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21. If a pension of $250 per annum, being unpaid a certain time, amounts to $2065, at 6 per cent: What time has the payment been delayed? Note-If the pay- Shalf-yearly ments are made quarterly

Ans. 7 years.


u, will give 2 t.

r, ₫ И, will give 4 t.


Here p, represents the present worth; u, t, and r, as before.

I. Given, u, t, and r, to find p.-RUDE.txtxtxr+2t

2t Xr +2.


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22. What is a pension of $250 per annum worth in ready money, at 6 per cent. for 7 years? Ans. $1454.225. Note-Respecting half-yearly and quarterly the same as I. II. Given, p, t, and r, to find u.



: X2p=u.



23. What annuity is that which for 7 years continuance, at 6 per cent. produces $1454.225, present worth? Ans. $250, Sr, 2t, and X by 4p. r, 4t, and X by 8p.

Note-If the pay- Shalf-yearly

ments are made quarterly,

III. Given, u, p, and t, to find r.-RULE.




24. If an annuity of $250 per annum, to continue 7 years, produce $1454.225 for the present worth, what is the rate per cent? Ans. 6 per cent.

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Ans. 7 years.

25. Required the time that $250 per annum, may be purchased for $1454.225 at 6 per cent. Note-If the pay- Shalf-yearly ments are made quarterly

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Su, r, will give 2t. tu, tr, will give 4t.

ANNUITIES, &c. TAKEN IN REVERSION. 1. To find the present worth of an annuity, &c. taken in reversion. RULE 1.-Find the present

worth of the yearly sum at the Thus,tXtXr--tXr+2t:Xu=p.

given rate, and for the time

of its continuance,


2. Change pinto a, and find what principal being put to interest will amount to (Thus, a, at the same rate, and for the time to come before the annuity, &c. commences,


[blocks in formation]

26. What is the present worth of 351. per ann. to continue 12 years; but is not to commence till the end of 5 years, allowing 10 per cent. to the purchaser ?

Ans. 1977. 58. 5d. 1.792 qr.

II. To find the yearly income of an annuity, &c. in reversion. RULE 1.-Find the amount of the

present worth at the given rate, and > Thus, pXtXr+p=a. for the time before the reversion, 2.-Change a into p, and find what annuity being sold will produce p, at the same rate, and for the time of its continuance,






27. A person having an annuity left him for 12 years, which does not commence till the end of 5 years, sold it for 1971. 5s. 5d. 1.792qr. allowing 10 per cent. to the purchaser: What was the yearly income?




Heres, represents the sum to be discounted: p, the pres. ent worthi, t, and r, as before.

I. Given, s, t, and r, to find p.-RULE.

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28. What is the present worth of $600 due 3 years hence, at 5 per cent per annum?

Ans. $508.4745.

29. What is the present worth of $357.50 to be paid 9 months hence, at 5 per cent per annum ?

Ans. $344.5783. -RULE. pxtxr+p=s.

II. Given, p, t, and r, to find s.—

30. If the present worth of a sum of money due 9 months hence, allowing 6 per cent, be $508.4745, what was the sum first due ? Ans. $600.

31. A person paid $344.5783 for a debt due 9 months hence he being allowed 5 per cent for the discount, how much was the debt? Ans. $357.50.

III. Given s, p, and t, to find 7. -RULE.





32. At what rate per cent, will $600 payable 3 years hence, produce $508.4745 for present payment? Ans. 6 per cent. 33. At what rate per cent, will $357 payable 9 months hence, produce the present payment of $344.5783. Ans. 5 per cent.

IV. Given 3, p, and r, to find t.- -RULE.





31. The present worth of $600 due for a certain time to some, is $508.4745 at 6 per cent, in what time should the sum have peen paid without any rebate? Ans. 3 years.

35. I have received $344.5783 for a debt of $357 allowing the person 5 per cent for prompt payment, I desire to know when the debt would have been payable without the discount? Ans. 9 months. EQUATION OF PAYMENTS.

