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the field. On the 26th of August, the vessels, conveying a large British force, came to anchor near the shore of the Helder; and on the 27th the troops began to disembark. The first enterprise was the taking of the Helder. His Royal Highness himself landed in Holland on the 13th September, and the force under him, including 1000 Russians, amounted to nearly 35,000 men. An engagement with the French took place on the 19th September, which, owing, it is said, to the misconduct of the Russians, was unfavourable to the Duke. On the 8d of October another action took place. The right wing of the British was commanded by Sir Ralph Abercrombie, the centre division by General Dundas, and the left wing by Major-general Burrard. The enemy was entirely, defeated. In this engagement the loss of the enemy exceeded 4,000 men and 300 prisoners, and the British lost about 1,500 men. In another engagement, which followed soon after, the British were again masters of the field of battle, though the loss amounted to 1200 British and 700 Russians. The army directed its march towards Haerlem; but intelligence having been received that the French had succeeded in throwing up strong works in the rear of our army, and that a corps would be placed in our rear as we advanced, his Royal Highness was forced to pause. General Daendels having attacked the right wing of the British on the 10th of October, under Prince William of Gloucester, he was under the necessity of falling back. On the 17th of October a suspension of arms was agreed on between Generals Brun and Daendels and the English and Russian commanders, and it was agreed on that the English and Russians should be allowed to evacuate Holland, on condition that 8000 seamen, either Batavian or French, prisoners in England, should be given up to the French government.

Upon his return to England, the Duke of York again directed his time and attention to the amelioration of the military system; each successive year afforded fresh proofs of the benefits arising from bis unabated exertions, and it must be admitted, that owing to these, and the many wise regulations established by his Royal Highness, the British army, at this moment, offers a model of perfection to every military nation.

From the proud feeling inspired by these reflections, we turn with regret to notice that, in the midst of the cares attendant upon his official duties, and while exerting himself to increase the glory of Great Britain, by the improve

ment and consolidation of her vast military resources, a foul attempt was made to deprive his country of the services of the illustrious Commander-in-chief. On the 27th of January, 1809, Gwyllym Lloyd Wardle, esq. commonly called Colonel Wardle, brought forward a motion in the House of Commons, for the appointment of a Committee to investigate the conduct of his Royal Highness the Duke of York, the Commander-in-chief, with regard to promotions, exchanges, and appointments to commissions in the army, and in raising levies for the army. We will not review the progress of the investigation, for all its important features were duly recorded at the time in our pages, and have recently been but too often repeated.

On this painful occasion the Duke of York behaved with the greatest magnanimity, and, though acquitted by a majority of 278 to 196, finding that the efforts of some individuals had succeeded in raising a prejudice against him in the public mind, his Royal Highness waited upon the King, and tendered his resignation on the 18th of March, 1809.

In the discussions on the appointment of the Regency of 1810, the Duke again joined to advance the interests of his elder Brother. The substance of his speech on this occasion, Dec. 27, is recorded in vol. LXXX. ii. 654.

One of the first acts of his present Majesty, after his being vested with the full powers of Regent, in 1811, was to reinstate his Royal Highness in his former office. Lord Milton brought this re-appointment before the House of Commons, and concluded with moving, "That it has been highly improper and indecorous in the advisers of the Prince Regent to have recommended to his Royal Highness the re-appointment of the Duke of York to the office of Commander-in-chief." The more violent members of the opposition remained obstinate in their error; but a new light had broken in on the House in general. When a division took place, there were only 47 for the motion, and 296 against it.

Since that time the Duke pursued the even tenor of his way, devoting himself to business with the greatest regularity. Every arrangement, the most minute, was submitted by the heads of departments, for his sanction; the memorial of every officer, the petition of every soldier, engaged his personal attention, nor were any suffered to pass unnoticed.

