Imágenes de páginas
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Ingham, (R.), Handbook on Bap-
tism, noticed,
Jehovah-Jireh, noticed,

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572 New Era, The, Article, by T.



Johnson, (President), His Tour and
his Policy, Article,
Jones, (E. C.), Expository Preach-
ing, Article,
Kennedy, (John P.), Mr. Ambrose's
Letters on the Rebellion, noticed, 170
Knox, (Charles E.), A Year with

St. Paul, reviewed, by Edward
W. Gilman,

Knox, (Charles E.), Graduated Sun-
day School Text-Books, review-
ed, by Edward W. Gilman,
Lange, (John Peter), Commentary,
Vol. II., Mark and Luke, noticed,
Language, The Relation of Thought
to, Article, by E. D. Sanborn,
Lecky, (W. E. H.), History of Ra-
tionalism, noticed,
Letters of Life, by Mrs. L. H. Sig-
ourney, reviewed, by Timothy

Loomis, (H.), Divorce Legislation
in Connecticut, Article,

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Lunt, (George), Origin of the Late
War, noticed,

Man's Place in Nature, Dr. Draper's
Views respecting, criticised, by
I. N. Tarbox,

March, (Francis A.), Method of Phi-
lological Study of the English
Language, noticed,

Martineau, (Harriet), History of
England during the Peace, re-
viewed, by Theodore Bacon,
Martineau, (James), Essays: Philo-
sophical and Theological, no-

M'Cosh, (James), An Examination
of Mr. John Stuart Mill's Phi-














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Newman, (John Henry), Letter to
Rev. E. B Pusey, D. D., on his
recent Eirenicon, reviewed, by
G. P. Fisher,

Orthodoxy; its Truths and Errors,
by James Freeman Clarke, no-

Osborne, (Thomas B.), Government
in the United States,

Our Young Folks,

Owen, (Robert), Life of, noticed,
Packard, (Louis R.), Lord Derby
and Professor Arnold on Homer,




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Palmer, (Ray), Sermon on "The
Highest Civilization a Result of
Christianity and Christian Learn-
ing, noticed,

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Perry, (A. L.), Elements of Political
Economy, noticed,
Plumer, (W. S.), Jehovah-Jireh, A
Treatise on Providence, noticed, 572
Political Situation, April, 1866,
Article, by G. P. Fisher,
Porter, (Noah), Review of Dr. Bush-
nell on the Vicarious Sacrifice," 228
Potter, (Horatio), Pastoral Letter
of, noticed,

Preaching. Expository, Article, by
E. C. Jones,


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Preaching, Political, Review of
Judge Black's Letter to Rev.
Alfred Nevin, by H. T. Blake,
Prophecy, Views of, concerning the
Jews, the Second Advent, and
the Millennium, noticed,
Punchard, (George), History of
Congregationalism, noticed,





Pusey, E. B.), An Eirenicon, re-
viewed, by G. P. Fisher,


Rebellion Record, noticed,

409, 596

[blocks in formation]

losophy, noticed,
Merivale, (Charles), The Conver-
sion of the Northern Nations, no-
Merle, (D'Aubigne). History of the
Reformation in Europe, noticed,
Ministry, Systematic Training for
the, Article, by George P. Fisher, 200
Mill, (John Stuart), Dissertations
and Discussions, noticed, . 166
Mill, (John Stuart), On the Positive
Philosophy of Auguste Comte,



Rise (The) and Fall; or the Origin
of Moral Evil, noticed,
Robertson, (F. W.), S. A. Brooke's
Life and Letters of, noticed,
Rush, (James), Brief Outline of an
Analysis of the Human Intellect,

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Sabbath School Instruction, Article, by Edward W. Gilman, Sanborn, (E. D.), The Relation of Thought to Language, Article, Schaff, (P.), The Person of Christ, noticed,






Scott, (Leonard), Reprints of the
British Periodicals, noticed, 406, 596
Shadow of Christianity, noticed, . 567
Sheol; Hades, The Invisible State,
Article, by E. T. Fitch,.
Sherbrooke, noticed,
Sigourney, (Mrs. L. H.), Letters of
Life, reviewed, by Timothy
Silliman, (B.), Prof. Fisher's Life of,
reviewed, by Timothy Dwight,
Smith, (Alexander), A Summer in
Skye, noticed,


Tyler, (W. S.), Discourse delivered at the Funeral of Rev. Samuel Fisk, reviewed, by Burdett Hart, 75 Tyng, (S. H.), Reply to Bishop Potter's Pastoral Letter, noticed, 378 United States, Government in the, Van der Palm, (J. H.), N. Beets' Article, by Thomas B. Osborne, Life and Character of, noticed, Wayland, (Francis), The Elements of Moral Scienee, noticed, Wayland, (Francis). The late President of Brown University, Article, by G. P. Fisher, Warren, (Joseph), Richard Frothingham's Life of, noticed,



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Wells, (W. V.), Life of Samuel Adams, noticed,



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Smith, (W.), Concise Dictionary of the Bible, noticed,

Smith, (John Cotton), Reply to Bishop Potter's Pastoral Letter, noticed,

South, The Reformation of the,
Article, by W. T. Eustis,
Spring, (Gardiner), Reminiscences,



