ON Several Subjects. By JOHN FISHER, А. М. LIOTHECA SHERBORNE: Printed by WILLIAM BETTINSON; and Sold by 100. r. 266. TO THE Right Reverend Father in GOD, STEPHEN, By Divine Permission, Lord Bishop of Exeter. MY LORD, H AVING been prevail'd upon by my Friends to fend a Volume of my dear deceas'd Hufband's Sermons to the Press, I could not long deliberate with myself to whom I should address them. The Favours you conferr'd upon the Author of them, when alive, and the gracious Continuance of your Kindness to myself fince his Death, under the strait Circumstances wherein I was left, would not let me think of any one but Your Lordship. Some of the Sermons were, I know, preach'd before Your Lordship, and met with your Approbation. Had they come immediately from the Author, they would very probably have appeared in a better Drefs. A2 But |