I stooped upon the pebbly strand, To cull the toys that round me lay. But, as I took them in my hand, I threw them one by one away. Oh, thus, I said, in ev'ry stage, By toys our fancy is beguiled ; We gather shells from youth to age, And then we leave... Ernest Basil - Página 242por James McGrigor Allan - 1857Vista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | 1847 - 910 páginas
...me lay But as I took them in my hand I threw them one by one away. Oh, thus, I said, in ev'ry stage By toys our fancy is beguiled, We gather shells from youth to age, A ad then we leave them like a child. THE MAIDS OF MERRY ffiELAM). R. Wi-NXB. OH, the maids of merry... | |
 | James Cox Beckel - 1858 - 24 páginas
...stooped upon the pebbly strand To cull the toys that round me lay, But as I took them in my hand, 10 By toys our fancy is beguiled, We gather shells from...youth to age, And then we leave them like a child. No. 28.—Song. The sea was brigh, and the bark rode well, The breeze bore the tone of the vesper bell.... | |
 | Joseph Edwards Carpenter - 1858 - 322 páginas
...strand To cull the toys that round me lay, But as I took them in my hand I threw them one by one away. We gather shells from youth to age, And then we leave them like a child. Oh, thus, I said, in ey'ry stage By toys our fancy is beguiled, JOCK O* HAZELDEA1T. \Vhy weep ye by... | |
 | 1860 - 850 páginas
...me lay, Bnt as I took them in my hnnd, I threw them one by oue away. 0 thns, I said, in every singe, By toys our fancy is beguiled; We gather shells from...youth to age, And then we leave them like a child." / It may be that the ocean view and the poet's moral make a deeper impression npon us than they will... | |
 | George N. Christy - 1862 - 178 páginas
...me lay But as I took them in my hand, I threw them one by one away— I threw them one by one away. We gather shells from youth to age, And then we leave them like a child— • We gather shells from youth to age, And then we leave them, leave them like a child." "Oia Sorrel's"... | |
 | Olive Logan - 1869 - 256 páginas
...refuge once more in the classics. What does the poet say about youth and age ? He sweetly murmurs that we gather shells from youth to age, and then we leave them like a child. I was ever of an improvident nature, and, if you'll believe me, I haven't gathered a single shell.... | |
 | R. S. S. - 1869 - 188 páginas
...hand, I threw them one hy one away. Oh ! thus said I, in ev'ry stage By toys our fancy is beguU'd Wo gather shells from youth to age, And then we leave them like a child."* The following are some of the shells which are most common about the shore, with their popular names.... | |
 | John Piersol McCaskey - 1884 - 190 páginas
...my fan-cy wild; A dream came o'er me like a spell, I thought I was a-gain a 'fan-cy is be - guiled; We gather shells from youth to age, And then we leave them, like a I HAVE often seen piano-forte players and singers make such strange motions over instrument or song... | |
 | Edward William Cole - 1892 - 412 páginas
...lay ; But as I took them in my hand, I threw them one by one away. Oh ! thus I said, in every stage. By toys our fancy is beguiled ; We gather shells from...youth to age, And then we leave them like a child. Music of all the Songs in this Book may be had of all Music-sellers. THE OLD KITCHEN DOOR. YES, it... | |
 | Emory Miller - 1892 - 358 páginas
...story is the same. The conquest of the world, realized, is not the ideal for which the conqueror weeps. "We gather shells from youth to age ; and then we leave them, like a child." The worn-out pleasure seeker is puzzled to understand how it was that he could ever have pursued with... | |
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