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Another TABLE to find EASTER till the Year 1899, inclusive.

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To make use of the preceding Table, find the Sunday Let

ter for the Year in the uppermost Line, and the Golden Number, or Prime, in the Column of Golden Numbers, and, against the Prime, in the same Line, under the Sunday Lette, you have the Day of the Month on which Easter falleth that year. But,

Note, That the Name of the Month is set on the left Hand, or just with the Figure, and followeth not as in other Tables, by descent, but collaterally.

A TABLE of the Moveable Feasts, according to the several Days that EASTER can possibly fall upon.

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Day. Epi.

after Septu. Da

First Ascen- Whit- Sun. Advent


Lent. Day. day Tri. Sunday.

March 221 Jan. 18 Feb. 4 Ap. 30 May 10 27 Nov. 29

Day of sion sun- after

23 1

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Note, That in a Bissextile or Leap-Year, the Number of Sundays after Epiphany will be the same as if Easter-day had fallen one Day later than it really does. And for the same Reason one Day must in every Leap-Year be added to the Day of the Month given by the Table for Septuagesima Sunday, and for the first Day of Lent, unless it be in the month of March.

A TABLE to find Easter-
Day, from the Year
1900, to the Year 2199,

Golden Day of the Sunday
Numb. Month.

14 March 22





TH HE Golden Numbers in the

foregoing Calendar will point out the Days of the Paschal Full-Moons, till the Year of our Lord 1900; at which time, in order that the Ecclesiastical FullMoons may fall nearly on the same Days with the real Full Moons, C. the Golden Numbers must be removed to different Days of the Calendar, as is done in the annexed Table, which contains so much of the Calendar then to be A used, as is necessary for findig the Paschal Full Moons, and the Feast of Easter, from the Year 1900, to the Year 2199, inclusive. This Table is to be made use of, in all respects, as the first Table, before inserted, for finding Easter, till the Year 1899.



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Note, This Table is continued o the Year 4199, in the Transactions of the Royal Society of London, for the Year 1750, by the Earl of Macclesfieid.


GENERAL TABLES for finding the Dominical or Sunday Letter, and the Places of the Golden Numbers in the Calendar.

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O find the Dominical or Sunday Letter for any given Year of our Lord, add to the Year its fourth Part, omitting Fractions, and also the Number, which, in Table 1. standeth at the top of the Column wherein the Number of Hundreds contained in that given Year is found: Divide the Sum by 7, and if there be no Remainder, then A is the Sunday Letter; but if any number remain, then the Letter which standeth under that Number at the Top of the Table, is the Sunday Letter.

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