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16. Mixed Conferences

Resolved, 1. That where it is the general desire of the members of an Annual Conference that there should be no division of such Conference into two or more Conferences, embracing in whole or in part the same territory-and where it is not clearly to be seen that such division would favor or improve the state of the work in any Conference-and where the interests and usefulness of even a minority of the members of such Conference, and of the members of the Churches of such Conference, might be damaged or imperiled by division-it is the opinion of this General Conference that such division should not be made.

Resolved, 2. That whenever it shall be requested by a majority of the white members and also a majority of the colored members of any Annual Conference, that such Conference should be divided into two or more Conferences, it is the opinion of this General Conference that such division should then be made; and in that case the Bishop presiding shall be, and is hereby, authorized to organize a new Conference or Conferences. --Journal, 1876, May 29.

17. Use of Tobacco.

Resolved, 1. That we advise all our ministers and members to abstain from the use of tobacco as injurious to both soul and body.

Resolved, 2. That we recommend to the Annual Conferences to require candidates for admission to be free from the habit, as hurtful to their acceptability and usefulness among our people.-Journal, 1876, May 29.

18. Temperance.

Resolved, 1. That we are unalterably opposed to the importation, manufacture, and sale of all kinds of distilled, fermented, and vinous liquors, designed to be used as a beverage; and that it is the duty of every member of the Christian Church to discountenance and oppose the evil at all times by voice and vote.

Resolved, 2. That we earnestly protest against the members of our Church giving countenance to the liquor traffic by voting to grant license, or signing the petitions of those who desire license to sell either distilled, or fermented, or vinous liquors, or by becoming bondsmen for persons asking such license, or by renting property to be used as the place in

or on which to manufacture or sell such intoxicating liquors.

Resolved, 3. That we are fully convinced of the wisdom and absolute need of total legal prohibition.

Resolved, 4. That we recommend the organization of Juvenile Temperance Societies in all our charges and Sundayschools.

Resolved, 5. That we recognize the ne cessity of healthy temperance literature, and therefore recommend the publica-tions of the National Temperance Association of New York to the patronage of our people and Sunday-schools.

Resolved, 6. That we recommend the use of none but pure unfermented juice of the grape on our sacramental occasions.

Resolved, 7. That we gratefully recognize and heartily commend the ministry of the gifted and godly women of the Churches in the work of temperance, and in their holy crusade against the liquor traffic.-Journal, 1876, May 29.

19. Form of a Constitution for a Sunday-School.

ART. I. This School shall be called the Sunday-school of --, auxiliary to the Sunday-School Union of the Meth

odist Episcopal Church, and connected with the Quarterly Meeting Conference of-. It shall consist of the Preacher in Charge, the Sunday-school Committee appointed by the Quarterly Conference, the officers, the teachers, and the pupils.

ART. II. The object of this School shall be the promotion of Christian character through the devout and diligent study of the word of God.

ART. III. This School shall be under the supervision of a Sunday-school Board, consisting of the Preacher in Charge, the Sunday-school Committee appointed by the Quarterly Conference, the Superintendent, the Assistant Superintendents, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Librarian, and the teachers of the school.

ART. IV. The Superintendent shall be nominated and elected by the Sunday-school Board, and approved by the Quarterly Conference at its next session after such election. The other officers of the School shall be elected by the Board annually, by ballot, on —. The teachers of the School shall be nominated by the Superintendent, with the concurrence of the Pastor, and elected by the Board one month subsequently.

ART. V. Regular meetings of this Board shall be held on

of each

month, for the transaction of such business as relates to the interests of the School, at which the following order shall be observed: 1. Singing and prayer; 2. Calling roll; 3. Reading minutes; 4. Unfinished business; 5. Reports from Committees; 6. Report from Superintendent; 7. Report from Treasurer; 8. Reports from Librarian concerning the state of the Library, and the number and kind of periodicals taken by the school; 9. Reports from the Pastor and Sunday-school Committee; 10. Reports from the teachers; 11. Miscellaneous.

ART. VI. At all meetings for busishall constitute a quorum.


ART. VII. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the Pastor, the Superintendent, or by any three of the


ART. VIII. In case of the withdrawal of officers or teachers from the school they cease to be members of this Board; and the place of any officer or teacher habitually neglecting his or her duty, or being guilty of improper conduct, may be declared vacant by a vote of two thirds of

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