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ble to the doctrine of the church, propagated against the characters here described. He must prove,

and whose life and pastoral exertions are most conformable to their ordination vows and the dictates of Scripture. As the peculiarities, either of Calvinism or Arminianism, constitute not, even in the eyes of their more moderate professors, the exclusive entire of the Gospel or ministerial competency, let the estimate of character be formed independently of these distinctions: and when such clergymen are found, as are distinguished by the soundness and scriptural character of their doctrine, (using the expression with some latitude,) by their professional learning, by their prudence, by their zeal, and by their labours, whether the persons be popular, or of a retired character and scarcely known out of their parish, (for these are in general but accidents to the substance) let them be treated, not with distance or jealousy, much less with disrespect, but with conspicuous attention and encouragement by their diocesan. If in persons of this class, there should be found any thing which requires reprehension and amendment, and it would be hard to demand perfection in them, we are persuaded, that, by many, a frank and reasonable remonstrance would be attended to with conscientions respect, and that this is the most likely method to prevail with all. The qualifications here mentioned would, in our view, constitute a far better claim to distinction and preferment, than a simple freedom from fanaticism, or a ferocions antipathy to it, both of which, and particularly the latter, are not only consistent with the utter absence of every pastoral qualification, and the presence of many most unpastoral and unchristian vices, but frequently owe their entire origin to them. To effectuate the important object which is here recommended, it will become the overseer of the clergy to hold himself superior, and indeed shew himself decidedly adverse to the vain and malicious calumnies which will always be invented and

that he is not to be made a tool of the prejudiced or profligate, that he is not to be inveigled by their flatteries, or intimidated by their threats; for those who can, upon occasion, lick the feet of their superiors, can likewise and will, upon occasion, aim the deadliest shafts of calumny at their character. Such a bishop must, with primitive courage, arm himself against the insensate clamour of those who hate their more zealous brethren, because the zeal of these brethren most poignantly reproaches their own indifference and neglect; and must be reconciled to all the odium which he will unavoidably draw down upon himself by so doing from the parties aggrieved, confident, however, that by this mean he is most effectually, as far as his official influence is concerned, subserving the best interests. of that church over which the Holy Ghost has made him overseer.

In contemplating the best means for the security and prosperity of the established church, the placing a bar to the admission of incompe tent or unworthy persons into holy orders obtains a principal place. And there is some truth as well as point, but at the same time we think too much severity in the observation of the Address:-"The intrusion of unworthy characters, both into orders and preferments, too plainly demonstrate that aliquando dormitat episcopus: but I fear it will be found too frequently, that he escapes the charge of sleeping at his post." p. 13. We question whether it be in the power of a bishop, except in very flagrant cases, to deny ordination or induction to a person, who comes recommended by a devotion of himself to academical studies for the prescribed time, by the requisite and unexceptionable testimonials, and by such a portion of ability as to pass the usual examination for orders, with some other subordinate qualifications. At least such a denial would be extremely painful to the

person giving it, and would, in most cases, with difficulty, be justified, however just, to the interested party, and to the world at large. In fact, the root of the evil lies much deeper. It is in the want of a proper theological or clerical education, that the seeds of future incompetency and mischief in the clergy is to be sought. As matters now stand, there is necessarily (we speak not of the voluntary and honourable exceptions) no appropriate instruction in our universities for those members who are intended for orders, till towards the latter end of their residence in college, and then nothing more is required of them than attendance upon a course of theological lectures. So that, for any difference that it would make in the course of their studies, they might, till this time, be utterly undetermined to what profession they should addict them selves. We question whether any profession was ever undertaken at such a disadvantage as this most arduous, most responsible, and most momentous one. And much as we 'commend and felicitate the University of Oxford in particular, upon the improvements which she has introduced into her examinations for degrees, we think that her praise is not complete till she has supplied this urgent desideratum. We are unwilling to say any thing more on this subject ourselves, when we can appeal to an author, by whose concurrence our opinion will not only be defended from some charges which we might otherwise apprehend, but considerably fortified and recommended.

