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justified by the fact that they find an adequate substratum in in-
numerable objects. As regards them, it is true, an understanding has for
some time been arrived at. But the opposite of real, that is imaginary
number, formerly, and even now sometimes ,improperly termed impossi
ble--is still rather tolerated than naturalised, is rather regarded
a mere symbolic artifice, to which is utterly denied any objective sub-
stratum, though there is no wish to despise the precious contribution
yielded by this symbolizm to the treasure-house of real quantitative

The author has for many years been regarding this highly important
part of mathematics from a different point of accordance with
which a substratum can be supplied for imaginary, just as well as for #
negative quantity.

Positive and negative number can only then find an application,
when what is numbered has an opposite which, conceived as combined with
it, reduces it to nothing. Exactly taken, this assumption is only then
an actuality when a not substances objects conceivable per se, ut relat
etween pairs of objects
what is numbered. It is assumed that
these objects are arr nged in a
ĭ ow in some particular way, s A, B, C, D,
and that the relation of A

i on s

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to B can be regarded s equal to that of

* G

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B to C, &c.Here nothing more is required for the notion of opp sitin, that the transposition of the terms of the relation, so that, if the relation (or the passage) from A to B amounts to +1, the relation of B to A must be denoted by -1 Inasmuch as such a series is without limit in both direction directions, every real integer repres ntsng the relation of any member whatever of the row taken as starting point to some pai ticular member of the row.


But, if the objects are of such a nature that they cannot be arran ged in a single, even limitless, row, but only in rows of rows or, what is the same thing, they form a magnitude of two dimensions, if then the relation of one. one row to another or the from one to another, is the passage as that above of the transition from one member of a row to another of the same row, there is evidently requisite, in order to measure the transition from one e. ber of the system to another, besides the former units,+1 and 1, two others opposites,ti and i. it must evidently be postulated at the same time, that the unit i always denotes the passag Trom a given iven member ber of a r ow to a particular member of the i ediat ly next row. In this way, accordingly, the system can be arranged in rows of rows in a twofold Id manne

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Mathe The the atic an entirely abstracts the relations of bjects

from their constitution and contents; he has to do only with the eas-
urement and comparison of the relations with each other.hus, u t as
he assign similarity of nature to the relations denoted by +1 and
he is entitled to extend that characteristic to the four elements +1
1,, andį.


These relations can be presented to perception only by a repre
sentation in space, and the simplest case Is where no reason exist
for arranging the symbols of the objects otherwise than in a quadr
tic form, that is, in n an unlimited plane, divided into squares by two
systems of parallel lines intersecting at right angies, we select the
points of intersection as the symbol. Every such point A mas four
neighbors, and, if we de note the relation of A to a neighboring point,
by 1, then that denoted by -1 is determined of itself, while we
select for 2 whichever we ike of the other two, or can take the
point that refers to +1 either to the right or left. This distinction
between right and left isik self quite determined as soon as we
have settled the forward, the up and down in relation to the sides of
the plane, although we we can establish our perception of this diet!
t no
tion only by reference to material objects actually present, but, when
we have sectied this, we
that it none the les d-p nder оп our

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