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moved into the Parish, 10; removed from the Parish, 12; Died, 2-present number, 97. The Holy Communion: celebrated at Christinas and Easter, the first Sunday in each month, and once in private. Catechists and Sunday-School Teachers, 14. Catechumens: number of children taught the Catechism openly in the Church, 103. Number of times, 47. Members of other classes for religious instruction, 9. Total number of young persons instructed, 112. Celebration of Divine Service: Sundays, 98; Holy Days, 14; other days, 13— total, 125.

Contributions.-Episcopal Fund, $3 59; Diocesan Fund, $12; Missionary Committee of the Diocese, $11 44; Fund for Aged and Infirm Clergymen, 89; the Poor, $69 04; Parish Purposes, $920; Church Purposes in general, $70 44-total, $1,075 51.

The above Report dates only from the 16th of October, 1864, when my Rectorship commenced.

The enlargement of the Church edifice is much needed, as many of the congregation cannot obtain sittings. There can be no great increase of the Parish without it.

In addition to the above sums, I have received a gift from the congregation of $230.

Grace Church, Norway; the Rev. S. K. MILLER, Missionary.

Number of families, 40. Number of individuals, 85. Baptisms: adult, 1. Burial, 1. Confirmed, 3. Holy Communion: celebrated 3 times. Communicants: admitted, 3-present number, 32. Services on every fourth Sunday.

Contributions.-Diocesan Fund, $2; Missionary Committee of Diocese, $5; Domestic Missions, $2; Parish Purposes, $8-total, $17.


Christ Church, Brooklyn; the Rev. E. H. CANFIELD, D. D., Rector.

Number of families, 204. Number of individuals, 1,200. Baptisms: infants, 36-total, 36. Confirmed, 34. Marriages, 18. Burials, 26. Communicants: admitted, 32; removed into the Parish, 41; removed from the Parish, 43; Died, 16-present number, 591. The Holy Communion: celebrated the first Sunday in each month, on Christmas and Easter, and seven times in private. Sunday scholars, about 550. (The foregoing includes the Mission SundaySchool, and the Confirmations and communicants at the Mission Chapel.) Celebration of Divine Service: Sundays, 96; other days, 74-total, 170.

Contributions.-Freedmen's Association, $404; Diocesan Fund, $87; Pastoral Aid Society, $122 91; Theological Education, $326; Fund for Aged and Infirm Clergymen, $32 18; New York Protestant Episcopal City Mission Society, $25; Church Missionary Society for Seamen, $186; Brooklyn Bible Society, $262 20; Protestant Episcopal Evangelical Knowledge Society, $614 64; Sunday-School, $230 31; Mission Chapel, $1,000; American Church Missionary Society: Domestic and Foreign, $1,049 05; City Mission and Tract Society, $850; offerings of Mission Chapel, $1,265 57; Church Charity Foundation, $500 and $600; various Church Purposes, $1,400-total, $9,404 86.

The Report of the Rev. James S. Barnes, who has had charge of the Mission Chapel of Christ Church for the last five years, accompanies this.

Mission Chapel of Christ Church, Brooklyn; the Rev. E. HI. CANFIELD, D. D., Rector; the Rev. JAMES S. BARNES, Assistant Minister in charge.

Number of families, 150. Number of individuals, 600. Baptisms: all infants, 49. Confirmed, 15. Marriages, 28. Burials, 45. Communicants: admitted, 9; removed into the

Parish, 8; removed from the Parish, 8; Died, 5-present number, 113. The Holy Communion: celebrated the third Sunday in every month, on the great Festivals, and four times in private. Catechists and Sunday-School teachers, 80. Catechumens, 275. Number of children openly taught the Catechism, 250; number of times, 12. Total number of young persons instructed, 275. Celebration of Divine Service: Sundays, 104; Holy Days, 4; other days, 11-total, 119.

Contributions.-Parish Purposes, $725 97; the Sunday-School, $859 26; the Sick and Needy, $116 26; the Refugees, $6 00; the Freedmen, $11 08; the Jews' Mission, $5; Memorial to Miss Barnes, $42-total, $1,265 57.

With this Report I close my labors in this field. Nearly eight years ago I commenced the first Service of this Mission, in a hall rented by Christ Church. At that Service about 05 persons were present. Now there is a neat Chapel, which was erected by the Parish Church at a cost of about $1,200, and a good congregation and Sunday-School.

During my charge 400 families have been in connection-221 communicants have been enrolled-and 98 persons have been confirmed. Of Baptisms, there have been 442. Of Marriages, 121. Of Burials, 343.

