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takes the


"foot on fhore; which all about him prefs'd him to do and he now found, that he had made haft thither upon very unskilful imaginations, and prefumptions: yet he confented unThe King to what they fo imperiously required, that he might have leave to put himself into the hands of thofe who refolv'd nothing less than to ferve him. The Lords of the other Party, who had prevailed with him to fubmit to all that had been required of him, quickly found that they had deceiv'd both Him and Themfelves, and that no body had, any authority but those Men who were their mortal Enemies. So that they would not expofe themselves to be imprison'd, or to be removed from the King; but, with his Majefty's leave, and having given him the beft advice they could, what he should do for Himfelf, and what he fhould do for Them, they put themselves on Shore before the King difembark'd; and found means to go to thofe places where they might be fome time concealed, and which were like to be at diftance enough from Hamilton the King. And fhortly after Duke Hamilton retired to the and Lau- Ifland of Arran, which belonged to himself; where he had a little House well enough accommodated, the Ifland being for the most part inhabited with wild Beafts: Lautherdale concealed himself amongst his Friends, taking care both to be well inform'd of all that fhould pafs about the King, and to receive their advice upon any occafions.

therdale depart from the King.

vants re

Argyle THE King was receiv'd by the Marquis of Argyle with all receives the the outward refpect imaginable; but, within two days after King. his landing, all the English Servants he had of any Quality, Most of the were remov'd from his Perfon, the Duke of Buckingham only King' Eng- excepted. The reft, for the most part, were receiv'd into lith Ser- the Houses of fome Perfons of Honour, who liv'd at a dimoved from ftance from the Court, and were themselves under a cloud for bim. their known affections, and durft only attend the King to kifs his hand, and then retired to their Houses, that they might give no occafion of jealoufy; others of his Servants were not fuffer'd to remain in the Kingdom, but were forced prefently to reimbark themselves for Holland; amongst which was Daniel O Neile, who hath been often mention'd before, and who came from the Marquis of Ormond into Holland, just when his Majefty was ready to Embark, and fo waited upon Daniel O him; and was no fooner known to be with his Majefty (as he Neile ap was a Perfon very generally known) but he was apprehendprehended by ed by order from the Council, for being an Irish man, and order of the having been in Armes on the late King's behalf in the late Scotland: War, for which they were not without fome difcourfe of putand banfi ting him to death; but they did immediately banifh him the Kingdom, and obliged him to fign a paper, by which he confented to be put to death, if he were ever after found in the Kingdom.

Council of



THEY fent away likewife Mr Robert Long, who was his Mr Long Principal, if not only, Secretary of State, and had very much also fent perfwaded his going thither; and St Edward Walker, who was away. Clerk of the Council, and had been Secretary at War during the late War, and fome others, upon the like exceptions. They placed other Servants of all conditions about the King, but principally relied upon their Clergy; who were in fuch Their Clergy a continual attendance about him, that he was never free always about from their importunities, under pretence of inftructing him the King. in Religion and fo they obliged him to their conftant hours. of their long Prayers, and made him obferve the Sundays with more rigour than the Jews accuftom'd to do their Sabbath; and reprehended him very fharply if he fmiled on those days, and if his looks and geftures did not please them, whilst all their Prayers and Sermons, at which he was compelled to Their Ser be prefent, were libels, and bitter invectives against all the mens befor Actions of his Father, the Idolatry of his Mother, and his own Malignity.



