COLLINS' SERIES OF FIRST-CLASS SCHOOL ATLASES, Carefully Constructed and Engraved from the best and latest Authorities, and Beautifully Printed in Colours, on Superfine Cream Wove Paper. MODERN GEOGRAPHY-Crown Series. s. d. ... O 6 MY FIRST ATLAS, consisting of 12 Maps, 9 inches by 71⁄2 inches, folded 8vo, in Neat Wrapper, 1 The Hemispheres. 2 Europe. 3 Asia. 4 Africa. 5 North America. 6 South America. ... 7 England and Wales. 8 Scotland. 9 Ireland. 10 Central Europe. 11 Australia. 12 Palestine. THE PRIMARY ATLAS, consisting of 16 Maps, 9 inches by 7 ... ... I ... THE POCKET ATLAS, consisting of 16 Maps, folded in 8vo, and ... ... THE PROGRESSIVE ATLAS, consisting of 32 Maps, 9 inches by 7 inches, 4to, cloth lettered, 14 Spain and Portugal. 15 Italy. 16 Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. 6 о 2 0 31 New South Wales, Victoria, and 32 New Zealand. [South Australia. THE CROWN ATLAS, consisting of 32 Maps, on Guards, with THE NATIONAL ATLAS, consisting of 32 Maps, 4to, with a London, Edinburgh, and Herriot Hill Works, Glasgow. COLLINS' SERIES OF SCHOOL ATLASES-CONTINUED. MODERN GEOGRAPHY-Imperial Series. THE SELECTED ATLAS, consisting of 16 Maps, Imperial 4to, II s. d. ... I 10 Southern and Central Europe. 11 India. 12 Canada. 13 United States. 14 Australia. 15 New Zealand. 16 Palestine. 8 Scotland. THE PORTABLE ATLAS, consisting of 16 Maps, folded Imperial THE ADVANCED ATLAS, consisting of 32 Maps, Imperial 4to, ... 12 Holland and Belgium. 13 Switzerland. 14 Spain and Portugal. 15 Italy. [the Baltic. 16 Sweden and Norway, Denmark and 31 Victoria, New South Wales, and THE ACADEMIC ATLAS, consisting of 32 Maps, Imperial 4to, THE STUDENT'S ATLAS, consisting of 32 Maps, and 6 Ancient 33 Ancient Greece. 31 Ancient Roman Empire. 35 Britain under the Romans. 36 Britain under the Saxons. 37 Historical Map of the British Is- lands from A.D. 1066. 38 France and Belgium, illustrating THE COLLEGIATE ATLAS, consisting of 32 Modern, 16 Fstorical, THE INTERNATIONAL ATLAS, consisting of 32 Modern, 16 |