.

In all what I have faid, I have had only the intereft of nations in view, and, as I pay all due respect to the doctrines of the church, I have in

this article, only confidered the phyfical and moral advantages of fociety. I therefore hope, that every impartial reader will properly weigh these truths, that he will view them in their proper light, and rectify what may be amifs. Those who read with attention, and reciprocally communicate their thoughts, will always have the start of the author †.

Mr. de la Bourdonnaie, intendant of Rouen, fays, that the manufacture for hats at Caudebec and Neufchatel is greatly fallen off fince the refugees left that country. Mr. Foucaut, intendant of Caen, fays, that trade in general is declined through the whole generality; and Mr. de Maupeou, intendant of Poitiers, that the manufactures for druggets is quite loft. Mr. de Bezons complains, that there is now hardly any trade ftirring at Clerac and Nerac. Mr. Miroménil, intendant of Tourain, fays, that the trade of Tours is diminished near ten millions per annum, and all this through the perfecution raised in that part of the kingdom: See the memorials of the intendants in the year 1698. To this if we add the number of land and fea officers, and common failors, who have been forced to engage in foreign services, frequently with fatal confequences to their own.

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country; we shall then fee whether or no perfecution has been fatal to the state.

hints to

We will not here presume to offer any thofe minifters, whose conduct and capacity are fufficiently known, and whofe greatnefs of foul and nobleness of fentiment do honour to their illuftrious birth: they will of themfelves readily perceive, that the restoration of our marine will require fome indulgence at leaft to be fhewn to the inhabitants of our fea-coafts.



In what Cafes TOLERATION may be admitted.

ET me for once suppose, that a minister equally noble and difcerning, that a prelate equally wife and humane, or a prince who is fenfible that his intereft confifts in the increased number of his fubjects, and his glory in their happiness, may deign to caft their eyes on this random and defective production. In this case, his own confummate knowledge will naturally lead him to ask himself, what hazard fhall I run by feeing the land beautified and enriched by a greater number of industrious labourers, the aids augmented, and the ftate rendered more flourishing?

Germany, by this time, would have been a defart, covered with the unburied bodies of many different fects, flaughtered by each other, had not the peace of Weftphalia happily procured a liberty of confcience.

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