Tuesdays and Fridays during the Session of Parliament, and at other periods Tuesdays only, were the days on which his Royal Highness gave audiences

to officers of every rank, who wished to approach him on business. From the frequency of these levees, and the indiscriminate admission, there were few, if any, officers of the army, who were not personally known to his Royal Highness; and, although compliance with the requests of all was impossible, the refusal was always softened by the kind manner in which it was conveyed.

In July, 1814, and again at the same period in the following year, both Houses of Parliament passed a vote of thanks to the Duke of York, for the benefits he had bestowed on the nation as Commander-in-chief in the wars then concluded (see vol. LXXXIV. ii. 265; LXXXV. ii. 165).

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In August, 1815, his Royal Highness accidentally broke his left arm (vide ibid. p. 176), and in April, 1819, experienced a similar misfortune with his right arm (see vol. LXXXIX. i. 366); but on neither occasion was it more than a temporary inconvenience.

After the death of Queen Charlotte in 1818, the Duke of York was appointed, with a Parliamentary grant of 10,000l. per annum, Custos of the person of his afflicted Father. The affectionate assiduity with which he performed this duty is universally acknowledged. It was repeatedly and triumphantly boasted by the Ministry, that, if his Majesty could, by the favour of Providence, have been enabled to exercise any influence in the selection of a person to watch over his declining years, on none would his choice have failen more promptly than upon

the Duke of York. In the arms of his Royal son and guardian the Monarch breathed his last.

In Feb. 1820, the Duke accepted the freedom of the Drapers' Company; and the speech addressed to him in their name, on this occasion, is printed in vol. xc. i. pp. 128-130.

On passing through Norwich, Dec. 2 that year, his Royal Highness, together with the Duke of Wellington, was presented with the freedom of that city.

The last prominent act of the Duke of York's life, and that which had latterly much promoted his popularity, was his manly defence of the Protestant constitution of the country, delivered in the House of Lords, April 25, 1825. That noble declaration of his well-deliberated opinion is recorded in our vol. xcv. i. 453. It has since been reprinted with every mode of embellishment,-as a display of ornamental penmanship, and in letters of gold.

His Royal Highness had laboured under a dropsy since the month of July last, for the relief of which his Royal

Highness underwent an operation on the 3d of September. The result of this operation, aided by the favourable effects of medicine afterwards, was the removal of the constitutional complaint; but its partial influence on the limbs, producing a mortification of a considerable portion of the shin of both legs, subsequently brought his Royal Highness's valuable life into danger; and although this was checked, and hung in suspense for a time, the powers of his frame sunk ultimately in the struggle.

His Royal Highness was informed early, that his situation was not free from peril; yet he bore his protracted illness with a stoutness of heart, an evenness of temper, and a pious resignation, which were very remarkable; and, as his mind was not affected by bis disease, he continued to perform all the duties of his high office of Commanderin-chief with his usual punctuality and quickness. Indeed, among the last acts of his official life was that arrangement for the benefit of the old Lieutenants who cannot afford to purchase, which had for some time engaged his attention, and which was laid before the King, by his express desire, for his Majesty's approbation, the day before he took leave, as it were, of worldly affairs, and received the Sacrament from the Bishop of London.

The same unclouded state of his in- ' tellects admitted of his reading the newspapers constantly, and of feeling interested in all that was going on; so that, as his malady advanced, had the fears of his medical attendants been expressed in daily bulletins of his health, as in truth they must have been, this intelligence would have recoiled upon him with a fatal force, by destroying those sanguine hopes of recovery which contributed so essentially to the efforts of art to do him good; and would have precipitated the sad event which we all now deplore. It is this consideration alone that explains and justifies the silence of the physicians to the subject of the Royal Duke's health; a regular statement of which would have been fairly demanded, under other circumstances, by the zealous and affectionate attachment of a loyal people to the Presumptive Heir of the Throne.

