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contributes to the supporting of its grandeur, and to the maintenance of its profperity, than the regular deftribution of its feveral members into diftinct Societies and Corporations: By this means, the peculiar conveniences of each are much better confulted, their various interests more closely united, and mutual offices of brotherly affection performed more frequently and more eafily, than if they were left after a loofer manner, under the inspection only of a general Magiftracy: For that, being obliged to have a publick influence, and sustaining a character that is univerfal, cannot be fuppofed to pry fo nicelyinto private concernments, to understand them fo throughly, or to watch over them fo fuccefsfully, as thofe, who acting in a narrower sphere, being qualified by Education, and engaged by Intereft, are both enabled and concerned to promote the advantages of those particular Societies, whofe Guardianfhips they manage, and of which them. felves are incorporated members.

'Tis in pursuance of this wife and commendable conftitution, that the feveral members of this prefent Society, which justly deserves an honourable mention

mention among the most eminent of wrong pagd.

this City, are this day unanimously affembled; and 'tis in conformity to a religious custom, of hallowing fuch meetings with a mixture of devotion, that we are affembled together in the House of God. Love, then, and Amity, and Brotherly kindness, have been your conducters to this place, and they are like to be your entertainment in it: Since nothing appears to me more natural, than upon the Profpect of an Af fembly fo cordially united, by all the bonds of intereft and affection, to break out into the Pfalmifts rapturous exclamation, Behold, how good and pleasant it is, for brethren to dwell together in Unity! It is like the precious Oyntment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aarons beard, that went down to the skirts of his garments!

In my following difcourfe upon which words, I shall make use of this eafie method.

First, I shall examine the duty here enjoyned, and press its practice, from fuch motives to it, as are contained in the words of my Text. Behold how good and pleasant it is for Brethren to dwell together in Unity.



Secondly, I thall confider the elegant allufion, which the Pfalmift makes ufe of to illuftrate and recommend it, and fhall obferve its agreeableness with the present occafion. It is like the precious Oyntment upon the head, which ran down upon the beard, even Aarons beard that went down to the skirts of bis

garments. First, then, I fhall examine the duties here enjoyn'd; and prefs its practice, from fuch motives to it, as are contained in the words of my Text. Behold how good and pleasant it is for Brethren to dwell together in Unity.

Unity is that invifible band and cement of Souls, which makes the defigns and interefts of several perfons, become infeparable, and of a piece; from hence refults that agreeable Harmony of actions, which caufes all their affairs to be emicably tranfacted, without any diforder or confufion: from this arifes that complacency and fatisfaction, which one takes in the advantages of another, which by this happy temper are made his own: This banishes all murmurings and repinings at the enjoyments of our Neighbour, roots out all diffentions and animofities, and introduces in their ftead, an affectionate


regard for the concernments of others,a tender fellow-feeling of their several conditions,and an industrious willingness to promote their happiness,and to confult it as carefully,as if it were our own. This is that commendable difpofition of mind,to which the Pfalmift exhorts us in the words of my Text, where he advises us to dwell together in Unity; and wherein he recommends to us the practice of it, by these three confiderable motives.

Ift, Upon the account of Duty. 2dly, Of Interest.

And 3dly, Of Pleasure.

ift then, The Pfalmift exhorts us to dwell together in Unity, upon the account of our duty; and this feems couched in the word Brethren, behold how good and how pleasant it is, for Brethren to dwell together in Unity!

The Relation of Brethren is fo clofe and intimate, that we find it generally made ufe of to express the ftricteft tye of tenderness and affection; and Brotherly love throughout the whole Gospel, is used to fignifie the most perfect Union, attended with all offices of kindness and endearment: and therefore where-ever this Relation is found, love and agreement should be its neceffary confequen.

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ces; but the Engagements of this nature are too numerous and too preffing, for us ever to be able to difentangle our felves from them; every Perfon in the Holy Trinity, feeming with a fort of Rivalship to contend, which fhall lay upon us the strongest Obligations, to dwell together in Unity, as Brethren.

God the Father, who is the God of Unity and Love, being defirous to Unite the whole Race of Mankind, in indiffoluble Bonds of Amity and Friendfhip, made at first of one Blood, all the Nations of the Earth; that by fo near a Relation he might faften their Affections, and tye and rivet them to one another: Thus we are all the Children of one common Parent, we are all the Workmanship of one great Creator. and the equal care of one watchful Providence; and therefore for us to be unwilling to perform mutual Offices of Love to one another, would appear as unreasonable and unnatural, as if the feveral Branches of fome large Family, fhould refuse to keep up an amicable Correspondence, and renounce all Expreffions of tenderness and affection: For fuch and fo great is our Obligation, jointly to confult one ano


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