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The pious Nelson, as he is frequently, and not unjustly, called, in his Life of Bishop Bull; when he mentions the theological tuition under which the future prelate was advised to put himself, takes occasion to make a digression on that important subject: and we doubt not that it will gratify our readers to be here presented with it. "And upon this occasion I cannot help wishing, from the hearty affection

and good will I bear to the welfare of religion in general, and to the prosperity of the church of Eng land in particular; that as we have noble foundations for the encouragement of all sorts of learning, and es pecially for divinity, in our two famous Universities, which are the wonder of the world, for the number of their colleges, their stately structures, and liberal endowments; so we had also some of these foundations entirely set apart for the forming of such as are candidates for holy orders; where they might be fully instructed in all that knowlodge which that holy institution requires, and in all those duties which are peculiarly incumbent upon a parochial priest:-Where lectures might be daily read, which in a certain course of time should include a perfect scheme of divinity; where all particular cases of conscience might be clearly stated, aud such general rules laid down, as might be able to assist them in giv ing satisfaction to all those that repair to them for advice in difficult matters: Where they might receive right notions of all those spiritual rights which are appropriated to the priesthood, and which are not in the power of the greatest secular person either to convey or abolish; and yet are of such great importance, that some of them are not only ne cessary to the well-being, but to the very being of the church:-Where they might be taught to perform all the public offices of religion with a becoming gravity and devotion, and with all that advantage of elocution, which is aptest to secure attention, and beget devout affections in the congregation:Where they might particularly be directed how to receive clerical confessions, how to make their application to persons in times of sickness, and have such a method formed to guide their addresses of that nature, that they might never be at a loss when they are called upon to assist sick and dying persons-Where they might be instructed in the art of preach


ing; whereby I mean not only the best method in composing their sermons, but all those decent gestures and graceful deportment, the influence whereof all hearers can easier feel than express:-And where they might have such judicious rules given them for prosecuting their theological studies as would be of great use to them in their future conduct:-But above all, where they might be formed by constant practice, and by the example of their superiors, to piety and devo tion, to humility and charity, to mortification and self denial, to con teatedness and submission to the will of God in all conditions of hu man life: and more especially excited to great zeal in promoting the salvation of souls, which is the true spring of all that industry and application which is required in the clerical function.

"It would be a mighty satisfaction to the governors of the church, to ordain persons who had passed some time in such seminaries with the approbation of their superiors. It would be no small comfort to the candidates themselves, to be so qualified by the purity of their intentions, and by their personal endowments, as to find themselves able to answer with a good conscience that important demand in ordination, Whether they trust they are inwardly moved by the Holy Ghost to take upon them that office and ministration? And it would certainly be á great blessing to the nation, to have such labourers sent into the vineyard of the Lord, as had been wrought up by particular applica tion and study to that purpose. That man knoweth but little of the dignity and importance of the priesthood, that can content himself with ordinary attainments for the discharge of so great and so sacred a trust; and yet he will find himself very much deceived, if he dependeth upon the greatest perfection of human knowledge, without constant and fervent prayer to God for his grace to enable him to make a right

use of it. This is necessary to sanctify his learning, though it be of never so prodigious a size; by keeping him within the bounds of humility, and by rendering him serviceable to those who are committed to his charge*."

We shall only add to this impor tant extract, that it does not appear to us necessary, for the carrying of this design into execution, that a separate seminary should be appropriated to it. We conceive, that it might very properly be made a part of the general course of instruction for those who chuse the profession of the church.

The Birds of Scotland, with other Poems. By JAMES GRAHAME, Edinburgh, Blackwood; London, Longman and Co. 1806. 12mo. pp. 246.

