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See l. 3. C. 24. S. 1. 1. 3. c. 21. S. 1. C.22. S. 4, 5.6. 7. 11. Thus fpeaks Calvin, and bis followers.

Jacob and Efau, say they, being not yet Born, neither having done any Good or Evil, that the purpose of God according to Election might stand, not of Works, but of him that calleth, it was faid unto Rebecca, the elder fhall ferve the younger, as it is written, Jacob bave I Loved, but Efau bave I Hated. What shall we fay then, is there Unrighteousness with God? God forbid, for be faith to Mofes, I will have Mercy on whom I will have Mercy, and I will have Compaffion on whom I will have Compaffion. Even for this fame purpofe have I raised thee up, Speaking unto Pharao) that I might fhew my Power in thee, and that my name might be declared through all the Earth. Who art thou that Replieth against God? fhall the thing formed fay to him that formed it, why hast thou made me thus ? bath not the putter Power over the clay of the fame lump to make one. Veffel. unto bonour, and another unto difhonour? what if God willing to fhew his Wrath, and to make his Power. known endured with long fuffering the Vesfels of Wrath fitted to Destruction, and

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Reprobation, qui n'etants pas bien entendues, comme je montreray cy aprés, font la caufe de pluffieurs Impietez.


Diverfes impietez qui procedent la Doctrine de la Predeftination & Reprobation, comme elles font eries, maintenues, & publices par Calvin & fes Sectateurs.

Premiere Impieté.

Elle détruit le Miniftere de la parole de Dieu.

Dieu, de toute eternité, par fon abfolu & immuable, m'a

chofi pour être fauvé, fans avoir aucun egard à ma foy, ni à mes bonnes oeuvres, ni à mon obeiffance à fes com mandements; ou n'a dererminé par le


that he might make known the Riches of his Glory on the Veffels of Mercy, which he afore prepared unto Glory. Rom. 9.thefe are the words whereupon they ground this kind of Predeftination and Reprobation, which being not rightly under ftood, as I will make it appear, are the cause of feveral Impieties.


Several Impieties do proceed from the Doctrine of Predeftination and Reprobation, as they are both believed, maintain'd and Pub. lifh'd by Calvin and his Followers.

First Impiety.

It deftroys the whole Miniftry of the word of God.

IF God, from all Eternity, did by his

abfolute and immutable decree Elect me to be faved, without any refpect of my Faith, good Works, and.

mème decret à une eternelle damnation, fans confiderer mon infidelité, ni mes mechantes Actions, ni ma defob. eiffance à fes commandements à quoy me fervent les exhortations des Prophetes de J. Chrift, des Apôtres, & autres Miniftres de l'Evangile? à quoy bon cette admonition de S. Pierre, etudiez vous a affermir vôtre vocation, & Eletion, 2. Pi. 2. 10. a quoy bon de mécrier avec David, Ps. 6. Eternel ne me reprend point en ta colere, & ne me châtie point en ta fureur, aye merci de moy, sar je fuis fans aucune force, gueri moy, Eternel, car mes os font etonnez, même mon ame eft grandement eperdue, & toy, Eternet, Jufques a quand; Eternel, retourne toy, tire mou ame hors de peine, delivre moy pour l'amour de ta gratuité. De quelpro fit me peuvent être ces precautions? n' endurcissez pas aos coeurs ? ne recevez pas la Grase de Dieu en vain, tien ferme ce que tu as, afinque nul ne prenne ta couronne, Apoc. 3. 11. prenez, donc garde à vous mêmes que d'avanture vos coeurs ne foient grevez de gourmandife, & dyvrognerie & des foucis de cette vie, veillez donc priants en tout temps, Luc. 21.


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Obedience to his Commandments; or did by the fame decree appoint me to Eternal Damnation without confidering my Infidelity, bad Actions and Difobedience to his Commandments. What then can all the Exhortations of the Prophets, of J. Chrift, of the Apoftles, and other Minifters of the Gofpel profit me? For what purpose serves =this Admonition of St. Peter, be deligent to make your calling and Election (ure? 2 Pet. 1. 10. for what end to say with David. Pfa. O Lord rrbuke me not in thy anger, neither chaften me in thy displeasure, have mercy upon me O Lord, for I am weak; O Lord heal me for my bones are vexed, my Soul is alfo fore vexed, but thou O Lord how long? Return O Lord deliver =my Soul, O fave me for thy Mercies fake, and restore to me the Joy of my Salvation. What advantage can I draw from thefe good Counfels? barden not your Hearts? receive not the Grace of God in vain? hold that faft which thou haft,that no Man take thy Crown. Take heed leaft at any time your hearts be overcharged with furfeiting and drunkness, and the cares of this Life, Watch ye therefore and pray always, Luc. 21. 24 be fober, be vigilant because


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