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cannot do: nevertheless he is Almighty, although he cannot do the things here enumerated. Therefore I believe in God, the Father Almighty. Behold, however, you have called God, Father. Come and reverence him as a Father, keep his precepts, fulfil his will, if you would receive his inheritance. What son despising his father can merit his inheritance? Therefore if you desire to deserve those things which he promises, live for his sake, abide in his precepts, do what he orders to be done, avoid what he prohibits. Behold, those only who act thus, say with freedom, I believe in God, the Father Almighty.

The creed continues, saying, And in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord. Why is this the only Son? Because there is no other Son but he. Why is he the first begotten? Because none was so begotten. We confess this only Son of God to be begotten and born of the substance of the Father, and we say that he had his origin from the Father, coequal in deity with the Father, God of God; yet notwithstanding, there are not two Gods but one God-in potency, in essence, in substance--one power, one essence, one virtue, one majesty. Believe this, lest the evil communications of

quamvis superius comprehensa non potest. Ergo credo in Deum Pa trem omnipotentem. Ecce patrem Deum vocatis. Ad honorem patris venite, mores patris custodite, ejus voluntatem implete, si vultis haereditatem ejus accipere. Quis est filius contemnens patrem, qui mereatur ejus accipere haereditatem? Ergo si desideratis ea quae promittit, mereri, vivite pro voto ejus, in praeceptis ejus permanete: quae jubet fieri, facite et quae prohibet ne fiant, facere nolite. Ecce isti qui hoc faci unt, libere dicunt, Credo in Deum Patrem omnipotentem.

Sequitur, dicens: Et in unicum Filium ejus Dominum nostrum Jesum Christum. Iste quare unicus? Quia in seculo nemo sic natus est. Istum unicum Dei Filium de substantia Patris natum et genitum confi. temur, et initium de Patre habere dicimus. Patri coaequalis in deitate, Dei et Deus: sed tamen non duo Dii, sed unus Deus. In potestate una potestas, in esse una essentia, in substantia una virtus, una majestas,

heretics corrupt your good principles. For they say that the Father is the greater and the Son the less. This the Catholic Church doth anathematize. So too they say that the Holy Spirit is a creature. She detests this doctrine in like manner. But he was born of the Holy Ghost from the Virgin Mary. That Holy Spirit came to Mary, entered into her, the Word was made flesh, the womb of the virgin grew, she was a virgin, and being pregnant she increased, and did not depart from her virginity. He therefore being born, grew, came to his suffering, and was crucified under Pontius Pilate. O brethren! may no one ever be found backward in this proclamation. Who can repay him for such a change? He was crucified, the harmless for the evil, the innocent for the guilty, he who possessed all things consented to want all things that he might obtain profit to his Father. This Pontius Pilate held the office of governor, and commanded him to be crucified. He was buried after his death, that he might give life to us. In dying he slew death, the lion of the tribe of Judah overcame the roaring lion, he suffered for sinners, lest the whole world should die in sin. Wounded by blows, scourged, drinking vinegar and gall,

Hoc credite, ne haereticorum colloquia mala corrumpant mores vestros bonos, Dicunt enim Patrem majorem, Filium minorem. Hoc anathematizat ecclesia Catholica: aeque dicunt Spiritum sanctum creaturam. Etiam haec abominatur talem doctrinam. Ego iste natus est de Spiri tu sancto ex Virgine Maria. Iste Spiritus venit ad Mariam, ingressus in eam, verbum caro factum est. Crevit alvus virginis, virgo erat, et praegnans crevit, et virginitatem non amisit. Iste ergo natus crevit, ad passionem pervenit, Crucifixus est sub Pontio Pilato. Eja fratres, in hac praedicatione nullus piger inveniatur. Quis ei rependat vicissitudinem? Crucifixus est innocens nocentibus: non reus pro reis, non indigens indiguit lucra acquirere Patri. Iste Pontius Pilatus praesidatum gerebat, jussit eum crucifigi. Sepultus est postquam mortuus, ut nobis vitam donaret. Moriendo mortem occidit, leo de tribu Juda rugientem leonem superavit : pro peccatoribus pati voluit, ne in peccatis mundus totus mo,

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in all these cruelties showing patience, he was not angry, but on the contrary, displaying his clemency, he cried to his Father saying, Forgive them, because they know not what they do. You see what an example of patience he has left us. And you most dear brethren who sigh for the attainment of Grace,—who cry out: Our souls are like land without water before thee, O speedily hear us,-imitate your head Christ, who when he was reviled, reviled not again, when he suffered he threatened not, but delivered himself to him who judged him unrighteously. Therefore he was crucified, and buried, and the third day he rose again from the dead. Behold what power. And in the manifestation of his power his enemies were found liars unto him when they said, His disciples came while we slept and stole him away. That which was predicted was herein fulfilled, In the multitude of thy power thy enemies were found liars unto thee.