Ir is with particular attention that we contemplate poetry when con nected with religion. The cause whose interests may be promoted or impeded presses upon our minds, and makes us feel with more lively warmth the merits of the verse, and renders us, if not more sensible of its defects, more solicitous to contribute to their removal. The anthor of the little volume now, before us, has already distinguished himself by the originally anonymous publication of "The Sabbath." He now gives to the world a collection of poems on various subjects, some of them avowedly scriptural, others partaking more or less of a religious cast. Under the influence of the motive which we have recently specified we proceed to an examination of the work.

The first and longest poem in the volume is entitled "The Birds of Scotland." Its object the author states to be that of delineating the manners and characters of birds, with little description of their external appearance, but with interspersed pictures of the scenes which they *Nelson's Life of Bishop Bull, pp. 19

22, second edition.

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In widely-circling horizontal flight.

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Forth from ber cliff, eyeing the furzy slope That joins the mountain to the smiling vale. Through all the woods the holly evergreen, And laurel's softer leaf, and ivied thorn, Lend winter shelter to the shivering wing. No gravelled paths, pared from the smoothshaved turf,

Wind through these woods; the simple unmade road,

Marked with the frequent hoof of sheep or kine,

Or rustic's studded shoe, I love to tread.

But when the season genial smiles, he No threatening board forewarns the home


In loftier poise, with sweeter fuller pipe, Cheering the ploughman at his furrow end, The while he clears the share, or, listening, leans

ward hind,

Of man-traps, or of law's more dreaded gripe."

(p. 59-61.) The following passage is of a

Upon his paddle-staff, and, with raised higher character:


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With finer, and still finer fibres lays, Rounding it curious with his speckled breast.

"O, nature! all thy seasons please the eye

Of him who sees a Deity in all.
It is His presence that diffuses charms
Unspeakable, o'er mountain, wood, and


To think that He, who hears the heavenly choirs,

Hearkens complacent to the woodland song; To think that He, who rolls yon solar sphere, Uplifts the warbling songster to the sky; To mark His presence in the mighty bow, That spans the clouds, as in the tints minute

Of tiniest flower; to hear His awful voice How strange this untaught art! it is the In thunder speak, and whisper in the gale;


* Burns,

To know, and feel His care for all that


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There would my gratefully uplifted eye Survey the heavenly vault, by day-by night,

When glows the firmament from pole to pole;

There would my overflowing heart exclaim, The heavens declare the glory of the Lord, The firmament shews forth his handy work! (63-64.) These beautiful lines would be improved to the ear of a South-Briton, by the substitution of a more respectable word in the place of "tiniest," (an adjective to which Mr. Grahame is partial) in the eleventh Jine; and in the twentieth, the words "by day," might have been introduced, considering what is to follow, with more propriety and clearness at the beginning of the line: which would also be amended by exchanging" survey" for some word which is not a rhyme to" day." It is in part the beauty of the whole passage which induces us to note these blemishes.

A number of short poems, entitled "Scriptural Pictures," succeed. The following, denominated" The Finding of Moses," is a pleasing specimen.

"Slow glides the Nile; amid the margin flags,

Closed in a bulrush ark, the babe is left, Left by a mother's hand. His sister waits Far off; and pale, 'tween hope and fear, beholds

The royal inaid, surrounded by her train, Approach the river bank, approach the spot Where sleeps the innocent: She sees them

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The beauty of this short poem, it will be observed, resides principally in the concluding lines. Indeed our author's descriptive sketches are often distinguished rather by single traits of a happy kind, than by a general glow of richness and beauty. At least this is the case in the biblical pictures, more than one of which exhibits a mass of feebleness relieved by an occasional stroke that bespeaks the touch of a masterly ample, of the commotions of nature pencil. The description, for exthat attended the crucifixion is extremely prosaic, with the exception of the following very picturesque


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The weak and colourless lines which conclude the above quotation, remind us of some of the effusions which we occasionally meet in the pages of the Southey and Coleridge school. But the simile of the sunbeam so beautifully illuminates the unaptly be considered as descriptive surrounding haze, that it might not of itself.

The different months are then characterised severally by poetic

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