Imágenes de páginas

7. What amounts have been apportioned to this Charge this year for

Benevolent Purposes ?

(1.) For Missions ?

(2.) For Church Extension ?

(3.) For Freedmen's Aid Society?

(4.) For Education ?
(5.) For Tract Society?

(6.) For Sunday-School Union ?
(7.) Miscellaneous?

8. Are the Sunday-Schools organized into Missionary Societies?

9. Is any change desired in the Board of Stewards?

10. Are there any recommendations for license to preach ?

11. Have the General Rules been read this Quarter?

12. Have the Rules respecting the instruction of children been observed ?

13. Are the Church Records properly kept ?

14. Where and when shall the next Quarterly Conference be held ? 15. Is there any other business?


1. Who are approved as Trustees? who as Sunday-school Superintendents?

2. Are there any Complaints?

3. Are there any Appeals?

4. Are there any Reports

(1.) From the Pastor?
(2.) From the Class Leaders?
(3.) From Committees ?

5. What amounts have been received for the support of the Ministry this Quarter, and how have they been applied ? Received

(1.) For the Preachers and Presiding Elder;

(2.) For the Bishops;

(3.) For Rent;

(4.) For Traveling and Moving Ex



(1.) To the Pastor;

(2.) To the Assistant;

(3.) To the Presiding Elder;

(4.) To the Bishops;

(5.) On Rent;

(6.) On Traveling and Moving Expenses.

6. Are the Sunday-schools organized into Missionary Societies?

7. Is any change desired in the Boardi of Stewards?

8 Are there any recommendations for license to preach ?

9. Have the General Rules been read this Quarter?

10. Have the Rules respecting the instruction of children been observed ?

11. Are the Church Records properly kept?

12. Where and when shall the next Quarterly Conference be held ?

13. Is there any other business?



1. Who are approved as Trustees? who as Sunday-school Superintendents? 2. What Committees shall be appointed? 3. Are there any Complaints ?

4. Are there any Appeals?

5. Are there any Reports?

(1.) From the Pastor?

(2.) From the Class Leaders ?

(3.) From Trustees ?

(4.) From Committees ?

6. What amounts have been received for the support of the Ministry this Quarter, and how have they been applied ?


(1.) For the Preachers and Presid

ing Elder;

(2.) For the Bishops;

(3.) For Conference Claimants;

(4.) For Rent;

(5.) For Traveling and Moving



(1.) To the Pastor;

(2.) To the Assistant;

(3.) To the Presiding Elder;

(4.) To the Bishops;

(5.) To Conference Claimants;

(6.) On Rent;

(7.) On Traveling and Moving Ex


7. What amounts have been raised for

Benevolent Purposes this year? (1.) For Missions ?

a. From Churches and Con

gregations ?

b. From Sunday-Schools?

(2.) For Woman's Foreign Missionary Society?

(3.) For Church Extension ?
(4.) For Freedmen's Aid Society?

(5.) For Education?
(6.) For Tract Society?

(7.) For Sunday-School Union ?

(8.) Miscellaneous ?

8. Are the Sunday-schools organized into Missionary Societies?

9. Who shall be the Stewards for the ensuing Conference year?

10. Who shall be the Recording Steward?

11. Who shall be the District Steward?

12. Who are the Trustees of Church and Parsonage property?

13. Are there any recommendations for license to preach?

14. Are there any recommendations of Local Preachers for orders?

15. Are there any recommendations for admission into the Traveling Connection?

16. Are there any recommendations for the recognition of orders?

17. Has the character of the Local Preachers and Exhorters been examined, and have their licenses been renewed ?

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