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of your country established your houses; depart not from the fashion of your forefathers, and from the duties of your stations: let your houses flourish for ever by industry and zeal in the service of your country.'

"Guardian angel of Helvetia! still louder raise thy voice; send it as the voice of thunder from mountain to mountain, and from valley to valley; cause the hearts of the upright to throb! Let Helvetia's nobles, for the sake of their country, remain lowly as the people, for evermore; let Helvetia's people continue in gratitude and faithfulness to the fathers of the land, in all simplicity and uprightness; let our nobles remain faithful to their country, and grateful towards the people from whom they have received greater good than it is in the power of any king to bestow.

"Guardian angel of the land! raise thy voice, and send it as a voice of thunder from mountain to mountain, and from valley to valley, that they may know that freedom belongs to the people, and that the guardians of freedom owe fidelity without a breach to the land and its law. With a voice of thunder declare the great truth, that the liberty of all is in the protection of the rights of all.

"Angel of liberty, defend us! Oh, defend for ever this small spot of earth in the hands of this people!

"Guardian angel of the land! preserve the rulers of Helvetia, that they may never cease to be the fathers of the people, and that the universal tie of the fatherland may bind us more and more firmly together. Oh! raise us up again, and kindle the last spark of patriotism that is left in our veins into a mighty flame when danger lurks behind our mountain-passes, and wild torrents threaten to inundate our peaceful fields; then kindle the remaining spark of our ancient fire into a sacred flame, that we may battle and die for the fatherland, Helvetia's faithful sons!"

The voice of this appeal reached not the hearts of Helvetia's children; the ambition of those that had, and of those that coveted, power, involved Switzerland in the horrors of the Revolution; and tyranny, feeling its end rapidly approaching, became more hideous in the unnatural effort of its last struggle. The heat of parties rose with every day, and Pestalozzi, who had given up the hope of reclaiming his countrymen from the precipice, to the borders of which he saw them hastening, depicted the feelings and ideas which the development of events suggested to him, in a series of allegorical tales, published under the title "Figures to my Spelling-book, or to the Elements of Thought." The spirit in which they originated, is thus characterized by himself in the first fable:


"The Painter of Men.


"He stood at his easel, and the people thronged round him, and one of them said: 'So thou hast turned painter? Verily thou hadst done better to mend our shoes.'

"And he answered: 'I would have mended shoes for you, I would have carried stones for you, I would have drawn water for you, I would have died for you, but you would not have any of my services; and therefore, in the compulsory idleness of my despised existence, what else could I do but to learn painting!'"

A few more of them will not be read without interest:

"The Mushroom and the Grass.

"The mushroom said to the grass: 'I spring up in one moment, while thou must grow for a whole summer, in order to attain what I am in an instant.'

"Very true,' replied the grass, 'before I am worth any thing, thy perpetual worthlessness may spring up and perish hundreds of times.'

"The Storm and the Snow-Flake.

"The storm tore here and there a branch off the trees, but, when it ceased, there fell, without a breath of wind, a snow whose little flakes broke thousands of branches to one which the storm had torn down.

"The Blue Sky and the Clouds.

"A peasant boy took umbrage at the clouds, and said to his father: 'I wish they would not again cover the beautiful blue sky!' And the father answered: 'Poor child! what do you get from the fine blue sky? It is the grey clouds that bring us blessings.'

"The well-watered Land.

"What a blessed valley this must be!' said a man, who saw a great many springs sending their waters into it from the neighbouring mountain.

"But a man who lived in the valley, said: "We have too many fountains, they convert our plain into a morass.'

"The Dignity of Tools.

"Tongs, hammer, and file, boasted against all other iron: Our master, the smith, arms his right hand with us, when he forges you.'



"All iron was silent, but an old horse-shoe replied: "I have once heard a king say, that of all men there were none he despised so much as those whom he must hire for the purpose of laying hold of the others, and hammering and filing them.'

"The Flame and the Tallow.

"I am always ashamed to see myself so near to thee,' said the flame to the tallow.

"The tallow answered: "I thought thou wast ashamed of losing me, because then thou always disappearest.'

"Foolish grease,' replied the flame, it is true that I shine only as long as I live upon thee, but I am ashamed of letting it be known.'

"The old Tower.

"An old tower was going to ruin; every day there were tiles and bricks falling down from it.

"A poor driveller that dwelt in it, vexed that he could no longer conceal the state of his tower from the passer by, had the rubbish that fell from it during the day, gathered together every evening, and laid up in a dark


"A neighbour, seeing this, said: "That will not prevent thy tower from falling, friend!' 'I know it,' said the other, yet I must clear the ground of all this rubbish.' And his neighbour answered again: 'But that will do the tower no good.'

