1265. It shall be the duty of each Presiding Elder to see that the provisions of this section are faithfully executed in his District, and in order thereto he shall inquire at each session of the Quarterly Conference what has been done by the Mission Committee toward raising funds for the support of Missions during the preceding quarter, and particularly whether the Sunday-schools have been organized into Missionary Societies. 1266. It shall be the duty of the Preacher in Charge, aided by the Committee on Missions, to provide for the diffusion of Missionary intelligence to the Church and Congregation. T 267. It shall be the duty of the Preacher in Charge, aided by the Committee on Missions, to institute a monthly missionary prayer meeting or lecture in each Society, or Church and Congregation, wherever practicable, for the purpose of imploring the Divine blessing on missions, for the diffusion of Missionary intelligence, and to afford an opportunity for voluntary offerings to the Missionary cause. 1 268. It shall be the duty of the Preacher in Charge, aided by the Committee on Missions, to appoint Missionary Collectors, and furnish them with suitable books and instructions, that they may call on each member of the Society, or Church and Congregation, and on other persons, at their discretion, for his or her annual, semi-annual, quarterly, monthly, or weekly contribution for the support of missions. Said Collectors shall make monthly returns (unless otherwise instructed by the Committee) to the Preacher in Charge, or to the Missionary Treasurer of the Church, if there be such Treasurer appointed by the Committee on Missions. Such returns shall be entered in a book, which the committee shall provide, together with collections and contributions received from other sourees. Such entries shall set forth the name of each Collector, the real or assumed names of the contributors, and the amount contributed by each. 1269. Each Preacher in Charge shall report at Conference to the Executive Committee, or the Board of Managers of the Conference Missionary Society, a plain transcript of the record of the returns provided for in T 268, comprehending the name of each Collector in his charge, and the name, real or assumed, of each contributor to each Collector, that they may be arranged by districts and by charges for publication in the annual report of the Conference Missionary Society, together with the contributions and collections received from other sources, unless the Conference shall by vote declare such transcript returns and such publications unadvisable. 1 270. It shall be the duty of the Preacher in Charge, with the aid of the Committee on Missions, to present once in the year to each congregation the cause of Missions, and to ask public collections and contributions for the support of the same. The manner of asking and taking such collections and contributions shall be at the discretion of the Pastor and the Committee on Missions, with this injunction, that the Pastor shall preach, or cause to be preached on the occasion, one or more sermons, and with the recommendation that one whole Sabbath day be given to the cause on this annual presentation of Missions in our principal Churches and Congregations. 1 271. The President of the Conference, at each session, shall appoint one of its members, with an alternate, to preaci a Missionary sermon during its next succeeding session, at such time and place as the officers of the Conference Missionary Society shall designate; and said officers shall cause timely notice of said sermon to be published abroad. 1272. When the character of the Presiding Elder is under examination, the Bishop shall ask him whether the provisions of the Discipline for the support of Missions have been carried out in his District; and when the character of a Preacher in Charge is examined, he shall inquire of him what amount has been raised on his charge for Missions. 273. Each Corresponding Secretary of the Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church shall be a member of such Annual Conference as he may, with the approbation of the Bishops, select. 1274. The Board of Managers of the Missionary Society shall have power to suspend a Corresponding Secretary, or Treasurer, or Manager, for cause to them sufficient, and a time shall be fixed by the Board, at as early a day as practicable, for the investigation of the official conduct of said Secretary, Treasurer, or Manager, due notice of which shall be given by them to the Bishops, who shall select one of their number to be present and preside at the investigation, which shall be before the twelve members of the General Missionary Committee elected from the Districts by the General Conference, two thirds of whom may remove said Secretary, Treasurer, or Manager from office in the interval of the General Conference. 1275. In case a vacancy exists in the office of Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, or Assistant Treasurer, by death, resignation, or otherwise, the Bishops shall have power to fill the vacancy; and until they do so, the Board of Managers shall have power to provide for the duties of the office. It shall be the duty of the General Missionary Committee to revise annually the lists of Managers, and in any case of inattention to the duties of the office, they may declare the said Manager's seat vacant. Board of Church Extension. T276. There shall be a Board of Church Extension, consisting of thirtytwo Ministers and thirty-two Laymen, to be chosen by the General Conference, and to be duly incorporated according to |