ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 1. Enumerate and describe the principal Jewish sects existing at the time of Christ. 2. Give some account of the early persecutions of the Christians. 3. Mention some circumstances in the state of the world which assisted the early progress of Christianity. 4. State the doctrines of the Gnostics, and show their evil influence upon the early Church. 5. State the chief causes which led to the separation of the Greek from the Latin Church, and the period when it took place. 6. Give an account of the religious state of the world immediately prior to the time of Luther. 7. Give an account of the Great Reformation - the causes that led to it, and the principal characters engaged in it. 8. Give an account of the Reformation in England; also of the Puritans. 9. Give an account of the origin and rise of Methodism in Great Britain, and the leading characters in the Wesleyan movement. 10. How did Methodism take its origin in this country? who were its principal founders? what were the principal characteristics of the movement? 11. What were the circumstances that led to the organization of the Methodist Episcopal Church? what were the time, place, and circumstances under which that organization was effected. 12. State the leading events in the history of the Methodist Episcopal Church since its organization. [Read-Thomson's Evidences of Revelation; M'Clintock's Methodology; Kidder's Christian Pastorate; Hervey's Christian Rhetoric; Conybearę and Howson's Life and Epistles of St. Paul.] BOOKS OF REFERENCE-Fleming's Vocabulary of Philosophy; Smith's smaller Classical Dictionary; M'Clintock and Strong's Cyclopædia; Haydn's Dictionary of Dates. For Local Preachers who are Candidates for Deacons' Orders. THE BIBLE-DOCTRINES. The Existence of God-The attributes of God, namely: Unity, spirituality, eternity, omnipotence, ubiquity, omniscience, immutability, wisdom, truth, Justice, mercy, love, goodness, holiness; the Trinity in Unity; the Deity of Christ; the humanity of Christ; the union of Deity and humanity; personality and Deity of the Holy Ghost; depravity; atonement; repentance; justification by faith; regeneration; adoption; the witness of the Spirit; growth in grace; Christian perfection; possibility of final apostasy; immortality of the soul; resurrection of the body; general judgment; rewards and punish ments. THE BIBLE-SACRAMENTS. The sacrament of baptism: its nature, design, obligation, subjects, and mode. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper: its nature, design, and obligation. [The examination on the above subjects is to be strictly biblical, requiring the candidates to give the statement of the doctrine and the Scripture proofs. To prepare for this, he should read the Bible by course, and make a memorandum of the texts upon each of theso topics as he proceeds.] SYSTEMATIC DIVINITY Watson's Institutes, Parts I and II Wesley's Plain Account of Christian Perfection; Fletcher's Appeal. Church Government: Methodist Discipline. Common English: English grammar, modern geography. [Read - Watson's Life of Wesley; Wesley's Sermons; Emory's Defense of our Fathers; Porter's Compendium of Methodism; Merrill on Baptism.] For Local Preachers who are Candidates for Elders' Orders. Review of the previous course. THE BIBLE-HISTORY. The leading events recorded in the Old and New Testaments. Systematic Divinity: Watson's Insti tutes, Parts III and IV. An Essay or Sermon. [Read-Stevens's History of Methodism; Ruter's Church History; Binney's Theological Compend.] [For Course of Study for Local Preachers generally, see pages 391, 392.] FOR GERMAN PREACHERS. For Admission on Trial. Fletcher's Appeal; the Doctrines and Discipline of the M. E. Church, Part I, 11 1-35; 11 46-53; Part II, 11 72-92; TT 99-148; the Life and Work of John Wesley, as published in German by the Western Book Concern, (Nast's Wesley und seine Mitarbeiter;) the Outlines of Universal History, (Die Weltgeschichte verlegt vom Calwer Verein ;) The Outlines of Church History, (Die Kirchengeschichte verlegt vom Calwer Verein;) Elementary Grammar of the German language; we would recommend "Meüwsen's deutsche Sprachlebre in Katechetischer Form." First Year. Wesley's Sermons, Vol. I, (Ger. ed.;) Sultzberger's Systematic Theology, Part I; Nast's Introduction to the New Testament, (Ger. ed.,) chap. i, and of chap. ii, $1-3; Stevens's History of the M. E. Church, Vol. I, (Ger. ed.;) Dr. Kurtz's Sacred History, (Die Hlge. Gchte., imported from Germany ;) Wurst's German Grammar, § 1-8, § 43-80, published by |