He sitteth at the right hand of the Father. When you hear that he sitteth, do not understand a human position. This is a figure of speech. To sit means to remain. For we say He sat three years in a certain city, that is, he remained there. Therefore he remains at the right hand of the Father.

rerent alapis caesus, flagellatus, aceto et felle potatus: in iis omnibus ostendens patientiam, non est iratus, sed e contrario mansuetudinem demonstrans clamavit Patri, dicens: Ignosce illis, quia nesciunt quid faciunt. Videtis quale exemplum nobis patientiae dimisit. Et vos fratres charissimi qui suspiratis ad gratiam pervenire, qui clamatis: Anima nostra velut terra sine aqua tibi, cito exaudi nos, imitamini caput vestrum Christum, qui cum malediceretur, non maledicebat: cum injuriam pateretur, non comminabatur: tradebat autem judicanti se injuste. Ergo iste crucifixus, sepultus, tertia die à mortuis resurrexit. Ecce quantam potentiam. Et in ista potentia ejus, mentiti sunt el inimici ejus, ut dicerent, Nobis dormientibus venerunt discipuli et furati sunt eum. Impletum est quod dictum est: In multitudine potentiae tuae mentientur tibi inimici tui.

Sedet ad dexteram Patris. Cum auditis, sedet, nolite credere sessi. onem humanum. Genus est locutionis. Sedere dicitur permanere. Nam


In like manner when hear that he is at the right hand of the Father, do not think that God is corporeal, or composed of human members, but know that God speaks thus in order that we may understand him, not because he is so. For if he has a bodily right hand, he has also a left hand, and if he has a hand, there must be many things which he does not touch, if he has eyes, there must be much that he does not see. If he has ears, he does not hear afar off. Therefore do not believe this. When you hear, He sitteth at the right hand of the Father, understand that his right hand is his power, and that his arm is his immensity. For our God is a Spirit, and every where at once, he is all in heaven, all in earth, all in the hearts of those who are holy, modest, simple, sober, and pure. Therefore he sitteth at the right hand of the Father, from whence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. This bears a double meaning. The quick, we may understand to be those who shall be in the body at his coming; the dead, those who shall have departed from this world. And in another sense we confess that the quick are the holy, the dead, sinners.

dicimus, Ille sedit tres annos in illa civitate, id est, mansit. Ergo manet ad dexteram Patris. Aeque cum auditis, Patris ad dexteram, nolite putare Deum corporeum esse, aut membris humanis compositum: sed scitote quia Deus ita de se voluit dici, quod possimus intelligere, non quod ipse est. Nam si dexteram habet corpoream, habet et sinistram : et si habet manum, est ubi non tangit: si oculos habet, est ubi non videt: si aures habet, in longinquo non audit. Ergo hoc nolite credere. Cum auditis, sedit ad dexteram Patris; Dextera ejus, potentia ejus : brachium ejus, magnitudo ejus. Nam Deus noster Spiritus est, ubique totus, totus in cœlo, totus in terra, totus in cordibus sanctis, pudicis, simplicibus, sobriis, immaculatis. Ergo sedet ad dexteram Patris, inde venturus est judicare vivos et mortuos. Hic geminum intellectum parit. Vivi agnoscuntur, qui in corpore erunt in adventum ejus mortui, qui ex hac luce migraverunt. Aeque alio intellectu vivos agnoscimus, sanctos: mortuos, peccatores.


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'I believe in the Holy Ghost. The Spirit of God is every where, he breathes on whomsoever he will. It is he who said, Separate me Paul and Barnabas for the work to which I have called them. This is the Spirit proceeding from the Father and the Son, who divides his gifts severally to every one as he will. Therefore this Holy Spirit consecrates, sanctifies, blesses, raises, governs, protects, consoles, and leads to the Holy Church. For the Church is like a ship at sea, carrying for its crew, the company of believers in one bond of love, in one harmony, with the same sanctity for the oars, with charity for the rigging, prayer for the sails, the cross for the mast, penitence for the pitch, continence for the oakum, peace for the planks, and faith for the anchor. Therefore this Church, singing in one melody, arrives at the port of eternity, at the city of peace. It is she that dismisses sins, removes every weight, and leads our softened hearts to the promised prize of our high calling. She promises the resurrection of the body, she promises life eternal; because this mortal shall put on immortality, and this corruptible shall put on incorruption. Believe the resurrection of the body. Believe that we shall

Credo in Spiritum Sanctum. Iste Spiritus ubique totus est, ubi vult spirat. Ipse est qui dixit: Separate mihi Paulum et Barnabam in opus ad quod assumpsi eos. Iste est Spiritus procedens de Patre et Filio, qui dividit propria dona singulis prout vult. Ergo iste Spiritus consecrat, sanctificat, benedicit, honorificat, gubernat, protegit, consolatur, perducit ad sanctam ecclesiam. Quare ut navis est in mari posita haec ecclesia, portat epibatas, portat credentes in una charitate, in una modulatione, in uno remigio sanctitatis, in funibus charitatis, in velo orationis, in arbore crucis, in pice poenitentiae, in stuppa castitatis, in tabulis pacis, in anchora fidei. Ista ergo ecclesia in una modulatione cantans pervenit ad portum aeternitatis, ad civitatem pacis. Ipsa est quae dimittit peccata, 'exonerat omnia pondera, eliquata corda perducit ad palmam promissam supernae vocationis. Promittit carnis resurrectionem, promittit vitam aeternam Quia mortale hoc induet immortalitatem, et corruptibile hoc

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