"And he replied: "I know it well, but pray let me alone, and don't teaze me with such remarks on my misery. I am contented if nobody sees it.'

"The neighbour said no more, but gave him a look of pity. He understood the look, and added: "I am at last contented, even if I can but persuade myself that nobody sees my misery.'

"Master AVARICE.

"Labourer CHEERFUL.

"The Cock-Crowing.

Why does the cock always crow before thou risest?'
That I may have a moment to think as a man,

before I must work like a brute.'

"Not Yet.

"The waters rose higher and higher, and there was no hope for the village, except by opening the dike which protected the park, and abandoning all its partridges, and hares, and stags, to the fury of the waves.

"The tenantry stood entreating their landlord. Not yet,' was his answer. The danger increased, and the people knelt down before him, and cried: 'We shall all perish with our wives and our children, unless you permit the dike to be cut open.'



"But the landlord loved the beasts in the park, and the people in the village he knew not. Their prayer, therefore, appeared to him a guilty indifference to the preservation of his park, and their kneeling before him a reprehensible importunity. He shook his head, and said angrily: 'Not yet;' and once more, 'Not yet' was on his lips, when the dike broke, and the waters filled the park and swallowed up both beast and man.

"The Lesson which the Ape learned from the Serpent.

"A young ape was meditating a long time and could not find out what humility was; at last, seeing a serpent crawling on his belly, he said to his mother: "To sneak thus through the world without hands or feet, is, I suppose, what they call humility?'

"The Oak and the Grass.

"One morning the oak said to the grass which grew under its branches: 'Thou art very ungrateful not to acknowledge the blessing which thou enjoyest, of being covered in the frost of winter with the leaves which I shake off in


"But the grass replied: "Thou deprivest me, with thy branches, of my share of sun, dew, and rain, and with thy roots of my portion of nourishment from the ground; boast not therefore of the almsgiving of thy foliage, with which thou art obliged for the sake of thy own roots to cover my lingering existence.'

"The two Pastures.

"The one was rich, but the flock was tormented in the day by grinning apes, and frightened at night by lurking foxes.

"The other was dry and poor, but no ape disturbed, and no wild beast attacked the animals hat fed there.

"And the sheep having tried both, entreated their shepherd, saying: Dear shepherd, lead us never again to that rich pasture; for we would rather starve a little, being undisturbed and safe, than fill our bellies under perpetual annoyance and danger.'

"Hens, Eagles, Moles, and Mice.

"The hens boasted of their sight, and said to the eagle: 'Even the smallest grain is clearly distinguished by our eyes.' 'Poor hens,' replied he, 'the first mark of an acute sight is not to see those things which strike a hen.' The moles also spoke: This dreadful sun is the death of all light; and, in fact, there is no clearness at all, except here underground.' And the mice applauded loudly, and prayed to Jove: Avert from us for evermore the dazzling rays of the sun, and grant us the quiet light of our holes.'



“Toby the Drain-Digger.

"Toby, having inherited a swampy farm, drained it well in all directions; but when the land was dry, he cultivated it miserably.

"Yet he lived and died a great admirer of his skill in agriculture, of which he considered the art of draining the most essential branch.

"Christopher and his Watch.

"If I set thee going thou wilt wear out, and in winding thee up I might overwind thee,' said Christopher, to whom a watch had been bequeathed; and after mature reflection he settled: "Thou hadst better stand still, even at the risk of thy rusting.'

"The Privilege of the Fishes.

"The fishes of a pond complained that they were, more than their neighbours in other ponds, persecuted by the pikes. Whereupon an old pike, who was the judge of the pond, pronounced this sentence: That the defendants, to make amends, should in future permit every year two common fishes to become pikes.'

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"A dwarf said to a giant: We have equal rights!' 'Very true, my good fellow,' replied the giant, yet thou canst not walk in my shoes.'

"Alderman Big.

"Alderman Big came drunk as usual from the tavern, and met in his way Mr. Small, master tailor, who was drunk also. The alderman, indignant at this sight, said to his beadle: Beadle, put me up against the wall, and take Master Small to the watchhouse, agreeably to the laws of the city, Statute Book, p. 71. The beadle did as the alderman had directed him, and took the tailor to the watchhouse, agreeably to the laws of the city; and after this he returned and led Alderman Big home to his wife, agreeably to the privileges of the same city.

"Where shall it End?

"His sire trusted in his armour and his sword;

His grandfather in his fist;

His father in his tongue;

He trusts in his quill:

In what shall his son trust?

"The two Magistrates.

"I am again weary to death, and yet they are not satisfied,' said a grovel

ling magistrate at the close of his session.

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