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6. Irregularity iu the Reception of a Member is not a Bar to Trial.

May a person who has not been formally received into full connection in the Church, but has for a term of years enjoyed all the privileges of a member, and is supposed by the Preacher in Charge and Society to be a member, plead the fact of his non-reception as a bar to proceedings in case of alleged immorality ? Answer. No.-Journal, 1860, p. 298.

7. The Right of Appeal may be Forfeited.

When an expelled member has, by neglect or otherwise, forfeited his right to appeal, may a subsequent Quarterly Conference, if it desire to do so, grant him the privilege of an appeal?

Answer. No.-Journal, 1860, p. 298.

8. Church Records.

Resolved, That a uniform and thorough mode of keeping Church Records is of great importance, and that we advise careful attention thereto on the part of all our Preachers; and we especially com mend to the attention of our people and Preachers the new Church Record published by our Book Agents as admirably adapted to promote this desirable end.Journal, 1864, p. 155.

9. Post-Office Address of Local Preachers.

Resolved, That we recommend to the Annual Conferences that they publish in their Conference Minutes annually the names and post-office addresses of all the Local Preachers within their bounds, designating whether the Preacher be an Elder, Deacon, or only licensed. Also, that when practicable they publish in the Minutes brief obituary notices of our Local Preachers. -Journal, 1864, p. 256.

10. Form of Black for Educational Statistics.

1. Name of institution; * 2. Grade; 3. Location; 4. Name and title of president or principal; 5. When founded; 6. Number of instructors. 7. Whole number of students:- (a.) Collegiate, (b.) Preparatory, (c.) Academic; 8. Number of graduates; 9. Number of graduates in the ministry; 10. Honorary degrees conferred:--(a.) A.M., (b.) D.D., (c.) LL.D.; 11. Value of grounds, build

* If the institution is open for both sexes, affix a star after the name.

ings, and furniture; 12. Endowment; 13. Volumes in libraries; 14. Value of apparatus; 15. Number of specimens in cabinet; 16. Income from tuition; 17. Income from other sources; 18. Indebtedness; 19. Patronizing Conferences; 20. Time of Commencement, or anni versary exercises.

Resolved, That the Secretaries of the Annual Conferences shall send to the Book Agents at New York a copy of the reports furnished by the Presiding Eld ers.-Journal, 1864, p. 259.

11. Week of Prayer.

Resolved, That we regard the annual observance of the Week of Prayer in concert with the Christian people of other denominations as highly salutary, and an appropriate recognition of the unity of the Church, and a suitable expression of faith in the efficacy of prayer, and well calculated to promote the spirituality, the activity, and prosperity of the Church of Christ.-Journal, 1872, p. 230.

12. Who are "Laymen."

Resolved, That in all matters connected with the election of Lay Delegates, the word "Laymen" must be understood to include all the members of the Church who are not members of the Annual Conferences.-Journal, 1872, p. 442.

13 Day of Prayer for Colleges. The General Conference ordered this service to be observed hereafter on the last Thursday in January. --Journal, 1872, p. 442.

14. Expenses of General Conference. Resolved, That the Agents of the Book Concern at New York and Cincinnati be a Committee to estimate, as near as may be, the sum necessary to defray the ex penses of the next General Conference, and the expenses of delegates appointed by this General Conference to correspond ing bodies, and to report the same to the Board of Bishops by the time of their meeting in the fall of 1878.

Resolved, That the Bishops be authorized to apportion the said amount among the several Conferences, according to their best judgment of their ability to meet the same, and notify the said Conferences of the sum apportioned to them, at their sessions in 1879.

Resolved, That it shall be the duty of the said Conferences to make arrangements for raising the amount so apportioned, and any Conference failing to do so shall forfeit all claim for the expenses of its delegation. Jour., 1876, May 12.

15. On Vacancies in General Conference Committees.

Resolved, That when a Minister or Layman shall be elected a member of any General Committee, to wit: The Book Committee, the General Missionary Committee, the Church Extension Committee, or the Freedmen's Aid Committee, he shall reside within the General Conference District that he represents at the time of his appointment. And if for any cause he shall remove beyond the limits of such District, or shall cease to be a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, his office shall become vacant; and the Bishop having charge of the Conference in which the member may have resided, shall appoint his successor from the same Conference to which the retiring memben belonged, or within the bounds of which he resided.-Jour., 1876, May 17.

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