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DEC 3028
Press 2.70
AUG 31 32
The Menace of Racial and Religious Intolerance, Charles A. Ellwood
Resolved That the Proposed Twentieth Amendment to the Constitution of the United
States Should Be Ratified (Debate: Affirmative Side), Owen R. Lovejoy
States Should Be Ratified (Debate: Negative Side), Hon. Charles S. Thomas
States Should Be Ratified (Debate: Rebuttal), Owen R. Lovejoy
The Religion of Human Helpfulness (Conference Sermon), Rev. John Howard Melish
What Shall We Do about War? Sherwood Eddy
Intake of Child Caring Institutions and Agencies:
What Children Should Be Received for Care by an Institution or Agency and
What Is the Responsibility for Those Not Accepted? C. C. Carstens
Agencies for Determining Whether Care Outside of Own Home Is Necessary, and
If So, What Kind of Care, Rev. John Doherty.
County Programs of Child Care:
What Should a County Program Undertake? H. Ida Curry
Developing the Local Program, Charles F. Hall.
The Relation of Probation to Other County Social Work, Mrs. Katherine Gibson
Institutions for Delinquent Children:
Can the Institution Equip the Girl for Normal Social Relationships? Carrie
Weaver Smith, M.D.
What Is the Test of Success? Miriam Van Waters
State Programs for Crippled Children, Harry H. Howett
Health Activities of Child Caring Agencies:
Examinations on Admission, Arlene Bauer
Continuous Health Supervision, Mary E. Murphy
The Use of Central Clinics for Child Caring Agencies, Alice H. Walker
Work with Children Presenting Special Physical Problems, Jacob Kepecs
The School and Social Problems, Jane R, Culbert
Support and Interpretation of Child Welfare Work:
Interpreting Child Welfare Work to the Community-the Private Agency,
Ralph Barrow
The Interpretation to the Community of a Public Agency, Virginia B. Handley 137.
The Charities Budget and Children's Agencies, Elwood Street