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may fay, that J. Christ is the Propitiation for our Sins, he hath purged them, a delivered us from the Curfe of the Law, and from the Wrath to come, and fatisfied the Divine Justice, and obtain reconciliation with the Father for as. These words are indeed excellent to comfort a Soul that is perfuaded the hath a real interest in J. Chrift, but fince God, according to Calvins Doctrine, did by his immutable decree elect a fmall number of Men to Salvation, and appoint the reft to Damnation, heither confidering their good or bad Actions, but his pleasure only13.c.22. Sect. 7. How fhall I know that I am of the number of the. Elect without a particular Revelation from God? they fay the number of the Reprobates is far greater than that of the Elect. If fo, have I not great caufe to fear that I am enroll'd under the greater Multitude? when Chrift faid to his Apoftles, one of you shall betray me, though eleven of 'em were Innocent, and but one Guilty, yet they were fo anxiously concern'd and troub led, that they could not forbear asking, Mafter is it I? Wherefore in Cafe the number of the Reprobates fhould be lefs, G 5.



Quand J. Chrift dit a les Apotres, un
d'entre vous me trabira, bienqu'ils fuffent
onze Innocents, & qu'il n'y en euft
qu'un de coupable, ils furent fi fort
inquietez, qu'il ne purent s'empécher
de demander, Maitre eft ce moy? quand
bien donc le nombre des Reprouvez
feroit moindre que celuy des Eleus,
n'étant pas alfuré fous quel nombre je
fuis enrolé, & les torments de Fenfer
etants fi horribles, cette feule Confi-
deration eft capable de m'inquieter, et
de m'oter toute Confolation: Car rien
melt capable dem'affurer et de me con
foler, qu'une infallible et certaine per-
fuafion que je fuis du nombre des Eleus.
Et c'eft ce que je ne fçaurois avoir en
certe vie, fans une fpeciale Revelation
ide Dieu, a
ne bost

i svetre 3

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than that of the elect, yet being doubtful in what number. Iam lifted, and the torments of Hell being very frightful, this confideration alone is able to trouble me, and deprive my Soul of all.comfort. For nothing can affure and comfort me but an Infallible and certain perfwafion that I am of the number of the elect, and that is what I cannot have in this Life, without a fpecial Revelation from God.

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David & St. Paul n'ont pas cru la Predeftination Reprobation com me elles font expliquées au Chap.


Eurs ardentes prieres à Dieu, & ex

hortations aux hommes pour leur falut Eternel, en est une preuve inconteftable. Pay grande trifteffe, dit St. Paul, & continuel torment en mon coeur, car je defirerois moy même être feparé de Chrift pour mes freres qui font mes parents felon la chair, Rom. 9. 2. & au chapitre fuivant il parle ainfi, freres quant à la bonne Affection de men coeur, & la priere que je fai à Dieu pour Ifrael, c'est qu'ils forent fauvez. Quelle feroit la raifon de cette trifteffe Priere, & de ce fouhait de St. Paul, fi Dieu, par un decret abfolu & irrevocable, avoit determiné les freres de St. Paul & fes Parents felon la chair, à une Eternelle Damnation, fans avoir égard à leurs pechez? car fi tel euft eté le decret de Dieu, & que St. Faull'eust connu tel, il devoit dire qu'il





David and St. Paul did not believe Predestination and Reprobation, as they are above explain'd in the 19th. Chapter.


Heir ardent Prayers to God AL mighty, and frequent Exhhorta. tions to Men for their Eternal Salvation are an undeniable proof of it. I have, faith Paul, a great heaviness and continual forrow in my Heart, for I could wish that my felf were accurfed from Christ for my Brethren, my Kinsmen according to the Flesh, Rom. 9. 2 and in the next Chap ter he speaks thus, Brethren my Hearts defire and Prayer to God for Ifrael is that they might be faved. What fhould be the reafon of this forrow, Prayer and wifh of St. Paul, if God did by his abfolute and irrevocable decree ordain the Brethren of St. Paule and his Kinsmen act cording to the Flesh to an Eternal Dama nation without any regard to their Sins? for if Gods decree had been fuch, and known

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