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confidered as the fource of all divifions, in fentiment or conduct, formed or propagated among them.

But neither of these can stand in the way of God's diftinguishing his elect church, wherever her members are fcattered, or with whomfoever they are connected; for "The foundation of God "ftandeth fure, having this feal--The Lord know"eth them that are his," 2 Tim. ii. 19. Accordingly, the church is frequently fpoke of as one : "I fpeak, (fays Paul to the Ephefians) concerning Chrift and the church," Eph. v. 32. And an infinitely greater than Paul is reprefented faying, "I will declare thy name unto my "brethren ;-in the midst of the church will I fing "praife unto thee," Heb. ii 12.



2. We are to notice what is here meant by Christ's intereft in her my church.

This felect, diftinguished community, belongs to Chrift, as Mediator, in different views.


(1) As all the members of it were made over to him, by his Father's deed of gift: "I have "manifefted (fays he) thy name unto the men "whom thou gavest me out of the world ;- -thine σε they were, and thou gavest them me." And again, "I pray for them; I pray not for the world, but for them which thou haft given me, for they 66 are thine," John xvii. 6, 9.

(2) As all the members of it were redeemed, by his obedience unto death, from fin and hell. They were redeemed from fin,-for" he hath ap"peared to put away fin, by the facrifice of him"felf," Heb. ix 26 -and from hell, for, in the words of the apoftle, faints "wait for the Son of "God from heaven, even Jefus which delivered us "from the wrath to come," 1 Theff. i. 10.

(3.) As all the members of it have been, now are, or fhall hereafter be introduced to the Father's


acceptance and approbation through him. Accordingly, we are told by one apostle, that, through Christ, both Jews and Gentiles" have an access by

one Spirit unto the Father," Eph. ii. 18. and by another, that "Chrift hath once fuffered for "fins, the juft for the unjust that he might bring us to God," I Pet. Hi. 18. And,

(4.) As there is a real, though mystical, union between him, and each of them; fuch as there is between the tree and its various parts; “ I am "the vine, (fays he to his church) ye are the "branches," John xv. 5. And fuch an union as fubfifteth between the head and members, in the natural body; for, fpeaking of Chrift, the apoftle fays, "He is the head of the body the church," Col. i. 18.

3. We are to notice what may be meant by our Lord's promife concerning his church.--- I will build her.

For illuftrating this part of the fubject the following obfervations may be attended unto :

(1.) That, in allufion to literal buildings, our Lord diggeth every member of his elect church from the quarry of a natural state; and, by converfion, renders them capable of making constituent parts of this fpiritual edifice. This change, in their state and temper, he graciously effects by his word and fpirit:—which, when effected, is diftinguifhed, in fcripture, by terms-the moft fignificant and emphatical-fuch as, being begotten by the "word of truth," James i. 18. "born of the "water and the fpirit," John iii 5.-faved by "the washing of regeneration and the renewing of "the holy Ghoft," Tit iii. 5.-and being "crea"ted in Chrift Jefus unto good works," Eph.

ii. 10.

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(2.) That having prepared them, as fit materials,


he joins and unites them together, in one holy body or fuperftructure. Tho, originally they cenfift of many different parts,having prepared each heir of falvation for the particular place which is affigned him in this building, he makes, of them all, whether Jews or Gentiles, one beautiful whole. In which, when compacted, there fhall be nothing defective, nothing fuperfluous; nothing contrary to the fricteft laws of fymmetry and proportion: for, "In him all the building fitly framed together, groweth into an holy temple in the Lord," Eph. ii. 21.

(3.) That, having joined the different parts of this building, by making "them drink into one Spirit,” he will continue to improve and imbellish the whole, -until it be crowned with the highest perfection --that the feveral members, apart,or all of them, taken together, fhall be capable of. Accordingly, we are affured, that " Christ loved the church, and

gave himself for it, that he might fanctify and "cleanse it with the washing of water by the word;

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that he might prefent it to himself a glorious "church, not having fpot or wrinkle or any fuch thing; but that it fhould be holy and without "blemith," Eph. v. 25, 26, 27.

