The following Pastoral labor has been bestowed: Benevolent Collections during the quar ter, as follows: Missionary. Church Extension.... Tract.... Sunday-school... Other objects, namely. ... The following is to be used only at the fourth Quarterly Conference : Subscribers have been obtained for our peri odicals as follows: Advocate... Ladies' Repository....... Missionary Advocate. Respectfully submitted, .. -, Preacher in Charge. § 13. To report the names at each Lovefeast of those who have been received into the Church, or excluded therefrom, during the quarter; also the names of those who have been received or dismissed by certificate, and of those who have died or have withdrawn from the Church. § 14. To lay before the Quarterly Con ference, at each quarterly meeting, to be entered on its journal, a written statement of the number, state, and average attendance of the Sunday-schools in the Circuit or Station, and to report the same to the Annual Conference according to the form published by the Sunday-school Union of the Methodist Episcopal Church, together with the amount raised for the support of Missions, and for the publication of Tracts. § 15. To take an exact account of all the matters specified in T 77, and report them to the Annual Conference, that their number may be printed in the Minutes, and also to register the Marriages and Baptisms. § 16. To examine the accounts of all the Stewards. § 17. To appoint a person to receive the quarterly collection in the classes. § 18. To see that public collections be made quarterly, if need be. §19. To encourage the support of Missions, Church Extension, and Sunday-schools, and the publication and distribution of Bibles, tracts, and Sundayschool books, by forming societies and making collections for these objects in such way and manner as the Annual Conference to which he belongs shall from time to time direct. If the Annual Conference to which he belongs should not give any directions on the subject, to take up a collection in the course of the year, or raise a subscription, as he may judge expedient, the proceeds of which shall be at his disposal for the purchase and distribution of tracts. § 20. To take an annual collection in each of his appointments in behalf of the Sunday-school Union. § 21. To take a collection annually im each of his appointments in behalf of the Board of Church Extension. § 22. To defray the expenses of the Delegates composing the General Conference, a collection shall be taken up in each Circuit and Station some time pre vious to the sitting of the Conference, and the sums so collected shall be brought up by the delegation to the General Conference, and applied to the object herein contemplated, in proportion to the expenses of the several Delegates. 1176. It shall be the further duty of the Preacher in Charge : § 1. To make a regular catalogue of the Societies in towns and cities, as they live in the streets. § 2. To leave his successor a particuar account of the Circuit, including an account of the subscribers for our periodicals. § 3. To enforce vigorously, but calmly, the rules of the Society. § 4. To suffer no Love-feast to last above an hour and a half. §5. To warn all from time to time that none are to remove from one Circuit to another without a note of recommendation from the Preacher of the Circuit in these words: "A. B., the bearer, has been an acceptable member of the Methodist Episcopal Churck." And to inform them that, without such a certificate, they will not be received into the Church in other places. And also to notify of such certificate and removal the Pastors of those charges within the bounds of which persons having received such certificates shall have removed: provided, that, when a member wishes to remove his residence out of any particular charge, and there are, in the judgment of the Preacher in Charge, sufficient reasons for withholding a certificate, and the member is willing to be tried, he shall be held guilty of maladministration unless he proceed in the trial of such person. A Preacher max give a note of recommendation to any member who wishes to unite with any other evangelical denomination. § 6. To recommend every-where decency and cleanliness. §7. To read the Rules of the Society, with the aid of the other Preachers, once a year in every congregation, and once a quarter in every Society. § 8. The Preacher who has the charge of a Circuit shall appoint prayer-meetings wherever he can in his Circuit. § 9. Wherever it is practicable he shall so arrange the appointments as to give the Local Preachers regular and systematic employment on the Sabbath. §10. He shall take care that a fast be heid in every Society in his Circuit on the Friday preceding every quarterly meeting, and that a memorandum of it be written on all the class papers. § 11. To license such persons as he may deem proper to officiate as Exhorters in the Church, according to the provisions of the Discipline. 1177. In order to supply the Cir |