The offerings, which are for six years (as at first none were asked), amount to $5,255 66— a large sum for a Mission congregation.

By the Divine goodness, I have the satisfaction of leaving to the care of another Pastor a flourishing field, which a few years ago was comparatively a desolate waste.

Emanuel Church, Brooklyn; the Rev. PATRICK HENRY GREENLEAF, D. D.,

Number of families, 109. Number of individuals, 500. Baptisms: adults, 6; infants, 26total, 82. Confirmed, 21. Marriages, 8. Burials, 20. Communicants: admitted, 42; removed into the Parish, 83; removed from the Parish, 8; Died, 5-present number, 166. The Holy Communion: celebrated monthly, and on the principal Festivals of the Ritual Year. Catechists and Sunday-School teachers, 19. Catechumens: number of children taught the Catechism openly in the Church, 150; number of times, monthly. Members of other classes for Religious Instruction: Bible Class, 15; Sewing-School, 50-total, 234. Celebration of Divine Service: Sundays, twice; Holy Days, once; other days, once; also lecture on Wednesday evenings.

Contributions.-Episcopal Fund, $5; Diocesan Fund, $7 50; Missionary Committee of the Diocese, $18 41; Fund for Aged and Infirm Clergymen, $9 55; Brooklyn City Mission, $46 80; Board of Missions P. E. Church, U. S.: Domestic Committee, $15; Communion Alms, $188 74; Church Purposes in general, $3,029 50-total, $3,320 50.

The condition of this Parish continues to improve. The Vestry have appointed a Liquidating and Building Committee, who are engaged in the collection of funds for the payment of the entire indebtedness of the Corporation, and the erection of a suitable Parish Church edifice upon their present grounds. It is not proposed to commence the building until a sufficient sum has been raised to place on Carroll Park such an edifice as will accommodate the congregation, and be an ornament to this part of the city.

Grace Church, Brooklyn Heights; the Rev. EUGENE AUGUSTUS HOFFMAN, D. D.,
Rector; the Rev. ALFRED GOLDSBOROUGH, Deacon, Assistant Minister.

Number of families, 293. Number of individuals, 1,450. Baptism: adults, 10; infants,
73-total, 88. Confirmed, 55. Marriages, 13. Burials, 26. Communicants: admitted, 55;
removed into the Parish, 181; removed from the Parish, 37; Died, 9-present number, 465.
The Holy Communion: celebrated monthly, and on the principal Festivals. Catechists
and Sunday-School teachers, 54. Catechumens: number of children taught the Catechism

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openly in the Church, all; number of times, monthly; Sunday scholars, 460. Total number of young persons instructed, 460. Daily Parish Schools: 1 (free); Scholars: females, 40. Celebration of Divine Service: Sundays, morning and afternoon; Holy Days, morning and afternoon; other days, Wednesdays and Fridays, morning and afternoon; and twice daily during Lent-total, 407.

Contributions.-Episcopal Fund, $50; Diocesan Fund, $52 50; Missionary Committee of the Diocese, $500; Theological Education Fund, $30 80; Fund for Aged and Infirm Clergymen, $94 42; Church Missionary Society for Seamen, $50; New York Bible and Common Prayer Book Society, $159 65; Protestant Episcopal Tract Society, $28 21; General P. E. S. S. Union and Church Book Society, $112; General Theological Seminary, 857 84; Board of Missions P. E. Church, U. S.: Domestic Committee, $500; Foreign Committee, $211 57; Parochial Schools, $776 56; the Poor, $1,589 76; Parish Purposes (including pew rents), $28,344 58; Church Purposes in general, $8,701 58-total, $85,258 87.

This Parish continues in a most prosperous condition, and the congregation have manifested an increasing interest in all good works. The offerings for parochial and general Church purposes have exceeded those of any former year in its history. A commodious and beautiful stone building, which will provide accommodations for the Sunday and Parochial Schools and other charitable works of the Parish, and a suitable residence for the sexton, is in process of erection at the west end of the Church. The entire cost of it will exceed $20,000. The young men of the congregation have been very efficient in the work of District Visiting, and the ladies have established an excellent " Association for the Relief of Industrious Poor Women.",

Church of the Holy Trinity, Brooklyn; the Rev. A. N. LITTLEJOHN, D. D., Rector; the Rev. J. D. PHILIP, Rector's Assistant.

