Imágenes de páginas



ART. 58. Notions mathématiques de Chymie et de Médecine, ou Théorie du

fru, ou l'on démontre par les fievre, nos maux, la clinique. Jura. Paris, 1800. 8vo.

caufes la lumière, les couleurs, lèfon, la Par Antide Mangin, docteur médecin du 334 pp. Pr. 4 fr. 25 cent.

Nothing can be more extraordinary than the ideas on which the author establishes his fyftem of con enfations and dilatations, unless it be perhaps the jargon adopted by him to exprefs them. "Guidé," fays he, " par le compas de Newton et la bouffole de Lavoifier, le timon de la clinique à la main, j'ai tourné le cap vers la fcience que je profeffe, celle de quérir; au rétour, j'apporte la folution des problè es de l'homme fain et malade, et par elle celle des phénomènes naturels.... Je conviens, que l'objet de mes mé litations étoit circonfcrit; tant que l'ennemi fous la hache duquel je tomberai, n'avoit attaqué que les ouvrages avancés, je l'avois combattu mollement; mais déjà l avoit plusd'une fois pénétré jufqu'au cœur de la place. Pour le chaffer, il m'en avoir couté du fang, je n'en pouvois perdre beaucoup; il falloi pourvoir à des moyens de refiftance moins abfumptifs; tel étoit mon unique point de mire. Je cherchai dans une maladie purement chymique, dont la caufe pût m'être connue, et qui fût douée du mêine mouvement de principes que celle dont je fuis atteint. Je a trouvai dans la mitte et le fronton, affection particulière aux hommes courageux qui le dévouent aux dernières fonctions de la fociété, l'exponétion des larmes déterminées par i'une, la cécution dont trappe l'autre, me préfentèrent non feulement la théorie des intumefcences indolentes et des trigefcences douloureufes qui caractérisent le rhumatifime chronique, mais encore celle du vomiffement, de laquelle fe déduifoit fans peine le mouvement peristaltique. Pour parvenir à ces résultats, je n'avois employé que des condenfations et des dilatations: j'avois beau par courir la création entière, partout je retrouvois ces mêmes phénomènes, l'un produit par le froid, l'autre par la chaleur. La nature, m'écriaije, ne nous en impofe que par une fimplicité inimaginable, purement pyrotechnique; elle n'a pas d'autres puiffances que fes condenfations et Les dilatations, tels font les deux voiles dont elle couvre toutes fes œuv L'un d'eux avoit été heureusement foulevé par la chymie, l'autre n'offroit rien de fi étonnant que d'étre fi voifin de l'homme, et qu'il ne


la pénétrât pas. Déchirons-le, avons nous dit, fi nous parvenons aux caules pré ères des dilatations et des condenfations, la nature n'aura plus de fecrets, et le grand livre de fes merveilles fera réduit à un petit nombre de feuillets qui feront auffi fimples qu'elle l'eft elle même. Je ne me trompois pas; ensemble parcourons le peu de pages qu'ils con tiennent."

We fhall only observe, that if nature has really entrusted the knowledge of her fecrets to Mr. M. fhe has certainly, at the fame time, witheld from him the means of communicating them, in an intelligible manner, to others. Magas. Encyclop.


ART. 59. Hiftoire naturelle des quadrifèdes ovipares, par F. M. Daudin, membre des fociétés d'hiftoire naturelle et philomatique de Paris; avec des gravures faites et enluminées fur les a fins d'après nature, par J. Barraband. Deuxième livraison. Paris.

This fecond livraifon is compofed of fix plates, reprefenting, 1. the byla viridis; 2. the hyla boans; 3. the byla venalsfa; 4. the byla laetea, and hypochondrialis; 5. the byla lateralis, and the byla bilinata; and, laftly, 6. the hyla marmorata, each engraving being accompanied with two pages of text. We are informed likewife, that when the thirty livraifs, of which this work is to contift, are finifhed, the author will publish a volume in quarto, with the title, Traité élémentaire et complet de l'histoire naturelle des quadrupedes ovipares, written on the fame plan with the first volume of the treatife on Ornithology, published fome months ago.


ART. 60. Dictionnaire portatif de la Fable, pour l'intelligence des poetes, des tableaux, ftatues, pierres gravées, médailles et autres monuments relatifs à la mythologie, par Chompré. Nouvelle édition revue, corrigée et confidérablement augmentée, par A. L. Millin, garde des médail les, pierres gravées, et antiques de la bibliotheque nationale, profeffeur d'hiftoire et d'antiquité, &c. I vol. 8vo. of more than 1000 pages. Pr. 8 fr. 50 cent. Paris.