4. We are to notice fome things concerning Chrift, as the foundation of the whole fabric:--upon this rock.

Befides what was observed, on the firft head, con cerning the defence and provifion which are in Chrift for his church, when the is built;-there are different particulars concerning him, as the foundation of the building, which merit all attention.

(1.) It may be obferved, that though Chrift, in his mediatory capacity, is the builder, according to my --as the foundation, upon which the build ing flands, he was laid-for, "Behold, (lays the



"Father) I lay in Zion, for a foundation, a ftone, a "tried ftone, a precious corner ftone, a fure foun"dation: he that believeth fhall not make hafte," If, xxviii. 16.

This evidently points at the Father's choice of him, from everlafting, to the mediatoral office; which choice is clearly expreffed in the language of fcripture, I have faid, mercy fhall be built up " for ever;-I have made a covenant with my ❝chofen,-I have laid help upon one that is mighty, I have exalted one chofen out of the "ple,-I have found out David my fervant," Pfal. lxxxix. 2, 3, 19, 20.



And the Father's laying him for a foundation, points at his fending and qualifying him as Mediator. For," when the fulness of the time was "come, (fays our apoftle) God fent forth his Son, "made of a woman, made under the law, to "redeem them that were under the law; that we "might receive the adoption of fons," Gal. iv. 4, 5. Again, Christ himself is reprefented, by the apostle, as faying to his Father, "A body haft thou "prepared me," Heb. x. 5. And again, the Father is represented as faying concerning Chrift, with my holy oil have I anointed him," Pfal. lxxxix. 20.

(2) Obferve, that Chrift, the foundation of his church, is a rock, to point out what a ftrong and durable object of truft he is, in his divine nature. "For," according to Ifaiah, “in this Lord Jehovah "there is everlasting ftrength," I. xxvi 4. And, according to the apoftle, "Jefus Chrift is the fame "yefterday, to-day, and for ever," Heb. xii. 8.

Nay, in his very human nature, our Lord may be called a stone or rok, with manifeft propriety ;— because, as ftons are raised out of a bed or quarry, replete with that mineral, the man Chrift Jefus,


that he might be a proper foundation, was taken from among men. Accordingly, in the language of the apostle, quoting from the Old- teftament fciptures, "Mofes truly faid unto the fathers, a prophet "fhall the Lord your God raise up unto you, of your brethren, like unto me," Acts iii. 22.

(3.) Obferve, that, as the foundations of public buildings, by certain engravings, tranfmit the name -the author-the date-and other remarkable circumstances, to pofterity;-fo, of our Lord, as the foundation of his church, the Father is reprefented as faying, "Behold the ftone that I have "laid; upon one stone shall be seven eyes.-Be"hold I will engrave the graving thereof, faith the "Lord of hofts," Zech. iii. 9.

Of thefe engravings, feveral particulars are condefcended upon :-fuch as Immanuel's own name, For," on his thigh, a name is written, KING OF "KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS," Rev. xix. 16. His peoples names are likewife engraved on this foundation, according to his own words, "Behold I have graven thee upon the palms of 66 my hands," If. xlix. 16. And, as, in the foundation of ancient buildings, certain characters may be found which after ages cannot decipher,-so our Lord is reprefented as having "a name writ"ten that no man knew but he himself," Rev. xix. 12.

(4.) Obferve, that the foundations, especially, of public buildings are laid with fome kind of folemnity, and accompanied with particular expreffions of joy :- fo, from eternity, God the Father and God the Son, are reprefented as delighting in the foundation of the church; " Then (lays Im"manuel, referring to the morning of eternity) I "was by" the Father," as one brought up with "him; and I was daily his delight, rejoicing al


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