tained the approbation of, the Annual Conference. 187. A Local Preacher who has been licensed three consecutive years before his admission on trial in an Annual Conference shall be eligible to the office of Deacon after he has preached one year in the traveling connection, and has obtained a recommendation from the District or Quarterly Conference of which he is a member, and his character and qualifications have been examined and approved by the Annual Conference. 1188. A Local Deacon shall be eligible to the office of an Elder after he has preached four years from the time he was ordained a Deacon, and has obtained a recommendation from the District or Quarterly Conference of which he is a member, certifying his qualifications in doctrine, discipline, talents, and usefulness, signed by the President and countersigned by the Secretary. He shall, if he cannot attend, send to the Annual Conference such recommendation, and a note certifying his belief in the Doctrines and Discipline of our Church. The whole being examined by the Annual Conference, and approved, he may be ordained. Exhorters. 1189. An Exhorter shall be constituted by the recommendation of the class of which he is a member, or of the Leaders and Stewards' Meeting of the Circuit or Station, and a license signed by the Preacher in Charge. 190. The duties of Exhoners are to hold meetings for prayer and exhortation wherever opportunity is afforded, subject to the direction of the Preacher in Charge; to attend all the sessions of the District and Quarterly Conferences; to be subject to an annual examination of character in the District or Quarterly Conference, and a renewal of license annually by the Presiding Elder, or Preacher having the charge, if approved by the District or Quarterly Conference. PART II. - CHAPTER III. STEWARDS. Qualifications, Appointment, and Duties of Stewards. T191. Let the Stewards be men of solid piety, who both know and love the Methodist doctrine and discipline, and of good natural and acquired abilities to transact the temporal business. 1192. In the appointment of the Stewards, the Preacher having the charge of the Circuit shall have the right of nomination; but the Quarterly Conference shall confirm or reject such nomination. The Stewards so appointed shall hold office for one year, but may be reappointed in like manner from year to year. T193. The duties of Stewards are, to take an exact account of all the money or other provisions collected for the support of the Preachers in the Circuit or Station, and apply the same as the Discipline directs; to make an accurate return of every expenditure of money, whether to the Preachers, the sick, or the poor; to seek the needy and distressed in order to relieve and comfort them; to inform the Preachers of any sick or disorderly persons; to tell the Preachers what they think wrong in them; to attend the Quarterly Meetings of their Circuit, and the Leaders and Stewards' meetings; to give advice, if asked, in planning the Circuit; to attend committees for the application of money to Churches; to give counsel in matters of arbitration; to provide the elements for the Lord's Supper; to write circular letters to the Societies in the Circuit to be more liberal, if need be; as also to let them know, when occasion requires, the state of the temporal concerns at the last Quarterly Meeting. T194. The duties of District Stewards are, to attend the annual District Stewards' Meeting when called by the Presiding Elder, and perform the duties specified in T 348. T 195. Stewards are accountable for the faithful performance of their duty to the Quarterly Conference of the Circuit or Station, which shall have power to dismiss or change them at pleasure. T196. There shall be not less than three nor more than nine Stewards in each Circuit or Station, one of whom shall be appointed Recording Steward by the Quarterly Conference after each annual election. But when two or more Circuits or Stations are united, the Stewards shall hold office till the first Quarterly Conference shall elect a new Board. |