As the author was not publishing an original work, but only mak ing additions to, and improvements in, that of Chompré, he has availed himself of all the exifting materials, and fometimes borrowed en tire articles from other writers. The works to which he has had recourfe, after the claffics, and befides a very great number of particular differtations, are thofe of Banier, Heyne, Vafs, Boettiger, Hermann, Lenz, Moritz, Seybold, Rambach, Voelkel, Siebenkees, Larcher, Delandine, Dupuis, Baffville, Zoëga, Leffing, Vogel, &c. the excellent dictionary of Heredich, written in Germany, and revified by Schwabe, that of Nitsch, and the English Dictionary of Riley. Many articles have like. wife been extracted from the learned author's Courfe of Lectures on Antiquities; and the account, or defcriptions, of the different monuments, from the moft confiderable and univerfally efteemed engravings, fuch the Statutes of Rofi, the Monumenti inediti of Winkelman and Grattani, the Florentine, Veronefe, Pio-Clementine and Capitoline Museums; the Antiquité expliquée of Montfaucon; the Recueil d'Antiquités of Caylus ; the Villa Pinciana, the Galleria Giuftiniani; the Greek Vases of Pafferi, Hancarville, and Fifchbein; the Paintings of the Herculancam, thofe of the Tombs of the Nafos, of the Baths of Titus; the Pierres gravées of Mariette, Ficoroni, Lachauffe, Gravelle, Stefch, Lippert, and Taffie; thofe of the Cabinets of Orleans and of Vienna; the Lamps of Bartoli and Pari; the Medals of Hunter, Vaillant, Seguin, Patin, Morel, Magnan, Geffner, Eckhel; the Medallions of Décamps, Albani, Carpegna, and of the Cabinet du Roi; the Infcriptions of Gruter, Ma ratori, Marini, &c, &c.



ART. 61. Mumiographia, Mufei Obiciani, &c. Padua, 1800. 4to. 65 pp. with two Plates.

In this work the learned and indefatigable author, Paulinus à Sto. Bartholomen, defcribes an Egyptian mummy, covered with hieroglyphics, which had attracted his attention, when, in the month of July, 1799, he had been, together with Cardinal Borgia and Dr. Florian Caldani, to fee the magnificent mufeum of the Marquis Thomas de Obiciis at Catajo, near Padua. Mr. Edward Wortley Montague, celebrated for his travels and his fingular adventures, had enriched that museum with this mummy before his death, which happened at Padua in 1776. The amateurs of antiquity will read with much pleature this memoir; in which, befides the defcription of the mummy, are to be found a great number of interefting obfervations

Mr. P. à Sto. B. is likewife employed in preparing a new and greatly augmented edition of his Grammatica Samferedana, with Latin cha racters, for the ufe of Europeans.


ART. 62. Joh. Gurlitts Verfuch über die Büflenkunde.-Essay on Bufts, by J. Gurlitt. Magdeburg, 1800. 4to. 91 pp.

Mr. G. has before published several valuable works on the fubject of Archæology. In the prefent one, which is peculiarly important, he treats of antique bults; his differtation is divided into fix parts.

The author first gives an account of the origin and use of heads, of Hermès and of antique bufts. By the term Hermès are understood heads placed on a fquare bafe, becaufe Hermès (Mercury) had been represented in this manner. Thus we fay Hermathene, to indicate a Minerva la placed; Hermerotes, to denote a Cupid of the fame form, and not, as has been imagined, to fignify the double heads of Mercury and Minerva, of Mercury and Cupid, &c.

Mr. G. gives an alphabetical catalogue of 375 bufts, of all kinds, ftill exifting. The authors from whose works he has formed it are ehiefly Urfini, Bellari, Sandrart, the Capitoline and Pio-Clementine mufeums.

ART. 63. Reife nach Troas oder Gemählde der Ebene von Troja in ihren gegenwärtigen Zufiande vom Bürger Lechevalier. Nach dem Franzörifchen der zweyten Aufgabe frey bearbeitet, von C. G. Lenz, Profeffor am Gymnafium zu Goiba.-Voyage to the Troad, or defeription of the Plain of Troy in its prefent State, by Lechevalier. Freely tranf lated from the Second French Edition, by C. G. Lenz, Profeffor in the Gymnafium at Gotha, with Eight Engravings, and a Chart. Altenburg and Erfurt, 1800; 271 pp. in 8vo.

A work had already been publifhed, on the Plain of Troy, by Mr. Lenz, after a manufcript of the Duke de Choifeul, which had been fent to him from Tranfylvania, in which he had given an account of the fcene of the Iliad, according to Homer. Since that time, he has pub blished this German tranflation of the fecond edition of the excellent work of Mr. Lechevalier, on the Plain of Troy. Befides this verfion,


well executed, and accompanied with notes, Mr. L. publishes in this volume a letter, which had been addreffed to him by Mr. Akerblad, who had refided for feveral years as Swedish Secretary of Lgation at Conftantinople, and who, 'n 1792 and 1797, had vifited the Troad. This letter contains different obfervations on the work of Lechevali 1; and, among other things, an infcription, copied by Mr. Akerblad near Tfchiblak; an exact copy of the infcription, publihet No. V. of the work of Lechevalier. pp. 262 feqq.; a copy of what is still remaining of the Sigean infcrip ion; fome other infcriptions, found in the Troad by an English merchant, Willis, fettled in the Dardanelles, in whose houfe Mr. Akerblad copied them, in 1792, &c. The other additions confiit of two letters from Major Schwartz, one of them to Mr. Heyne, the other to Mr. Lenz; another from the Swedish Major Helwig to Mr. Heyne, alfo relating to the Troad; and, laftly, fome ob fervations of the late Mr. Kafiner, Profeffor at Göttingen, on the height of Mount Athos.