Number of families, 315. Number of individuals, 1,500. Baptisms: adults, 11; infants, 48-total, 59. Confirmed, 46. Marriages, 24. Burials, 27. Communicants: admitted, 40; removed into the Parish, 35; removed from the Parish, 66; Died, 5-present number, 516. The Holy Communion: celebrated on the first Sunday of each month, and on the chief Festivals. Catechists and Sunday-School teachers, 40. Catechumens, 800. Number of children taught the Catechism openly in the Church, 200; number of times, monthly. Members of other classes for Religious Instruction, 50. Total number of young persons instructed, 850. Celebration of Divine Service: total, 216 times.

Contributions.-For all purposes within and without the Parish, $80,072 87-(exclusive of pew rents, amounting to over $16,000).

The once heavy debt of this Parish having been reduced so that it can never give further trouble, the congregation, with a liberality and energy which have of late years characterized them in dealing with their temporalities, addressed themselves last winter to the formidable task of completing the Church by the erection of a stone spire 275 feet high, costing not far from $40,000. The most difficult part of this task-the raising of the necessary funds to pay for the whole work-has been accomplished. The work itself has been delayed, owing to the high price of labor and material; but will be begun, without doubt, during the coming season.

Church of the Messiah, Brooklyn; the Rev. GEORGE E. THRALL, Rector, and Rev. BENJAMIN F. TAYLOR, Assistant Minister.

Number of families, 200.

-total, 27. Confirmed, 25.

Number of individuals, 1,000. Baptism; adults, 5; infants, 22 Marriages, 7. Burials, 21. Communicants: present number, 800. The Holy Communion: celebrated first Sunday in every month. Catechists and Sunday-School teachers, 40. Catechumens, 875, Celebration of Divine Service: Sundays,

morning and evening; Holy Days, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Good Friday; other days, Wednesdays and Fridays during Lent.

We have been occupying our new edifice since the 30th of March last, when it was first
opened for Divine worship. Its entire cost to us has been $67,000. The management of
this sum has so absorbed our means that we can report but little given to outside objects.
About $150 have been given to the poor.

Next year it is expected that our contributions will begin to flow beyond our own limits.
Fifty-seven new families have become connected with our Church since the opening.

Church of the Redeemer, Brooklyn; the Rev. EDWARD JESSUP, Rector.

Number of families, 98. Baptisms: infants, 27. Marriages, 9. Burials, 17. Communi-
cants: admitted, 10; removed into the Parish, 20; removed from the Parish, 25; Died, 3-
present number, 202. The Holy Communion: celebrated Advent Sunday, Christmas, Cir-
cumcision, Easter, Whitsun-Day, on the first Sunday in October, November, February,
March, April, May, July, August, September; and once to a sick person. Catechists and
Sunday-School Teachers, 22. Catechumens: number of children taught the Catechism
openly in the Church, 160; number of times, 10. Celebration of Divine Service: Sundays,
104; Holy Days, 44; other days, 120-total, 268.

Contributions.-Diocesan Fund, $30; Fund for Aged and Infirm Clergymen, $20 57;
Sunday-Schools, $192 39; the Poor, $64 85; Parish Purposes, $4,372 10; Church Charity
Foundation, $111; King's County Convocation-Mission to Public Institutions-$74 10-
total, $4,865 01.

On the 24th of April, the corner-stone of a new Church for this Parish was laid by the
Bishop of the Diocese, on which occasion Bishop Coxe, of the Diocese of Western New York,
made an address. The building is already enclosed, and, it is expected, will be ready for
occupation before the end of the coming winter. The Rector bears ready testimony to the
hearty unanimity with which the congregation, neither numerous nor wealthy, have en-
tered on this important undertaking, and to the spontaneous liberality with which they have
pledged of their substance to provide a fit temple for the worship of the Lord.

St. Andrew's Church, Brooklyn; the Rev. RICHARD S. ADAMS, Rector.

Baptisms: infants, 16-total, 16. Confirmed, 6. Marriages, 2. Burials, 17. Communicants: admitted, 8; removed into the Parish, 11; removed from the Parish, 18; Died, 2— present number, 96. The Holy Communion: celebrated on the first Sunday of every month, and on the great Festivals. Catechists and Sunday-School teachers, 11; Catechumens, 108. Number of children taught the Catechism openly in the Church, 112. Number of times, 10. Celebration of Divine Service: Sundays, 94; Holy Days, 9; other days, 15— total, 118.

Contributions.-Episcopal Fund, $2; Diocesan Fund, $10; Missionary Committee of the Diocese, $31 86; Theological Education Fund, $1; Fund for Aged and Infirm Clergymen, $5 88; Church Charity Foundation, $73 75; for the Jewish Mission, $4 32; New York Bible and Common Prayer Book Society, $10 58; Protestant Episcopal Tract Society, $255; General P. E. S. S. Union and Church Book Society, $36 00; Bishop's Salary, $2; Board of Missions P. E. Church, U. S.: Domestic Committee, $20 51; Foreign Committee, $11 70; the Poor, $31 07; Parish Purposes (exclusive of Rector's salary), $951 46-total, $1,194 68.

