(a) Accountant, Clerk of Notations, £100; 6 Principal Clerks, £700-25-800; 18 II. Clerks, £350-15—450; 33 III. do., £200-10-300; 12 Messengers, £75-130; 5 Supernumerary Clerks, of whom 4 have £100, and 1, £150.
(b) Assistant Clerk of Seat, £350; Clerk of Seal, and Accountant, and Judge's Sec., £300; I. Clerk of Entries, £250; II. do., £200; I. General Clerk, £175; II. do., £120-5-150; Crier, £120. BELFAST-Registrar, £600; I. Clerk, £125; II. do., £95; III. do., £85, IV. do., £75. CORK-Registrar, £350; I. Clerk, £130; II., £75. ARMAGH-Registrar, £300; I. Clerk, £110; 11. do., £65. WATERFORD-Registrar, £250: I. Clerk, £85; II. do., £65. LONDONDERRY Registrar, £250: I. Clerk, £100; Il. do., £65.
(c) Accountant, £400-15-500; I. Clerk, £250-15-350; II. do., £150-10-240; Assistant Secretary. £600-25-800.
(d) Architect, £800; Assistant do., £300-15-400; Surveyor and Examiner (each), £250-15-350; Engineer, £600-25-800; Assistant do., £300; Valuator, £300-15-350; Solicitor, £1,500,
[Assistant Librarian, and Curators 20-35; Official Examiners, Assis-
tant Book-Keepers, Stores Clerks 18-35.]
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(a) 3 II. Clerks, £150-10-200; 1 I. do., £250-10-350; Office-keeper, £80-5-100; Keeper of State Papers, £500. (b) 3 I. Clerks, £200-15-300; 5 II. do., £150-10-200; 2 Registration Inspectors, £300-15-400; Medical Superintendent £500-25-600; Superin- tendent of Records, 300-15-400. Agricultural and Emigration Statistics, 12 Temporary Clerks, and 40 occasional task workers.
(c) Superintendent of Statistics, £450; First Assistant do., £150-10-200; Second do., £75-5-100.
(d) 2 Inspectors £600-25-750, 2 do. of Local Schools, £400-20-500 2 Official Examiners, £350-20-450. South Kensington Museum-Superin- tendent, £300 (is also, Secretary to Science and Art); 3 do., £600; 3 Museum Keepers, £350-20-450; 10 Assistant do., £200-15-320. Geological Museum (Jermyn-street)-Director, £300; 5 Lecturers, £200; Registrar, £500; Teacher of Mechanical Drawing, £100; Clerk and Assistant Curator, £120-10-200; Chemist, Lecturer and Metallurgist, £300; 2 Assistants to do., £100-5-150; Keeper of Mining Records, £400-20-500; 2 Assistants, one £90-10-180; and one 12s. a-day. Edinburgh Museum-Director, £500-25-600; Curator, £200-10-250; Assistant, £120-10-200; 2 Clerks, £60-10-120. Royal Dublin Society-Registrar and Secretary, £400; Treasurer, £300; Clerk, £120; do. and Hall Porter, £60. Dublin Natural History Museum-Director, £350; Keeper of Minerals, £100; 2 Assistants, £125; Library-Librarian, £250; Clerk, £100. Royal College of Science-10 Professors (2 at £400-500; 1 at £300, and 7 at £200); Secretary, £400; Curator, &c., £300; Clerk, £180; Assistant in Laboratory, £100-10-150; Demonstrator in Palaontology Geological Survey-Director, £800; Senior do., £400-700; Naturalist, £400-25-600; 2 Assistant do., £100-73-175; 2 District Surveyors, £400-20-500. -20-500. 8 Senior Geologists, 2 in Scotland and 4 in Ireland, £200-15-350; Director for Scotland, do. for Ireland, £400-25-600; do. do., Assistant Surveyors, £400 (*) A-week (r) A-day.
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(a) 2 Examiners of Printing, £400-20-500; Assistant do., £260-15-400; do. of Binding, £300-15-450; Assistant do., £200-10-300; do. of Paper, £300-20-500; Assistant do., £200-15-350; Receiver of Job-work Printing, £100-10-200.
(b) Accountant, £800-50-1,000; Deputy do., £500-20-600; Book-keeper, £300-15-450; Draughtsman, and Surveyor General, £450-25-600; 21 Senior Clerks, £320-20-600; Chief of Statistical Department, £1,000; 2 Nautical Assessors, £400; 3 Inspectors of Railways, £700-50-1,000; Translator, £300; President's Private Sec., £300; Measuring Clerk, £500; Chief Examiner of Acs., and Clerk of Furniture, £400-20-600; Chief Examiner of Acs., do. of Furniture Acs., and Land Surveyor, £300-15-400.
(c) Auditor, £1.500; 4 Principal Clerks, £1,000-50-1,200; Superintendent, £1,000; 7 I. Clerks, £700, rise 25 to 900; 12 Second do., £350, rise 20 to 600; Accountant, £600-25-850; 2 Private Secs. to First Lord, at £300 each; do. to Chancellor of Exchequer, £300; Third Lord and Secretaries, 4 at £150 each; Parliamentary Counsel, £2,500; Assistant, £1,200; 4 I. Supplementary Clerks, £400-15-500; 5 II. do., £250-10--350.
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