ANSWERS. I. PAGE 15. 1. 45-23, 290, 2367, 7, &c. 2. 0005, 11.11, 040020, 45, &c. 3. Three thousand four hundred and sixty-seven thou sandths; thirty-four, and sixty-seven hundredths; three thousand four hundred and sixty-seven millionths; three, and four hundred and sixty-seven thousandths. 4. 35-90846, 29130-19391, 60-0239. 5. 7237, 3-32091. 6. 69.5289, 5·06679, 41481. 7. 026, 7708-71. 8. 09, 24.356706, 003627, 289, 0096, 00016384. 9. 200, 00125, 4000, 2295, 006, 5002, &c. 10. 170000. 11. 4.97 &c., 1. 12. ·2. III. PAGE 28. 1. 4 × 11, 2®, 2 x 3 x 5”, 2 x 3 x 7, 33 x 47, 2 x 3 x 7 x 11. 2. 2 × 7 × 32 × 11, 23 × 5 × 43, 2o × 3o, 5o × 7 × 112, 22 × 3 × 113, 24 x 34 x 11. 5. 1, 4, 7, II, 4, 1; 11, 38, 18, 4, 1, 13; 3, 3, Tir, 17, 18, 69 6. 19, 7, 13, 6, 41, 729, 14, 11, 39. 7. 8, 7, TT, 15, 14, §; 3, 4, 13, 1, 31, 11. 9. 2 days out of every 7. 3. £5. 17s. 4d., £8. 15s., £25. 3s. 11td. 4. 17 cwt. 16 lbs., 16 lbs., 63 lbs., 25 lbs. 5. 3 m. 2f. 62% yds., 2931 yds., 4 po. 14 yd., 823 yds. 6. 144 days, 32 days, 4 hrs. 54' 47". 7. 38 lbs. 7 oz. 2 dwt. 15 grs., 12 dwt. 65 grs. 8. 245 ac. 1 r. 27 po. 12 yds. IX.-PAGE 45. 229 2. 32, 14. 3. 20, 2088 15 dwts., 8,7% lbs. 12. 1 day of 24 hrs. X.-PAGE 47. 1. 7s. 6d., 19s. 7 d., 16s. 3 d. 2. £1. 5s., 2s. 9d., £1. 6s. 3d. 3. 12 cwt. 2 qrs., 2 cwt. 3 qrs. 7 lbs., 6 cwt. 1 qr. 4. 1 ac. 2 r. 262 po., 13% po., 1 r. 22 2 po. 25 lbs. 5. 4 quires 4 sheets, 11 sheets, 23 quires 43 sheets. 6. 38 galls. 3 qts. 041 pts., 1 hhd. 60 galls. 2 qts. 13 pt. nearly, 1 pk. 0 gall. 3 qts. 12 pt. nearly. 7. 4000 grains, 8 oz. 6 dwts. 16 grs. 9. 15s. 2d. 8. 698 lbs. 10. 24 tons 9 cwt. 2 qrs. 8 lbs. 11. 4 cwt. 1 qr. 10 lbs. 12. 3 oz. 14 dwts. XI.-PAGE 48. 1. ·625, ·53125, ·55625, ·928125. 2. 846153, 692307, 615384. 3. 36803, 11805. 4. 015625, 065476190. 5. 003125, 002232142857. 6. 003472, 040293. 7. 3125, 150625. 8. ·0002232142857, 00083. 9. 1·13085317460. 10. ·82285714. 11. 12. 0544575 XII.-PAGE 54. 1. 150000, 20000, 100, 270, 2.5, 1, 3.45, 5.294. 3. 2 myriag. 0 kilog. 2 hectog. 9 dekag., 1 myriag. 8 kilog. O hectog. O dekag. 8 grm. 5 decig., 1 myriag. 2 kilog. 3 hectog. O dekag. 0 grm. 1 decig. 3 centig., 1 hectog. 2 dekag. 0 grm. 2 decig. 9 centig. 6 millig., decig. 9 centig. 6 millig., 1 grm. 5 decig. 3 centig. 3 millig., 3 grm. 4 decig. 2 centig. 7 millig. 4. 160001-2, 25100, 396-45, 203550. 5. 1000, 2-96, 2900-03, 300-12, 3765-43. 6. 10000000000, 10000000, 50000, 349800, 4600. 7. 150, 39-4, 90-2, 1860.3, 3.764, 4. 8. 10, 1.234567, 372456126, 1, 000639, 293. 9. 3203, 4, 2000'003, 76-384, 29-34, 8300, 3457.6. 10. 18300-453, 1830-0453, 1830045.3. 11. 1, 73-6, 246.45, 2.55, 16.95. 12. 1300, 130; 713, 713; 1235, 123·5; 29, 320, 32, 1804, 180-4. XIII.--PAGE 56. 1. 16287-599 m., 10738767 m., 1322.371 sq. m., 69 548396 cub. m., 39129.99 grm., 65632·02 ares, 368.93 st., 78603.982 lit., 288.06 fr. 2. 1600 688 m., 11696 359 m., 96.18 sq. m., 5.967600029 cub. m., 5972.935 grin., 2450·94 ares, 4096 st., 694003.024 lit., 2.35 fr., 98.56 fr. 3. (1) 70-245 m., 110-385 m., 130-455 m.; (2) 486082.89 m., &c.; (3) 49 sq. m., &c.; (4) 76-190000095 cub. m., &c.; (5) 11046013-965 gr., &c.; (6) 360009 ar., &c.; (7) 41629 st., &c.; (8) 7347660-72 lit., &c.; (9) 2932-50 fr., &c. 4. 864 fr. 91.5 c. 5. 3408 fr. 13 c. 6. (1) 1.56 m., 1·43 m., 1·32 m.; (2) 27788 m., 2613.75 m., 2460 m.; (3) 2·0910 sq. m., &c.; (4) 41.82 cub. m., &c.; (5) 188-263 grm., &c.; (6) 13.2 ar., &c.; (7) 10.01 st., &c.; (8) 40446-3 lit., &c.; (9) 293 58 fr., 7. 25 fr., 15010 fr., 24120 fr., 64 c. nearly, 165 fr., 12 c., '01 fr. &c. 328 fr., 1·80 fr., 2857 fr. 8. 25, 80, 2400, 1440, 480000, 14400, 4, 96, 125. |