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any degree inclined to avail ourselves of so invaluable a benefit. Help us, we beseech thee, to remember thee as our Creator, who, having in six days made this world, and man to inhabit it, didst pronounce the whole very gaod; and didst rest on the seventh day, with full satisfaction and ineffable delight, in this display of thine eternal power and Godhead: and didst command man to keep it holy; to contemplate thy glories, to celebrate thy praises, and to rejoice in thy goodness. -But alas, how soon did sin mar thy good work, and derange this happy plan! And how can transgressors rejoice in a holy God, whose wrath they have incurred, and from whom their hearts are alienated? Blessed be thy name, O Lord, for the revelation of thy mercy in Christ Jesus, "the "Lamb slain from the foundation of the world!" Now sinners may approach and rejoice in God. their Creator, as their reconciled Father and Friend! We would therefore adore the displays of thy glory in the works thou hast made, and in the course of thy bounteous providence. All thou doest is worthy to be had in honour; and our'obligations to thee as our Creator and Benefactor can never be sufficiently acknowledged. But when we contemplate the stupendous plan of redemption, and view the incarnate Son of God dying for our sins, and rising again for our justification; we feel that this is, to us sinners, the most interesting and endearing of all the discoveries thou

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hast made of thyself; as well as the fullest display of the harmonious glories of thy character, in the view of thy whole intelligent creation. Oh, enable us, we pray thee, by the teaching of thy Holy Spirit, so to meditate on these subjects, especially on this season of sacred rest; that our hearts. may be humbled in repentance, inspired with confidence, filled with admiring love and animating gratitude, and prepared for rendering thee our tribute of praise and thanksgiving. But, O Lord, the subject is too vast for us! Thy love passeth knowledge! We cannot worthily praise thy glorious perfections. Yet we beseech thee, in thy infinite condescension and fatherly compassion, to accept our feeble efforts, and to help us to love thee more, and praise thee better.

Grant, we beseech thee, that we may hallow this thy sacred day with reverence, devotion, and alacrity. Exclude from our thoughts and hearts all worldly cares; and let no circumstance arise, or person intrude, to interrupt us in its important and delightful duties. May all the hours, which can be spared from matters of real necessity, be spent in works of piety and charity; may a spiritual mind render them pleasant to us; and may our converse and social intercourse be seasoned with piety, and promote mutual edification. Vouchsafe us thy special blessing in studying thy word, reviewing our past lives, calling to mind thy mercies, examining the state of our souls, and


pouring out our hearts before thee.—May we count a day spent in thy courts better than a thousand; and be glad when it is said to us, let us go unto the house of the Lord. Leave us not to admit of any vain excuse, for not attending on thine ordinances: but grant that we may ever feel more disappointment when confined from thy worship, than when prevented from an expected interview with our dearest friends.We would go, with the desire of our souls, to meet thee according to thy promise: and we beseech thee, enable us by faith to realize thy glorious and gracious presence, and solemnize and encourage our hearts; Oh grant us the assistance of thy Holy Spirit in every part of the sacred service: raise us above that dulness and languor which so often oppress us; and preserve us from the intrusion of vain and wandering thoughts. May our confession of sin, our prayers and supplications, our praises and thanksgivings, be the language of our inmost soul, and an acceptable sacrifice through Christ our Lord.

Prepare our hearts, O merciful Father, as good ground to receive the good seed of divine truth: and may thy word, read and preached, be heard by us in humble teachableness, mixed with faith, and applied to our own cases and consciences. Oh deliver us from all our prejudices; remove every veil which closes our understandings, and every bias that warps our judgment. Instruct us where ignorant, rectify our mistakes, convince

us of our sins, confirm our faith, encourage our hopes, enliven our affections: and thus fit us for serving thee, with wisdom aud zeal, in the several stations in which we are placed. '[And when some of us shall meet at thy table, give us thy special help; that in deep repentance, lively faith, and fervent love, we may remember our dear Redeemer's sufferings and death, renew our acceptance of his salvation, render our tribute of grateful praise, and yield ourselves up to thy service, as "bought with a price to glorify thee with our "bodies and spirits, which are thine." Thus may we feed on Christ in our hearts by faith with thanksgiving;' and be strengthened for every future service and conflict, by this "Bread of life "which came down from heaven."]

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Bless, we beseech thee, O gracious Lord, those who shall assemble with us in thy courts; [and those who meet with us at thy table;] vouchsafe to thy believing people all those good things, which we have asked, or should ask for ourselves. Compassionate those, who have hitherto been formal worshippers, and strangers to thy saving grace. Awaken the careless, undeceive the deluded, guide the enquirer, comfort the broken-hearted, confirm the wavering, and excite to diligence such as have been lukewarm and slothful, Assist and prosper thy servants, who labour among us in the word and doctrine. Give them wisdom, zeal,

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On the days when the Lord's Supper is administered.

faithfulness, tenderness, and compassion. Help them rightly to divide the word of truth, and to speak such things as suit the various characters and cases of the congregation. Give them much comfort and success in their work; and grant them many seals to their ministry, who may be their joy here, and their crown of rejoicing in the day of the Lord Jesus. Remove every hindrance to their usefulness; and bring forth many from all around, whom thou wilt make partakers of thy saving grace, and instruments of diffusing the light of thy truth, and of handing it down to future generations, that the children who are yet unborn may praise the Lord. Vouchsafe the same blessings to all faithful pastors and their congregations; and grant that all who are called ministers of Christ may be illuminated with the knowledge of 'thy truth,' and both by their doctrine and example make it known, and recommend it to mankind.

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Send forth, O thou Lord of the harvest, more labourers thoroughly furnished for thy work. Enlighten the dark parts of the earth with thy saving grace. Remember, with special regard, such as are employed in distant regions and arduous circumstances, to make known thy gospel; comfort their hearts, prosper their and raise them up many helpers. church from scandals and heresies. sions among Christians to cease.

Purify thy
Cause divi-


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