(a) In Police Offices, Accountant, £350-15-500; Chief Clerk, Finance Clerk, and Registrar of Cars, £200-10-300; Surgeon, £240. Some of the Officers have allowances for house rent, &c. After 10 years. § After 15 years, £450 after 20 years, and £500 after 30 years. * First two years, then £10. † Now called Junior Examiners. B Inspector at Leith, and Sec. of State, £5,000; 54 2 I. and 2 II. Clerks, 56 3 Clerks of Rules £700 84 Registrar, £1,000; I. 58 Higher Offices. 240 Do. 240 10 REGISTRY (a) FISHERIES-England has 2 Inspectors, £700 each, a Clerk £100 to £200, a Commissioner £500, 2 Do. at £350 each, a Secretary £100, and Clerk (b) 6 Senior Clerks, £700, rise £25 to £1000; 8 Assistants, £550 to £650; 10 I. Class Juniors, £350, rise £15 to £545; 9 II. Do. £150, rise £10 to £300; (c) Superintendent Treaty Department, £600, rise £25 to £800; Assistant in Do., £400-15-500, Clerk in Do., £250-15-360; Translator, £500; (d) 3 Pleading and Record Assistants, £600-20-700; 3 Chief Clerks, £400-20-500; and many other desirable positions. Four Courts Marshalsea- (e) These are divided into three classes; I. £300, rise £15 to 400; II. £250, rise £10 to 350. 2 Clerks on Local Taxation, £150, rise £10 to £200. (g) Private Sec. to Secretary of State, £300; 2 do. to Under do., £150; Precis Writer, £150; 8 Secs. of Departments, and Military Secretary, £1,200 ;| See Board-Chairman,£2000; 59 Registrar, £700; As- Chief Clerk, £300-15-400; Senior Clerk, £200—15— £300. 61 Sec. Class Ass. of Excise. 19-22 300 60* |