Throughout his long illness, notwithstanding the serious nature of his disease, the severe sufferings he underwent, and the rapid wasting away of his person, he did not appear to expect that his illness would terminate fatally, until the morning of the day on which he died. He did not even relinquish his habits of business until a very few days

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before his death, but continued to receive the official report of his Secretaries, as punctually as when he attended at his office in the Horse Guards; and all his remarks showed that he fully expected to recover. But early on the morning of that day which was to terminate his existence in this world, he beckoned his immediate attendants (Sir Herbert Taylor and Col. Stevenson, we believe), to the side of his chair, and faintly said, "Now I know that I am dying!" These were his last words.

It was, however, very evident that he retained his memory many hours after wards; for when his royal brothers, the Dukes of Clarence and Sussex, entered his apartment, he showed that he was conscious of their presence; and when the hour arrived at which he had been accustomed to receive some surgical attentions, he pointed to the clock, to remind those about him that it was time that duty was performed; it was performed immediately of course; and then be gradually sank into a state of total insensibility, and so continued until he expired.

His Royal Highness's very active habits, his early rising, and his strict attention to the business of his office, have long been generally known; but when the public, judging from those habits, and his robust appearance, supposed him to be in the enjoyment of perfect health, he was suffering much pain, and was every moment in danger of sudden dissolution. For more than four years his Royal Highness had been labouring under a spasmodic affection of such a nature, that he could not lie down, but at the imminent risk of his life; and from the commencement of that attack, four years ago, he never retired to rest without a supply of anti-spasmodic me. dicines by his bed-side, so placed as to be at hand on the instant. Latterly, for many months before his last confinement, his Royal Highness never entered a bed, but slept in an easy chair.

The disease which proved fatal to his Royal Highness, it is now well ascertained, was that species of dropsy which is technically called ascites.

The King's last visit to his dying Brother was on Friday, Dec. 29, just a week before his death. His Majesty took with him some particular soup, of which he recollected the Duke to have formerly partaken with pleasure; the King, in his anxiety, personally handed some of it to his Royal Brother, who appeared to be sensible of the attention, and slightly tasted of the once favourite soup. His Majesty was seriously affected by the Duke's altered appearance, and,

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it is said, at his similarity to the late King in his last moments. It was at the earnest request of his medical advisers that his Majesty discontinued bis visits to Rutland House, which had previously been frequent. From that time messengers were twice every day dispatched to Windsor, to acquaint his Mas jesty of the state of the Royal sufferer.

His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex arrived at Rutland House as early as nine o'clock on the fatal morning, and the Duke of Clarence at twelve o'clock. They were with the deceased till within an hour of his death. The Duke of Clarence then withdrew; the Duke of Sussex remained in the anti-room till bis Brother was no more.

His Royal Highness, who had only been able occasionally to recognize his attendants, became totally insensible about one o'clock. In the course of the afternoon he once or twice so far recovered as to appear sensible of external objects, but immediately relapsed into his former state of stupor. His Royal Highness continued in the same state. during the evening, with scarcely any change. The narcotics administered produced occasional repose, but soon after nine o'clock the approach of death was manifest. At 20 minutes after, his respiration baving scarcely been perceptible for some time, he breathed his last without a struggle. The room in Rutlandhouse, in which his Royal Highness expired, is on the ground-floor, looking into the Green Park. He had not been out of that room, and the one adjoining, for nearly eight months. The Duke had one easy chair during the day, and another for the night. They were both made suitable for ease in any position bis Royal Highness might reeline in. He expired in one of them.

Immediately after the death of his Royal Highness, Sir Henry Halford and Sir H. Taylor left Arlington-street for the Royal Lodge at Windsor, where they communicated the melancholy intelligence to his Majesty, who was, as usual, (since the precarious state of his Royal brother,) anxiously waiting the arrival of a messenger, who in general arrived about one o'clock every morning. His Majesty, notwithstanding the suffering his feelings have undergone, enjoys tolerably good health.

