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1368. In all cases where debts for building houses of worship have been, or may be, incurred contrary to or in disregard of the above recommendation, our members and friends are requested to discountenance such a course by declining to give pecuniary aid to all agents who shall travel abroad beyond their own Circuits or Districts for the collection of funds for the discharge of such debts: except in such peculiar cases as may be approved by an Annual Conference, or such agents as may be appointed by their authority.

1369. In future we will admit no charter, deed, or conveyance for any house of worship to be used by us, unless it be provided in such charter, deed, or conveyance that the Trustees of said house shall at all times permit such Ministers and Preachers belonging to the Methodist Episcopal Church as shall from time to time be duly authorized by the General Conference of the Ministers of our Church, or by the Annual Conferences, to preach and expound God's holy word, and to execute the discipline of the Church, and to administer the sacraments therein, according to the true meaning and purport of our Deed of Settlement.

Trustees-Their Appointment, Duties, and Responsibilities.

1370. Each Board of Trustees of our Church property shall consist of not less than three nor more than nine persons, each of whom shall be not less than twenty-one years of age, two thirds of whom shall be members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

1 371. In all cases where the law of the State or Territory requires a specified mode of election, that mode shall be observed.

T 372. Where no such specific requirement is made, the Trustees shall be elected annually, by the fourth Quarterly Conference of the Circuit or Station, upon the nomination of the Preacher in Charge, or the Presiding Elder of the District. In case of failure to elect at the proper time a subsequent Quarterly Conference may elect; and all the Trustees shall hold their oflice until their successors are elected.

T 373. All the foregoing provisions shall apply both to the creation of new Boards and to the filling of vacancies, whether for houses of worship or dwellings for the Preachers.

1374. Provided, nevertheless, That if the said Trustees, or any of them, or their successors, have advanced, or shall advance, any sum or sums of money, or are or shall be responsible for any sum or sums of money on account of the said premises, and they, the said Trustees, or their successors, be obliged to pay the said sums of money, they, or a majority of them, shall be authorized to raise the said sum or sums of money by a mortgage on the said premises, or by selling the said premises, after notice given to the Pastor or Preacher who has the oversight of the congregation attending Divine service on the said premises, if the money due be not paid to the sad Trustees, or their successors, within one year after such notice given: and if such sale take place, the said Trustees, or their successors, after paying the debt and other expenses which are due from the money arising from such sale, shall pay the balance, if not needed and applied for the purchase or improvement of other property for the use of the Church, to the Annual Conference, within whose bounds such property is located; and in case of the re-organization of the said Society,

and the erection of a new church building within five years after such transfer of funds, then the said Annual Conference shall repay to said new corporation the moneys which it had received from the Church or Society as above mentioned.

1 375. No person who is a Trustee shall be ejected while he is in joint security for money, unless such relief be given him as is demanded, or the creditor will accept, provided he remain a member of our Church.

1376. Charters obtained for our Church property shall conform in the manner of creating and filling Boards of Trustees to the provisions of this chapter.

1377. The Board or Boards of Trustees in any Circuits or Stations shall hold all our Church property, using so much of the proceeds as may be needful to pay debts or to make repairs; and shall be amenable to the Quarterly Conference, to which they shall make an annual report, at the fourth Quarterly Conference, embracing the following items:-1. Number of Churches and Parsonages. 2. Their probable value. 3. Title by which held. 4. Income. 5. Expenditures. 6. Debts, and how contracted. 7. Insurance. 8. Amount raised during the year for building or improving Churches or Parsonages.

Form for Conveyance of Church Property.

1378. In all conveyances of ground for the erection of houses of worship, or upon which they may have been already erected, let the following clause be inserted at the proper place: "In trust that said premises shall be used, kept, maintained, and disposed of as a place of Divine worship for the use of the ministry and membership of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States of America; subject to the Discipline, usage, and ministerial appointments of said Church as from time to time authorized and declared by the General Conference of said Church, and the Annual Conference within whose bounds the said premises are situate."

1379. In all conveyances of ground for the erection of dwelling-houses for the use of the Preachers, or upon which they may have been already erected, let the following clause be inserted at the proper place: "In trust that said premises shall be held, kept, and maintained as a place

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