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2. Give rules for the omission of the article. Does the form ever determine the gender of the noun?

3. Name the auxiliaries of mood, and the different ways in which they may be used.

4. How would you classify the strong verbs? Give reasons for your arrangement.

5. Translate (if possible without a dictionary):

An einem heissen Sommertage des Jahres 1798 konnte man gegen die Abendstunde hin in einer wilden Gebirgsgegend des Savoy'schen Hochgebirgs eine Gruppe Fusswanderer sehen, welche Niemand, selbst der Unbefangenste nicht, ohne Verwunderung, ja selbst nicht ohne einen heimlichen Verdacht dass sie irgend eine böse That begangen haben möchten, betrachten konnte. Die kleine Truppe bestand aus einem Manne, einer Frau, und zwei Knaben von ziemlich gleichem Alter, welche letzere auf dem rauhen und holperigen Gebirgspfade kaum vorwärts kommen konnten.

6. In a tabulated form, show the system you would adopt for the declension of nouns. Accompany the same with examples.


Women (Preliminary).

1. Past participles are frequently used as adjectives, and declined as such. Give examples.

2. Which three prepositions may be said to govern the infinitive, and where are they always placed?

3. How many auxiliaries of tense are there? Why are they so called? Give their principal parts.

4. Explain the following idiomatic expressions:-Einem etwas weiss machen,―er macht ihr die Cour, sie hat ihm einen Korb gegeben,-sitzen bleiben, es ist aus mit mir,-es kam mir theuer zu stehen.

5. Decline in both numbers dieser, jene, solches, and give a tabular form of the principal prepositions with the cases they govern.

6. Give the genitive singular and nominative plural of the following nouns :-der Nachbar, das Fischlein, die Schwester, der Garten.

7. Translate:

To a homeless man, who has no spot on this wide world which he can truly call his own, there is a momentary feeling of something like independence and territorial consequence when, after a weary day's travel, he kicks off his boots, thrusts his feet into his slippers, and stretches himself before an inn fire. Let the world without go as it may; let kingdoms rise or fall, so long as he has the wherewithal to pay his bill, he is, for the time being, the very monarch of all he surveys.

8. In what kind of sentences may haben and sein be omitted?

9. How do you distinguish adverbs, and into how many classes may they be divided?


Women (Pass).

1. Translate (without a dictionary):
Die Leidenschaft flieht,

Die Liebe muss bleiben;
Die Blume verblüht,
Die Frucht muss treiben;
Der Mann muss hinaus
Ins feindliche Leben,
Muss wirken und streben
Und pflanzen und schaffen,
Erlisten, erraffen,

Muss wetten und wagen,

Das Glück zu erjagen.


2. When would you translate there is, there are, by es giebt? Give rules for the use of man, and express in German the 10th, the 29th, at three o'clock, g, a quarter past two, quadruple, my only son, the 15th of January, 1882.


3. Distinguish between wer and welcher. When may dieses (or das) be used, irrespective of the gender or number of the noun ?

4. Translate:

Although the ladies of Cranford know all each others' proceedings, they are exceedingly indifferent to each others' opinions. Indeed, as each has her own individuality-not to say eccentricity -pretty strongly developed, nothing is so easy as verbal retaliation; but, somehow, good will reigns among them to a considerable degree. The Cranford ladies have only an occasional little quarrel, spirted out in a few peppery words and angry jerks of the head; just enough to prevent the even tenor of their lives from becoming too flat. Their dress is very independent of fashion, as they observe, "What does it signify how we dress here at Cranford, where everybody knows us?" And if they go from home their reason is equally cogent: "What does it signify how we dress here, where nobody knows us ?"

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1. Explain the terms digit; local value; factor; average; concrete and abstract numbers.

2. Distinguish between numeration and notation; G. C. M. and L. C. M., proper and improper fractions; terminating and circulating decimals.

3. Add together fifty thousand one hundred and three, a million and sixty, thirteen thousand and one, ten millions, ten thousand and ten; and find how far the sum falls short of two billions, thirty millions, one hundred thousand and forty-nine.

4. What number of 6 digits will contain the highest possible multiple of 679 with remainder 475 ?

5. Reduce (a) 540451 feet into miles. (b) 712 miles into inches.

How is the word reduce applicable in both these cases?

6. If a train move 40 feet per second, what is its rate per hour? If it move 45 miles per hour, what is its rate per second ?


7. How much greater is 13 of 27. 7s. 11 d. than 23 of 11. 3s. 2‡d.?

8. Three persons having 27., 4., 5., subscribe respectively What is the total amount of their subscriptions?

1, 1, and

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10. Two men could reap a field separately in 5 days and 3 days; in what time could they do it together?

11. After spending of his money the first day, of what remained the second day, and of his second remainder the third day, what fraction of the original sum will a man have left? And if the sum left amounts to 27. 6s. 8d., what was the original amount?

12. (i.) A room 27 feet long, and 23 feet 5 inches wide, has a wainscoting 3 feet 2 inches high; find the cost of painting it at 3s. per square yard.

(ii.) If the same room be 15 feet high, find the cost of papering the walls above the wainscoting at 18. 4d. per square yard; and of carpeting the floor with Brussels carpet -yard wide, at 5s. 6d. per yard.

13. Divide 2.7547 by 0208, 2.08, 20 8, 208000; and from the sum of these four quotients take the difference of 3 06041, and 100407. Give the value of the two last decimals in words.

14. Reduce 4·22428571 to a vulgar fraction.

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16. Cork, whose weight is 24 of that of water, weighs 15 lbs. per cubic foot. What is the weight of 6 cubic feet of oak, which weighs 934 times as much as water?

17. Find the expense of keeping 7 horses for 6 months, when 3 horses cost 87. 13s. in 4 months.

18. If 27 men in 28 days of 10 hours each dig a trench 126 yards long, 7 feet broad, and 4 feet deep, how long à trench 8 feet broad, and 5 feet deep would 56 men dig in 25 days of 81 hours?

19. What will be the difference in the annual interest to be paid on 87501. at 4 per cent. and at 5 per cent.?

20. Find the difference between the amounts at simple and compound interest of 5437. 158. in 3 years at 4 per cent.

21. Determine the present value of 33347. 12s. 5d. due in 7 at 4 per cent.


22. A person invested 28557. in a bank, when the stock was at 142; what is the rate per cent. of the dividend when he receives 1507. ?

23. Find the square and cube roots of 10779215329.

24. By selling apples at two a penny a fruiterer gains 5 per cent., what will he gain per cent. by selling them ten for sixpence ?

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