St. Ann's Church, Brooklyn; the Rev. LAWRENCE HEYWORTH, MILLS, Rector; the Rev. F. M. GRAY, Missionary, assisting.

Number of families, 215.

Confirmed, 27. Marriages, 23.

Number of individuals, about 1,000. Baptisms-total, 51. Burials, 27. Communicants: admitted, 23; removed from the Parish, 9; Died, 7-present number, 478. The Holy Communion: celebrated at accus


tomed intervals. Catechists and Sunday-School teachers, 70. Number of children taught the Catechism openly in the Church, 800. Members of other classes for religious instruction, 30. Sunday scholars, 800. Total number of young persons instructed, 880.

Contributions.-Domestic and Foreign Missions, $1,286 18; Evangelical Knowledge Society (taken up in the Chapel, Church being closed), $100; Aged and Infirm Clergymen, 878 16; Church Charity Foundation, $658 75; for Parish Sunday-School (the sum of $500 being paid out of the treasury), $541 99; Convocation Mission, $116 71; for the Poor, $972 83; Industrial Home, $288; from the Sunday-School, for Missions, $894 44 for American Tract Society, $150; for Brooklyn City Mission Tract Society, $151 o, Seamen's Mission, $182 07, for the Bible Society, $97 71; General Church Purposes, $141 19; Parish Purposes (spent on account of treasury of the Church for repairs), $7,000-total, $12,209 08.

Progress has been steadily made towards the erection of a new edifice; the services of an architect have been secured, and beautiful plans have been elaborately and minutely executed. We shall probably break ground within a very short time. Meantime the condition of our present edifice (designed never to pass out of our hands) has been duly attended to; complete repairs have been bestowed, as seen by report of Parish expenses.

The Mission work, begun in a neighboring hall, has been transferred to the Chapel adjoining the Church, with the prospect of increased attendance.

The engagement of the Rev. Mr. Gray has just expired by limitation.

St. John's Church, Brooklyn; the Rev. GEORGE F. SEYMOUR, Rector; Rev. H. A. SPAFARD, Deacon; and Rev. THOMAS MCKIE BROWN, Deacon, Assistant Ministers.

Number of families, 210. Number of individuals, 1,000. Baptisms: adults, 10; infants, 91-total, 101. Confirmed, 27. Marriages, 21. Burials, 38. Communicants: admitted, 63; removed into the Parish, 58; removed from the Parish, 15; Died, 7-present number, about 875. The Holy Communion: celebrated first Sunday of every month; on all Festivals for which a Preface is provided in the Prayer Book; in private to the sick, 7 times-total, 24 times. Catechists and Sunday-School Teachers, 29. Catechumens: number of children taught the Catechism openly in the Church, 210; number of times, once a month. Total number of young persons instructed, 239. Celebration of Divine Service: Sundays, twice; Holy Days, all, including Ember-Days of the four seasons, twice; other days, daily during Lent, twice; Thanksgiving, Fast Days, Wednesday evening and Friday morning throughout the year-total, 856 times.

Contributions.-Episcopal Fund, $80 25; Diocesan Fund, $45; Missionary Committee of the Diocese, $173 76; Theological Education Fund, $94 23; Fund for Aged and Infirm Clergymen, $110 75; Kings County Missions, $60; for Jews, $39 11; Sunday-School Collections, $300 06; New York Bible and Common Prayer Book Society, $70 31; Protestant Episcopal Tract Society, $45 50; General Theological Seminary, $44; Board of Missions P. E. Church, U, S.: Domestic Committee, $129 26; Foreign Committee, $62 42; Iowa Missions, $60; the Poor, $887 83; Parish Purposes (including pew rents, $6,391 92), $8,865 75; Church Purposes in general, $557 81; Church Charity Foundation, Kings County, $558total, $11,628 54.

The income of the Parish far exceeds the largest amount ever reached before; the contributions for extra-parochial objects also are much in advance of those of previous years. Church work, too, in all its interesting details, has greatly increased. Since May last, a lay canvasser has been employed. His laborious task has only been completed within a few days. He has visited every house and family in the Fourth Ward of Brooklyn, in order to ascertain the religious condition of the population, for which St. John's Church, from its local position, may justly be held accountable. The following are a few of the more important particulars which have been ascertained. The total population of the ward is 10,964; of

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