HE was not prefent in their Councils, nor were the refults thereof communicated to him; nor was he, in the leaft degree, communicated with, in any part of the Government : Yet they made great fhew of outward Reverence to him, and even the Chaplains, when they used Rudeness and Barbarity in their reprehenfions and reproaches, approached him still with bended knees, and in the humbleft poftures. There was never a better Courtier than Argyle; who ufed all poffible Argyle's address to make himself gracious to the King, entertain'd him behaviour to with very pleasant difcourfes, with fuch infinuations, that the King did not only very well like his Converfation, but often believ'd that he had a mind to pleafe and gratify him: but then, when his Majefty made any attempt to get fome of his Servants about him, or to reconcile the two Factions, that the Kingdom might be united, he gather'd up his countenance, and retir'd from him, without ever yielding to any one Propofition that was made to him by his Majefty. In a word, the King's Table was well ferv'd; there he fate in Majefty, waited upon with decency: he had good Horfes to ride abroad to take the Air, and was then well attended; and, in all publick Appearances, feem'd to want nothing that was due to a great King. In all other refpects, with reference to Power to ohlige or gratify any Man, to difpofe or order any thing, or himlelf to go to any other place than was affign'd to him, be had nothing of a Prince, but might very well be look'd upon as a Prifoner.

BUT that which was of ftate and luftre made moft noise, and was induftrioufly tranfmitted into ali Nations and States; the other of difrefpect or reftraint, was not communicated;

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Book XIII. and if it could not be entirely conceal'd, it was confider'd only as a Faction between particular great Men, who contended to get the Power into their hands, that they might the more notorioufly and eminently ferve that Prince whom they all equally acknowledg'd. The King's Condition seem'd wonderfully advanced, and his being poffefs'd of a Kingdom without a Rival, in which there was no appearance of an Enemy, look'd like an earneft for the Recovery of the other Two, and, for the prefent, as a great addition of Power to him in his Kingdom of Ireland, by a conjunction, and absololute Submiffion of all the Scots in Ulfter to the Marquis of Ormond, the King's Lieutenant there.

ALL Men who had diffwaded his Majefty's repair into Scotland, were look'd upon as very weak Politicians, or as Men who oppofed the Publick good, because they were excluded, and might not be fuffer'd to act any part in the adventure; and they who had advanced the defign, valu'd themfelves exceedingly upon their activity in that Service. The States of Holland thought they had merited much in fuffering their Ships to Tranfport him, and fo being minifterial to his greatnefs; which they hoped would be remember'd; and they gave all Countenance to the Scotish Merchants and Factors who liv'd in their Dominions, and fome fecret Credit, that they might fend Armes and Ammunition, and whatsoever else was neceffary for the King's Service in that Kingdom. France it felf look'd very chearfully upon the change; Congratulated the Queen with much Ceremony, and many Profeffions; and took pains to have it thought and believ'd, that they had had a fhare in the Counsel, and contributed very much to the reception the King found in Scotland, by their influence upon Argyle and his Party. And it hath been mention'd before, how great a Reputation this little dawning of Power, how clouded foever, gave to the Embaffadours in Spain, and had raised them, from fuch a degree of difrefpect, as was near to contempt, to the full dignity and eftimation in that Court that was due to the Station in which they were.

THERE fell out there an accident at this time, which was a great maniftation of the Affection of that Court, and indeed of the Nation. As Don Alonzo de Cardinas had used all the Credit he had, to difpofe that Court to a good correfpondence with the Parliament, fo he had employ'd as much care to encline thofe in England to have a confidence in the Affection of his Mafter, and affur'd them, " that if they would "fend an Embaffadour, or other Minifter into Spain, he "fhould find a good reception. The Parliament, in the infancy of their Common-wealth, had more inclination to make a Friendship with Spain than with France, having at that

time a very great prejudice to the Cardinal; and therefore, upon this encouragement from Don Alonzo, they refolv'd to fend an Envoy to Madrid; and made choice of one Afcham, Afcham a Scholar, who had been concern'd in drawing up the King's fent Agent Tryal, and had written a Book to determine in what time, into Spain and after how many years, the Allegiance which is due from from the Subjects to their Soveraigns, comes to be determin'd after a Conqueft; and that, from that term, it ought to be paid to thofe who had fubdued them: A fpeculation they thought fit to cherish.


of England.