On Saturday morning the workmen employed on the King's new Palace, in St. James's Park, the mansion erecting for the late lamented Duke, and the one opposite for the Duke and Duchess of Clarence, were suspended, and all the works stopped. At an early hour Mr. Mash left the Lord Chamberlain's office,

and proceeded to Windsor to take his Majesty's commands respecting the funeral. On Sunday a funeral sermon was preached at the Chapel Royal.


The coffin for the Royal remains was carried to Rutland House late on Wednesday evening, and soon after twelve o'clock they were conveyed in a bearse to the King's Palace, St. James's, followed by a mourning coach, in which were Sir Herbert Taylor, Col. Stevenson, and the King's Sergeant-surgeon. The King's guard, under the command of Col. Macdonald, were drawn out to receive the Royal corpse, which was afterwards conveyed into the state assigned for the lying in state. This took place on the two next days. On Thursday the privilege of entrance through the Stable-yard, by tickets, lasted till 11, when the public admission took place through the second front gate of the Palace. When the crowd had passed along a covered way across the yard, they entered through the new staircase, which leads to the state apartments. This was hung with black cloth, and the landing places were railed off, so as to break the force of the crowd, and prevent any unseemly rush in the approach to the grand suite of rooms. At eight o'clock a Captain's full-dress guard from the grenadier-guards, with a colour, mounted as a guard of honour. At the same hour a Captain's guard from the 17th Lancers also mounted. A strong detachment of police had already been in attendance, and were distributed around the barriers, and in considerable force at the first entrance. The police were assisted by a large reinforcement of constables, under Mr. Lee, the High-constable. The Lancers were to do duty outside, and the Grena dier Guards marched inside, and were disposed at various entrances, and along the internal passages about the Palace. The Yeomen of the Guard had also assembled within the Palace, and about an hour before the time of public admission, took their stations in files, 24 in the new gallery, and 12 in the armouryroom; with a yeoman-usher to each party. They were dressed as usual, with the addition of black stockings, and black crape round their hats and partisans. The honourable corps of Gentlemen at Arms (who are, in fact, his Majesty's body guard,) also gave their attendance, though unusual, except at the funeral of the King or Queen. A gentleman in deep mourning was stationed in each room, to keep the public moving.

The state room, in which the corpse was placed, had its black cloth so fitted

up at the top as to resemble a tent, in allusion to the military character of the departed Duke. The sides of the room were covered with black cloth fluted horizontally, ornamented with hatchments and silver sconces.

The coffin stood on a platform under a state canopy; and over it was thrown a pall of black velvet, with three escut. cheons on each side. At the head of the coffin, on a velvet cushion, was placed the Coronet; below, on another cushion, the Duke's Baton as Fieldmarshal. Three large wax candles burned on each side. On the coffin-plate is the following inscription, issued from the Heralds' College:

Illustrissimi Principis

de Brunswick Lunenburg,
Comitis Ultoniæ,

Nobilissimi Ordinis Periscelidis,


Honoratiss. Ordin. Militar. de Balneo Equitis,

Fratris augustissimi et potentissimi Monarchæ,


Dei Gratia Britanniarum Regis,
Fidei Defensoris,

Regis Hanoveræ, &c.
Obiit quinto die Januarii,
Anno Domini MDCCCXXVII.,

ætatis suæ LXIV.

A few minutes before ten o'clock, General Upton took his station at the head of the coffin, Colonel Sir Henry Cook on the right side, and Colonel Armstrong on the left side; these officers were attached to his late Royal Highness's staff, and appeared in Court mourning. In the front were J. Hawker, esq. Richmond Herald,and C. G. Young, esq. York Herald. On each side were three Gentlemen-atarms, holding banners, viz. of Albany, White Horse of Hanover, Falcon and Fetter-lock, White Rose, the Crest of the late Duke; and one of the Arms of his Royal Highness. There were also two Gentlemen-ushers, and two Gentlemen of the Privy-chamber. On each side of the platform were six grenadiers, with their muskets reversed, leaning on the butt end. The whole produced as solemn and imposing an effect as can be easily imagined. Mr. Harding, an eminent artist in lithography, was employed by authority in making a drawing of the scene, from which a print has been published by Mr. Ackermann.

