members of District and Quarterly Com. ferences, 85, 93. license of, 176 § 11; 189. renewal of license, 89 § 4; 96 § 2; may be employed in the absence of Preachers, 177 § 2. Failure in business, of a Traveling Preacher, 206. of a Local Preacher, 216. of a member, 227. Faith, the condition of justification, 11. Faith in the Holy Trinity, article on, 3. Family Prayer enjoined, 34, 119 § 1. Fast, quarterly, the, 176 § 10. Fasting Fighting enjoined, 34, 119 § 4; 149, 176 § 10. forbidden, 32. Frauds prohibited, 178, 226. Freedmen's Aid Society, collections to be taken for, 302 § 1; 304. Free-Will, article on, 10. Frugality enjoined, 33. Full Connection, members, how received into, 46, 47, 483. Preachers, how received into, 149-151. Fund, Episcopal, the, 347. for distressed Preachers, 361. Permanent, the, 340, 342. General Conference, of whom composed, 62. number of Ministerial Delegates, 62. how chosen, 62. number of Lay Delegates, 63. by whom chosen, 64. time and place of meeting of, 66. restrictions of the powers of, 70 §§ 1-6. restrictive rules, by whom altered, 71. General Rules, requirements of, 29-35. taught in God's word, 35. General Conference may not change or revoke, 70 § 4. Ghost, Holy, article on, 6. Goods of Christian men not owned in common, 26. Good Works, article on, 12. enjoined, 33. Government of the United States, 25. Governments, article on, 25. duty of Christians to obey, 25. Grace, means of, 34, 118-122. neglect of the means of, 220. Heretical Doctrines, dissemination of, forbidden, 207. Holiness, deficiency of, among Preachers, 142. Holy Ghost, article on the, 6. call by, to the ministry, 99, 100. Holy Scriptures, articles on the, 7, 8. Holy Trinity, article on the, 3. Improper tempers, words, or actions, in Traveling Preachers, 205. in Local Preachers, 215. in members, 221. Infant baptism to be retained in the Church, 19. form of, 481. Insolvencies, of Traveling Preachers, 206. of Local Preachers, 216. of members, 178, 226, 227. Intoxicating liquors, buying, selling, or using, forbidden, 32. Judicial Conferences, how composed for trial of a Bishop, 198. powers of the, 198. appeal to a, 233. decisions of law questions in, to be re- viewed by General Conference, 240. modes of procedure in, 235-239. officers of a, 237, quorum of, 236. secretary of a, to transmit records of, 238. Justification, article on. 11. sin after, 14. Lay Delegates to General Conference, how chosen, 64. number of, 63. may vote separately in certain cases, 68. Law, moral, Law, its obligations, 8. questions of, to be decided by Bishops, questions of, to be decided by Presiding Elders, 163 § 6. application of, left to Conferences, 157 Leaders and Stewards' Meeting, business of, 175 § 8. Local Preachers, members of District and Quarterly Con- ferences, 85, 93. to be examined for license, 89 § 4; 96 § 2; 181. how licensed, 89 § 4; 96 § 2; 181. to be recommended for orders, 89 § 4; t to be employed, 89 § 2; 176 § 9; 184. removal of, 183. Church relations of, when having Pastoral charge, 185. to be paid when supplying Circuits, 177 § 2; 353. directions concerning, 181-185. relief of distressed, 354. form of ordination of, 488, 489. Located Preachers, where amenable, 182. Location of Preachers against their consent, 180, 208. Lord's Prayer, use of, in public worship, 54 §§ 4, 5, Lord's Supper, articles on, 20, 21. unfermented wine recommended, 484. duty of partaking of, 34, 119 § 3; 149. to whom administered, 40. ritual to be used in administering, 54 § 4. form for administering, 484. Love-feasts to be held, 175 § 5. tickets for, to be renewed quarterly, 175 § 2. Magistrates, speaking evil of, forbidden, 32. Marriage of ministers, article on, 23. directions concerning, 41-44, 104, |