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Spencer, (Herbert), The Principles of Biology, noticed, Stanley, (A. P.), Lectures on the History of the Jewish Church, Part II., noticed, Stevens, (Abel), The Centenary of American Methodism, noticed, . 410 Swinburne, (Agernon Charles), The Queen Mother and Rosamond, noticed, Tarbox, (I. N.), Review of Dr. Draper's "Thoughts on the future Civil Policy of America,"

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Westminster, (Archbishop of), The
Temporal Mission of the Holy
Ghost, noticed, by G. P. Fisher, 536
Westminster, (Archbishop of), Pas-
toral Letter on the "Reunion of
Christendom," reviewed, by G.
P. Fisher,


Whedon, (D. D.). Commentary,
Vol. II., Luke and John, noticed, 566
White, (Andrew D.), Phi Beta
Kappa Address, Yale College,
July 25, 1866, noticed,

Whittier, (John Greenleaf), Snow
Bound, noticed,

Winifred Bertram, noticed,
Woolsey, (T. D.,) The New Era,



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Woolsey. (T. D.), Review of Dr. Hedge's Address to the Alumni of Harvard, on University Education,

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JANUARY, 1866.


The Rural Life of England. By WILLIAM HOWITT. 2 Vols. Philadelphia: Parry & McMillan. 1854.

Our Old Home: A Series of English Sketches. By NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE. Boston: Ticknor & Fields.


Ir is not strange that Americans incline to think and speak much of England and her people, for whatever concerns that nation largely concerns us. Notwithstanding the rough treatment we have lately received at her hands, we cannot forget that she is the mother country. We are bone of her bone, and flesh of her flesh. Whatever is ancient and renowned in her history, whatever the extent of her empire, the wisdom and justice of her laws, or the splendor of her achievements in art and literature,-all is, in a sense, our property, and may justify in us some measure of family pride. It is of our English cousins that we now propose to speak, and of them more especially as living in the country; for it is here that they are

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most at home, and appear to the best advantage. In the city, they become cosmopolitan and common-place; it is in the country that they retain most of their national peculiarities.

An intelligent American, turning his eyes toward England, will ever take into his view her history. Living in a new country, and surrounded by whatsoever is recent, he must be deeply impressed with her age; not, indeed, the hoary antiquity of Egypt or Greece, but, as compared with his own country, a nation venerable with years. In the mists which envelop her earliest history, he sees shadowy forms of the old Phoenicians, sea-faring people, hovering around her shores, trafficking with the nations for tin and lead; and when these mists blow away, he finds veritable traces of these bold Eastern men, in their Druidical temples, older than the Christian era. He finds, dating a few centuries later, the remains of Roman forts, bridges, walls, and military roads, built when Rome was mistress of the world. He thinks the plowman must be very dull if he does not reflect for how many years the same soil has been turned up to the sun, and how long it has been the theatre of active human life; that the boatman on the Thames must be very stupid who does not reflect how many times those waters have been cut by British keels, and how grand a part British commerce has played in the world's civilization.

Nor can it be forgotten that the lives of her kings have been largely associated with the country; for over its hills and plains many of then have swept with their armies; in its forests they have hunted; in its parks and gardens they have sought recreation; and in the affection and loyalty of its inhabitants they have taken special delight, and found the firmest pillar of their throne. Not only kings and queens, but the names of lords and ladies, statesmen, warriors, poets, and scholars, are every where linked with rural traditions. In yonder forest, King Rufus fell before Tyrrel's arrow; this one still resounds to the tread of Robin Hood and his merry men. It was on this beach of Southampton, that the waves humbled the pride of Canute. Here is Edgehill, the scene of the first encounter between Charles and the parliamentary forces, and

hard by is the house where Cromwell lodged on the night before the battle. Of modern kings, from Henry the Eighth to the present reigning family, nearly all have been munificent patrons of agriculture and gardening.

On yonder hill are the ruins of Ludlow castle, where Milton's "Comus" was first performed; and by this placid stream is Wilton Hall, amid whose bowers Sir Philip Sydney composed his "Arcadia." In a little rude building at Stratford, was the early home of Shakespeare. In Wolthorpe, Newton was born, and in one of its fortunate orchards saw the famous apple fall.* It is remarkable how almost every corner of the kingdom is associated with important deeds there done, or of eminent men who there lived and died. A writer has well observed that "the roll of England's great men is long, but it exhibits, for the most part, the names of great men and humble places. * Many roof-trees throughout the country are thus made beautiful and imposing, even with their thatch and tiles." Now in this roll are very many of the best minds that the world has ever seen; they have left a deep impression on the fortunes of the race; and it stirs one's blood to walk the soil once trodden by their feet, and to visit the graves where their dust reposes.



The remains of ancient architecture in England greatly impress a visitor from the New World. Here are castles, abbeys, and cathedrals, eight and nine centuries old. Many of them. are in partial decay, covered with moss and ivy, yet enough has been preserved to illustrate the eminent genius and lofty purpose of the builders. For the sacred edifices it is claimed that the religious sentiment inspired them, just as it led to the crusades, to the translation of the Bible, and taught resistance to tyrants.

"The hand that rounded Peter's dome,

And groined the aisles of Christian Rome,
Wrought in sad sincerity;

Himself from God he could not free;

We understand that the identical pippin is still shown the credulous visitor,

or a consideration.

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