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bility of paying, let the case be disposed of according to T 203, §§ 1, 2, 3.

1207. When a Minister or Preacher holds and disseminates, publicly or privately, doctrines which are contrary to our Articles of Religion, let the same process be observed as in the case of gross immorality; but if the Minister or Preacher so offending do solemnly engage not to disseminate such erroneous doctrines, in public or in private, he shall be borne with till his case be laid before the next Annual Conference, which shall determine the matter.

1208. When a Traveling Minister is accused of being so unacceptable, inefficient, or secular, as to be no longer useful in his work, the Conference shall investigate the case, and if it appear that the complaint is well founded, and the accused will not voluntarily retire, the Conference may locate him without his


1209. When a Traveling Preacher in the interim of an Annual Conference refuses to attend to the work assigned him, let the Presiding Elder proceed as directed in T 203, §§ 1, 2, 3.

1210. A Preacher is answerable on a

complaint of maladministration to the Annual Conference of which he is a member.

1 211. But should the Conference having jurisdiction in any of the foregoing cases judge it expedient to try the accused by a select number, it may appoint not less than nine nor more than fifteen of its members for that purpose, the accused having the right to challenge for cause, who, in the presence of a Bishop, or a chairman whom the President of the Conference shall appoint, and one or more of the Secretaries of the Conference, shall have full power to consider and determine the case according to the Rules which govern Annual Conferences in such proceedings; and they shall make a faithful report of all their doings to the Secretary of the Conference in writing, and deliver up to him the bill of charges, the evidence taken, and the decision rendered, with all other documents brought into the trial. Or the Annual Conference may, when a case cannot be tried during the session for want of testimony, refer it to the Presiding Elder having charge of the Preacher complained of, who shall proceed as directed in T 203, §§ 1, 2, 3.

Proceedings against Preachers on Trial.

T212. A Preacher on Trial who may be accused of crime shall be accountable to the Quarterly Conference of the Circuit on which he travels. The Presiding Elder shall call a Committee of three Local Preachers, which may suspend him; and the Quarterly Conference may expel him; nevertheless, he shall have a right to an appeal to the next Annual Conference.

The Trial of Local Preachers.

1 213. When a Local Elder, Deacon, or Preacher is reported to be guilty of some crime expressly forbidden in the word of God, sufficient to exclude a person from the kingdom of grace and glory, the Preacher having charge shall call a Committee, consisting of three or more Local Preachers, before which it shall be the duty of the accused to appear, and by which he shall be acquitted, or, if found guilty, suspended until the next District or Quarterly Conference. And the Preacher in Charge shall cause exact minutes of the charges, testimony, and examination, together with the decision of the Committee, to be laid before the District or Quarterly Conference, where it shall be the duty of the accused to appear. If the accused refuse or neglect to appear before said Committee, he may be tried in his absence.

T 214. The President shall, at the commencement of the Trial, appoint a Secretary, who shall take down regular minutes of the evidence of the trial, which minutes, when read and approved, shall be signed by the President, and also by the members of the Conference who are present, or a majority of them.

1215. In case of improper tempers, words, or actions, the person so offending shall be reprehended by the Preacher having charge. Should a second transgression take place, one, two, or three friends are to be taken as witnesses. he be not then cured he shall be tried at the next District or Quarterly Conference, and, if found guilty and impenitent, he shall be expelled from the Church.


216. When a Local Elder, Deacon, or Preacher fails in business, or contracts debts which he is not able to pay, let the Preacher in Charge appoint three judi.

cious members of the Church to inspect the accounts, contracts, and circumstances of the supposed delinquent; and if, in their opinion, he has behaved dishonest ly, or contracted debts without the probability of paying, let the case be disposed of according to 1 213.

Trial of an Accused Member.


1217. An accused member shall be brought to trial before a Committee of not less than five, who shall not be members of the Quarterly Conference, (and, if the Preacher judge it necessary, he may select the Committee from any part of the District,) in the presence of the Preacher in charge, who shall preside in the trial, and cause exact minutes of the evidence and proceedings in the case to be taken. In the selection of the Committee, the parties may challenge for cause.

T 218. If the accused person be found guilty, by the decision of a majority of the Committee, and the crime be such as is expressly forbidden by the word of God, sufficient to exclude a person from

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