ART. 64. Petri Camperi, fummi medici, dissertationes decem, quibus ab illuftribus Eu opa, præcipuè Galliæ, academiis palma adjudicata.— Accedunt ejufdem de opt ma agendɩ vel expeɛandı în medicina ratione liber fingularis, et differtatio de furcipum índole et actione. Vol. fecundum et ultimum; cum tabulis in ære expreffis. Lingen, 1800. 834 pp. in 8vo.

The fift volume of these very valuable Differtations was published in 1799. In this fecond volume we have the following articles, befides thote specified in the title: 7, De remediorum Specialium requifitis, ge muina hiftoria, a&tione, et optima adminiftrandi methodo; necnon de morbis, quorum fpeciales curationes defiderantur; to which the prize was award. ed in 1779, by the Royal Academy at Dijon; 8, p. 129, Differtatio de fomni et vigiliae indole atque usu in morbis qui manu curantur; which, in 1781, obtained the prize from the Royal Chirurgical Society at Paris; 9, p. 227. Solution de la queftion: comment le vice des différentes excretions peut influer fur les maladies chirurgicales? et quelles font les regles des pratique, relatives à cet objet ; to which the prize was likewife adjudged in 1782, by the fame fociety; 10, p. 389, De bydrape, ta which the prize was given by the Royal Medical Society at Paris, in the fame year, and which was alfo published in 1788, in the fixth volume of the Mémoires de la Société Royale de Medecine at Paris. The three annexed plates belong to the last Dissertation, De forcipum indole Jena ALZ.

et actione.

ART. 65. Codices manufcripti theologici bibliotheca Palatina Vindobanerfis Latini aliarumque Occidentis linguarum. Volumen I. codices ad Caroli VI. tempora bibliothecæ illatos complexum Pars I.—III. 3358 Col. together with a double Index.―l. II. codices à Caroli I I. temporibus bibliothecæ illatos complexum, Par I. Recenfuit, digeffit, indicibus inftruxit Michael Denis, a concil. aul. Aug. et ejufdem broliotheca primus cuftos. Vienna, 1799. 1116 Col. Fol.

The theological manufcripts defcribed in this very important and accurate work, are divided by the learned author into bierographici, bre

meneutici, patriftici, dogmatici, polemici, afcetici homiletici, liturgici, fynodici. The codices, of which an account is given in the first volume, amount to 975; and thofe in the first part of the fecond volume to 475. Mr. Denis has, as far as was poffible, aligned the ages of the different MSS. and we are prefented with fac fimiles of the characters of two of them only. Among the most ancient may be reckoned a Codex Hilarii de Trinitate, belonging to the fourth, fifth, or fixth century; and tuture editors of that Fa her, as alfo of Lactantius, Cyprian, Bede, Ifidorus of Seville, Rhabanus Maurus, Petrus Longobardus, &c. and of the Chriftian Lat n poets, will find a confiderable tore of new materials either tranfcribed into, or pointed out by, this catalogue.

We must not forget to observe, that where articles in other departments of literature are found, bound up in the fame volume with the ological works, they are likewise described with them.



ART. 66. Berichten van de Zendingen der Euangelifche Brædergemeente onder de Heidenen.-Accoun: of the Miffions of the Evangelical Brotherhood among the Heathen. No. 3-4; from p. 163 to p. 315. Zeift and Amfterdam.

The third part contains, 1. The Continuation of the Account of the Millions of the Brotherhood among the Heathen. 2. The Journey of Hans Wied from Paramaribo to Hoop in the year 1794. In the former of these articles, we are prefented with the hiftory of the endeavours of the Brotherhood to propagate the Gospel among the Laplanders and Samojedes; of the Miffions to Georgia, Surinam, and Berbice. The latter of these articles gives an account of the fitua tion of Hoop, and of the measures adop ed there for the purpose of the million. The author, accompanied by his wife, left Paramaribo on the ift of July, and returned thither on the 16th of September. In p. 229, he describes the preparation of the Indian beer from the caffabi root, which was first chewed by an old woman. Many other cuftoms of the Indians are likewife here noticed.

The fourth number comprizes, 1. The Life of Matthew Stach, the first Miffionary to Greenland, who died, 1787, in the 77th year of his age. 2 and 3. Obfervations on the State of the Million, from the middle of the year 1795 to 1797, and from the 1ft of July, 1797, to the 30th of June, 1798, at Paramaribo; among the Hottentots, at Bavianskloof; in Greenland, Labrador; in the West Indies, in Antigua, St. Kitt's, St. Thomas, Santa Cruz, and St. John; as alfo in North America.


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