I. 7o find the equated time for the payment of a sum of money due at several times.

Rule 1-Find the present worth of

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each payment for its respective time Thus, xr+1=p. 2. Add all the present worths together, and call that sum P, then will s-p=d the rebate.


3. Ande, the true equated time



36 M. owes N. $200, whereof $40 is to be paid at 3 months, $60 at 6 months, and $100 at 9 months; at what time may the whole debt be paid together, rebate being made at 5 per cent? Ans. 57315 years 6 months, 26 days. 37. P. owes Q. $800, whereof $200 is to be paid in 3 months $200 at 4 months, and $400 at 6 months: but they agreeing to make but one payment of the whole, at the rate of 5 per cent discount: the true equated time is demanded? Ans. 4 months 22 days.

38. R. owes S. $1200, which is to be paid as follows: $200 down, $500 at the end of 10 months, and the rest at the end of 20 months; but they agreeing to have one payment of the whole, rebate at 3 per cent; the true equated time is demanded? Ans. 1 year 11 days.


Compound Interest is that which arises from a principal increased by its interest, as the interest becomes due.

The letters here made use of, are,

a, the amount.

p, the principal, hence, a-p, the interest.

t, the time.

r, the ratio, or amount of $1, or £. for 1 year at any given rate, which is thus found:


100 105


1: 1.05=r, at 5 per cent.

1: :


1.06r, at 6 per cent. 100 107: 1: 1.07r, at 7 per cent.

I. Given, p, t, and r, to find a. RULE. pXrt:


1. What will $200 amount to in 4 years, at 5 per cent per Ans. $243.10125.

annum ?

2. What will $480 amount to in 5 years, at 6 per cent per Ans. $642.348288.

annum ?

II. Given, a, r, and t, to find p.—RULE.



3. What principal being put to interest will amount to $243.10125 in 4 years, at 5 per cent?

4. What principal being put to interest $642.348288 in 5 years at 6 per cent?

III. Given, p, a, and r, to find t.

Ans. $200.
will amount to
Ans. $480.

-RULE. t which

being continually divided by r, till nothing remains, the num

ber of those divisions will be =.


5. In what time will $200 amount to $243.10125 at 5 per

cent ?

Ans. 4 years.

6. In what time will $480 amount to $642.348288 at 6 per Ans. 5 years.



IV. Given, p, a, and t, to find r.-Rule. -r: then *rt=r.

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7. At what rate per cent will $200 amount to $243.10125 in 4 years? Ans. 5 per cent. 8. At what rate per cent will $480 amount to $642.348288 in 5 years? Ans 6 per cent. ANNUITIES, OR PENSIONS, IN ARREARS. Here u represents the annuity, pension, &c, a, r, t, as before

I. Given, u, t, and r, to find a.— -Rule.


uXrt U

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9. What will an annuity of $50 per annum, payable yearly, amount to in 4 years, at 5 per cent

? Ans. $215.50625. 10. What will an annuity of $75 per annum, payable yearly,

amount to in 6 years, at 6 per cent?

II. Given, a, r, and t, to find u.-Rule.


Ans. $523.14885. aXra

Ans. $50.

11. What annuity being forborne 4 years, will amount to $215.50625 at 5 per cent? 12. What salary being omitted to be paid 6 years, will amount to $523.14885 at 6 per cent?

Ans. $75.

III. Given u, a, and r, to find t. -Rule.



which being continually divided by r, till nothing remains, the number of those divisions will be=t


13. In what time will $50 per annum amount to $215.50625 at 5 per cent? Ans. 4 years. 14. In what time will $75 per annum amount to $523.14885 allowing 6 per cent for forbearance of payment? Ans. 6 years. PRESENT WORTH OF ANNUITIES, PENSIONS, &c. 1. Given, u, t, and r, to find p.-- Rule.

น- r-1=p. ..f

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