The first person who entered with a ticket was the venerable Lord Stowel. Those who passed by the solemn spectacle moved as in a procession. The

strictest silence prevailed throughout, -At twelve o'clock, those in attendance on the corpse were relieved, and this was repeated every two hours. It was supposed, from a general calculation, that about 20,000 persons had entered the Palace in the course of the day. We shall not stop to detail the extreme multitude and pressure of the crowd outside, which probably equalled or exceeded that on any former occasion. The destruction of apparel was

very great, and the newspapers have been filled with vague reports of several accidents; we have not, however, found that any lives were lost. The second day. was less riotous than the first.

At seven o'clock on the 20th Jan. the morning of the funeral, a detachment of the 2d Life-guards entered the Court-yard of the Palace; and at eight, precisely, the procession moved in the following order, agreeably to the official programme:


Trumpets and Kettle-drums of the two Regiments of Life-guards, and the Drums and Fifes of the Foot-guards.

Knight-marshal's-men on foot, with black staves.

Two Mourning Coaches, drawn by four horses, conveying the Servants and Pages his late Royal Highness.

Five Mourning Coaches, drawn by six horses, conveying the medical attendants and Private Chaplain; the Secretaries; the Aides-de-camp; the Equerries of his late Royal Highness, and the Assistants to the Adjutant and Quarter-mastergenerals; the Adjutant-general, the Quartermaster-general, and their two Deputies.

The State Carriage of his late Royal Highness, drawn by six horses, conveying Norroy King at Arms (acting for Clarencieux), with the Coronet of his late Royal Highness, supported by two Gentlemen-ushers of the Privy-chamber.

Ten of the Yeomen of the Guard, with partisans


Escort of Life guards.

adorned on each side with a long escutcheon of his
late Royal Highness's Arms, and with one of
the Crest at the end, and drawn by
of his Majesty's black Hanoverian
horses, driven by his Ma-

jesty's Body-coachman.

Escort of Life-guards.

Ten of the Yeomen of the Guard,

with partisans reversed.

A Mourning Coach, drawn by six horses, conveying Garter King at Arms, and

two Gentlemen-assistants.

Another, with the two Executors, Sir H. Taylor and Col. Stephenson. Carriage of his Majesty, drawn by six horses, the Coachman and Footmen in deep mourning, with scarfs and hatbands.

Carriage of his Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence. Carriages of the Duke of Sussex, Princess Augusta, Duchess of Kent, Duke of Gloucester, Princess Sophia, and Prince Leopold, each drawn by six horses.

A body of Life-guards flanked the procession, and the Lancers, who had previously been stationed as piquets, attended as far as Kensington. The military, with arms reversed, moved along three abreast at a walking pace, and constables kept the way clear on each side. The whole scene, when viewed from the upper end of St. James'sstreet, served to present to the mind all that is associated with solemn splendour. At Cranford Bridge, where the procession was appointed to rest, it arrived between one and two o'clock. It left that place at four, and at five o'clock torches were lighted. At eight it arrived at Frogmore, and halted for ten minutes, to receive their Royal Highnesses the Dukes of Clarence, Sussex, and Gloucester, and about eighty of the servants and grooms of his Majesty and of the

Royal Family, in deep mourning, who were stationed four abreast, the two on the sides bearing flambeaux in their hands. With this addition in front, the procession moved on slowly into Windsor, keeping the centre between two lines of cavalry.

On Friday, the 19th, a large portion of the troops who were to attend the ceremony, had arrived at Windsor. Another division was stationed at different parts of the road by which the funeral was to approach. The whole consisted of 200 men of the first battalion of the Coldstream regiment, of a large detachment from the second and third battalions of the Grenadier Guards, and another detachment from the Third Guards. The greater part of this body came to Windsor, and joined the 67th Foot, which was already in the barracks

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