Imágenes de páginas

of the house No. 306 have been removed, thus forming a neat and convenient Chapel. The basement and upper stories have been connected with 304 Mulberry Street, increasing the accommodations of the house, and enabling those in charge to receive for the day the children of mothers going out to work. The charitable work of St. Barnabas' House has been supported by special contributions. Through the systematic and economical management of the Ladies in charge, there have been given out, at a comparatively small expense, to homeless women and needy children, many thousand comfortable meals and lodgings during the year.

In all the city institutions upon Randall's and Blackwell's Island; also upon Ward's Island, or Bellevue Hospital, at the City Prison, the Colored Home, the Home of the Female Prison Association, the Child's Nursery and Hospital, the Orphan's Home, the New York Orphan Asylum, the House of Mercy, and the Leake and Watt's Orphan House, the faithful Missionaries of the Society, aided by Laymen connected with the Mission, by Members of the Ladies' Mission to public institutions, and also by other ladies, have sought to teach and act as servants and ministers of Christ to the inmates of these several places.

We have the cheering knowledge that among the thousands upon thousands reached by this Society many ignorant have been instructed, some fallen ones have been rescued, and are now living unto God, while we have a good hope that many souls have been won for heaven, some of whom already sleep in Jesus.

The Missionaries of the Society are the Rev. C. E. Phelps, Rev. E. Cowley, Rev. F. M. Serenbez, Rev. S. II. Hilliard, Rev. R. II. Bourne, and Rev. W. Leacock.

The Rev. Merritt H. Wellman is the Financial Agent of the Society. There have been baptized during the year ending August 31, 521 persons; 2 couples married; 41 persons confirmed, and 120 burials, chiefly in St. Michael's Churchyard, Astoria.

The receipts for the year ending in September have been thirty thousand dollars ($30,000), all of which has been expended in the purchase and fitting up of the two houses, the payment of missionaries, and in the charitable operations of the Society. Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Society.

NEW YORK, September 27th, 1866.



On motion of the Rev. Dr. Haight, it was

Resolved, That the Appendix No. III., of the Constitution and Canons, entitled, "Instructions, Forms for the Incorporation of a Church, &c." be referred to the Committee on Canons for revision, and report at the next Convention.

The following Preamble and Resolution were adopted:

WHEREAS, The Treasurer of the Convention has reported that the last Edition of the Canons of this Diocese has been paid for out of the Diocesan Fund; therefore it is

Resolved, That the Clergy of the Diocese be supplied with copies of the same without cost, under direction of the Secretary.

On motion of the Hon. Hamilton Fish, it was

Resolved, That all Churches intending to apply for admission into union with the Church in this Diocese be requested hereafter in all cases to transmit to the Secretary of the Convention, at least ten days before its Annual Session, the Certificates required by Section I. of Canon IV.: And that the Secretary deliver the same forthwith to the Committee on the Incorporation of Churches, to be by them examined before the meeting of the Convention.

On motion of the Rev. Thomas M. Peters, D. D.,

it was

Resolved, That the Secretary be requested to prepare and append to the printed Journal of the Annual Convention of this Diocese, a Table giving the name of each Church and Chapel, together with the numbers respectively of Baptisms, Confirmations, Communicants, Marriages, and Burials.

On motion of the Secretary, it was

Resolved, That the Secretary be authorized to add to the list of Churches in this Diocese, the dates of their admission severally into union with this Convention; and, so far as practicable, the dates of their Incorporation.

The Rev. John J. Robertson, D. D., having stated that, after legal measures taken for the purpose, the name of "Trinity Church, Ulster," had been changed into "Trinity Church, Saugerties," offered the following Resolution :

Resolved, That in the List of the Churches of this Diocese the name, "Trinity Church, Ulster," be changed into "Trinity Church, Saugerties."

On motion of the Secretary, it was

Resolved, That the Resolution offered by the Rev. Dr. Robertson, be referred to the "Committee on the Incorporation of Churches," to examine whether the proper legal steps have been taken for changing the name of "Trinity Church, Ulster," into "Trinity Church, Saugerties ;" and if so, to report whether, accordingly, such change should be made in the List of the Churches of this Diocese.

On motion of Orlando Meads, Esq., it was

Resolved, That the grateful acknowledgments of this Convention are hereby tendered to the gentlemen by whose exertions a suitable residence has at length been provided for our Bishop, and by whose liberality a very considerable addition has thus been made to the permanent property of the Diocese.

On motion of the Rev. Wm. II. Moore, it was

Resolved, That two thousand copies of the Journal of this Convention be published and distributed under direction of the Secretary: Provided, That the payments to the Diocesan Fund be suffi cient to meet the expense, together with the other obligations of the Diocese.

On motion of the Rev. A. H. Vinton, D. D., it was

Resolved, That the thanks of this Convention be given to the

Secretary, the Assistant Secretary, and the Treasurer, for their labors.

Resolved, That the thanks of this Convention be given to the Rector, Churchwardens, and Vestrymen of Trinity Church, New York, for the use of this Chapel by the Convention.

On motion of the Rev. A. N. Littlejohn, D. D., it was

Resolved, That after the reading of the Minutes and the usual devotions, this Convention adjourn sine die.

The Minutes of this day's proceedings were read, and approved

Gloria in Excelsis was sung by the Members: Prayers were said by the Rev. Alexander H. Vinton, D. D.; the Blessing was pronounced by the Bishop of the Diocese:

And the Convention adjourned, sine die.

Attested :

HORATIO POTTER, D. D., LL. D., D. C. L. Bishop of New York and President of the Convention.

THEODORE A. EATON, A. M., Assistant Secretary.

Annual Address




Once more our Heavenly Father has crowned the year with His goodness,-once more our annual course of duty and of trial has been run; and here in the holy place, in the midst of a crowded and busy city, quite sequestered from the worldly tumult that rages in the distance all around us, we find ourselves met together, in peace and quietness, to render the returns of our labors, and to consult what best may be done for the glory of God, for the advancement of His Church, for promoting the interests of our great spiritual charge. Welcome, thrice welcome, dear brethren, to this fraternal and loving conference!

Before all other words, let us unite in returning our most humble and hearty thanks to Almighty God for the preservations of the year, for the manifold blessings bestowed upon His people, and for the abundant increase vouchsafed to the ministries of His Church. Cold indeed

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