with Don

Lewis 4

THIS Man, unacquainted with bufinefs, and unskill'd in language, attended by three others, the one a Renegado Francifcan Fryar, who had been bred in Spain, and was well versed in the Language; another, who was to ferve in the condition of a Secretary; and the third, an inferior Fellow for any Service, arriv❜d all in Spain in an English Merchant's Ship: Of which Don Alonzo gave fuch timely notice, that he was receiv'd and entertain'd by the chief Magiftrate at his landing, until they gave notice of it to the Court. The Town was quickly full of the rumour, that an Embaffadour was Landed from England, and would be receiv'd there; which no body feem'd to be well pleafed with. And the Embaffadours expcftulated with Don Lewis de Haro with fome warmth, "that The Embas "his Catholick Majefty fhould be the firft Chriftian Prince fadours there "that would receive an Embaffadour from the odious, and expoftulate "execrable Murtherers of a Chriftian King, his Brother and "Ally; which no other Prince had yet done, out of the de- bout it. "teftation of that horrible Parricide: And therefore they defired him, "that Spain would not give fo infamous an exam"ple to the other parts of the World. Don Lewis affured His Answer. them, "that there was no fuch thing as an Embassadour com"ing from England, nor had the King any purpose to receive any: That it was true, they were inform'd that there "was an English Gentleman Landed at Cales, and come to Se"vil; who faid, he was fent from the Parliament with Let"ters for the King; which was teftified by a Letter from "Don Alonzo de Cardinas to the Duke of Medina Celi; who "thereupon had given order for his Entertainment at Sevil, "till the King fhould give further order: That it was not "poffible for the King to refufe to receive the Letter, or to "fee the Man who brought it; who pretended no kind of "Character: That having an Embaffadour refiding in Eng"land to preserve the Trade and Commerce between the two "Nations, they did believe, that this Meffenger might be "fent with fome Propofitions from the English Merchants for "the advancement of that Trade, and if they should refuse "to hear what he faid, it might give a juft offence, and de

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"ftroy all the Commerce; which would be a great damage to "both Nations.

THAT this new Agent might come fecurely to Madrid, an old Officer of the Army was fent from Sevil to accompany him thither; who came with him in the Coach, and gave notice every night to Don Lewis of their advance. There were at that time, over and above the English Merchants, many Officers and Soldiers in Madrid, who had ferv'd in the Spanish Armies, both in Catalonia and in Portugal; and these Men had confulted amongst themfelves how they might kill this fellow, who came as an Agent from the new Republick of England; and half a dozen of them, having notice of the day he was to come into the Town, which was generally difcourfed of, rode out of the Town to meet him; but, miffing him, they return'd again, and found that he had enter'd into it by another way; and having taken a view of his Lodging, they met again the next Morning; and finding, accidentally, one of the Embaffadours Servants in the ftreets, they perfwaded him to go with them, and fo went to the Houfe where Afcham Lodged; and, without asking any Questions, walked directly up the ftairs into his Chamber, leaving a couple of their number at the door of the street, left, upon any noife in the Houfe, that door might be fhut upon them. They who went up, drew their Swords; and befides their intentions, in diforder, kill'd the Fryar as well as the Agent; and fo return'd to their Companions with their Swords naked. kid by fome and bloody, and fome foolish expreffions of triumph, as if they Officers at bu had perform'd a very gallant and a juftifiable Service. NotLodgings in withstanding all which, they might have difperfed themselves, Madrid. and been fecure, the People were fo little concern'd to en


quire what they had done. But they being in confufion, and retaining no compofed thoughts about them, finding the door All but one of a little Chapel open, went in thither for fanctuary: Only fly to a Cha- he who was in Service of the Embaffadours, feparated himpel for fan- felf from the reft, and went into the Houfe of the Venetian ctuary; he Embaffadour. By this time the People of the Houfe where the Man lay, had gone up into the Chamber; where they found two dead, and the other two crept, in a terrible fright, under the Bed; and the Magiftrates and People went about the Church, and talking with, and examining the Perfons who were there: And the Rumour was prefently divulged about the Town, "that one of the English Embaffadours was

to the Vene

tian EmbafSadours.


THEY were at that time entring into their Coach to take the Air, according to an appointment which they had made the day before. When they were inform'd of what had paffed, and that Harry Progers, who was their Servant, had been in


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